Official Spider-Man Teaser Trailer Online



I notice the darker tone of this movie and, with the previously released images of a badly bruised Parker, I get the feeling that this will be a much grimmer look at the ‘ol webhead.

I like the inclusion of Peter’s parents and the implication of their, surprisingly adventurous, story as they leave a young Peter in the care of his aunt and uncle.


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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

27关于“Official Spider-Man Teaser Trailer Online透明

    1. And you don’t have to. No one is going to make you go see this.



      1. 不,这是倒退的一步。这并不像是上次蜘蛛侠系列已经20年了。我们只是看着它。高中生被放射性蜘蛛咬伤,没有其他
        you can do with that. I’d rather them just get on with it, and spend the screen time telling another story. I’ll see it, but I’ll surprised if I don’t find it tiresome.

  1. Spiderman is a great character. Unfortunately his villains are all lame.


    Actually, come to think of it… Marvel doesn’t really have many good villians at all. Whereas DC has really cool villains. Unfortunately, DC has lame heroes (aside from Batman).

    What we really need is for DC and Marvel to get together, let Marvel right all the heroes, and DC write all the villains. Solved!

  2. Ummmmm….I think there’s “other” versions of Spidey out there in print if anyone cares to take notice…..Films shouldn’t be any exception..

    Shit! Spidey 2099 is probally around the corner my friends….

  3. 我个人的看法是,我认为这部电影不应被归类为重启,而是因为这部电影与2002年的Sam Raimi电影之间的所有盲目明显相似之处而被归类为翻拍。我记得早期的采访证实,他们不会再详细介绍起源故事,相反,它将在几分钟之内放牧,这与他们如何处理2008年重新启动中的绿巨人起源故事非常相似。我不喜欢这部电影的黑色色调,我个人认为他们错过了彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)的角色。彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)本来应该是一个书呆子,并不受人喜爱,但对生活有着半途而废的看法。在预告片中,他被证明是如此黑暗,我实际上希望他在割伤手腕的同时开始爬上Linkin Park爬行。(And people complained about emo-Spidey in Spider-Man 3.) I don’t like the dark and brooding aspects of Marc Webb’s interpretation of the Peter Parker character (this is Spider-Man, not Batman) and this makes no sense to me, because Marc Webb directed (500) Days of Summer, which was overall bright and happy in tone compared to this movie. He should be capable of giving us the Peter Parker from the comics, not a teenage Bruce Wayne.

    1. You are just splitting hairs. It only resembles Raimi’s Spider-Man because that film series resembled the COMIC BOOK.

      Both of these franchises are adapting the same source material. They are not remaking Raimi’s Spider-Man, they are adapting the comic books – AGAIN.


      1. No, I have to disagree with you there, Rodney. I classify this as a remake because this movie is basically just going to be the same as Spider-Man 1 all over again, except we have Lizard instead of Green Goblin, Gwen Stacey instead of Mary-Jane Watson, and web shooters instead of organic webbing. Yippee. From the trailer, it basically looks like it is an 80% remake of the first film, and not a reboot. I refuse to call this film a reboot because of my personal observations.


      2. This movie is not basically the same as Raimi’s Spider-Man… except for the parts that are just like the comic book.

        It looks more like they are trying to be anything BUT what Raimi did with Spider-Man.

        Everytime you say “except” and illustrate a difference that you saw in a very brief TEASER trailer, you just further prove that point.

        No Norman Oswald, no Goblin, No MJ, no organic webslingers, nothing at all that Raimi’s Spider-Man had.

        Completely different tone, different look, different story. The only thing that is the same as Raimi’s Spider-Man is that Parker gets bit by a radioactive spider and gains Spidey Powers.

        Sounds to me like the only common ground here are the things in the comicbook therefore proving that this is another adaptation of the source material, and not at all an attempt to Remake Raimi’s Spider-Man.

        You can “agree to disagree”, but it sounds more like you agree that this is another adaptation of the source material. They are not at all copying Raimi’s Spider-Man even by your own “personal observations”

  4. I’ll reserve judgment on this movie until I have seen it entirely. But its looks grim and dark. The Spidey costume that I have seen so far isn’t up to par with Tobey Maguire’s. Personally, I like the Raimi version more.

  5. 我不知道你们在谈论什么。拖车中的第一人称场景对我来说很清晰,流畅和有趣。它真的需要被周到或改进吗???

    Is that so bad, especially with everyone saying how great some game visuals are these days!!! As far as I’m concerned all CGI looks unreal to an extent. Without practical effects you simply can’t get the feel of reality (whether it be with character or environmental interaction).

    Even when watching Avatar a small part of me still knew I was watching human actors playing to blue animated alien characters. CGI is there to create visuals that are otherwise impossible to recreate in our practical, physics based world. However I and most of the movie going audience (I hope) should be able to look past that and simply enjoy the film.

    That’s why we have imaginations and the ability to suspend disbelief. With these even the worst visual effects can become acceptable. No movie should ever be called “Dated” as long as you have the ability to open your mind while watching it!!!!!

    The trailer looks great in my opinion!

    Now…..excuse me while I step down from my soapbox once again!!!

    1. The fact is that, in a live action movie, the very second you realize something is not real you are taken out of the movie.


      We are far enough along with CG that anytime it looks fake, you’ve failed. Either don’t use it at all or make it perfect.

      1. “Taken out of the movie”!! Tell that to the millions of movie fans out there that spend their cash on Blu-ray versions of classic movies. Shaking sets, hand puppet monsters and filmed in black and white!! Does that take them out of the movie or ruin the experience??

        Simply put there are people that are able to fully immerse themselves in a universe/setting created by a movie (even with the flaws). However some are unable to do so and are always on the look out for a reason to say its just a movie!!

        Bar a member of the lighting crew walking on in the middle of a scene to replace a bulb. I would find it very difficult to be drawn out of a movie I enjoy!! I’m afraid it would take more than a CG “video game looking” cine-matic city scene to draw me out of this movie. Especially when its about a guy who can climb walls using his finger tips, spin webs and all while fighting a lab-coated lizard man!!

        CG is fake by it’s very nature!! I know this while watching the movie yet it does not remove my eyes from the screen. Nor would I waste my time looking for the missing shadow of a CG character just so I could say the GC’s not up to scratch!! We all know its not real, but your not supposed to be repeating that over and over in your head during the picture!!!


    1. I’m pretty positive that it is there for promotional filler. I can’t imagine that they would ruin such a high production quality with student grade FPS CGI.

      But i’ve been wrong before….

    2. The movie is a year out, you don’t honestly believe they won’t clean up the CGI if they use that in the movie at all. It was pretty clear to me that bit was promotional.

      1. yeah guy, it is pretty obvious that the end scene was just filler. but whether you are a year or 2 weeks away from release…if shit looks bad, don’t show it. and that shit looked HORRIBLE.

        on top of that scene looking bad, they spent the first 2 minutes setting up what appears to be a “serious” looking film, and then FART…they killed the entire tone of the piece with a lame gimmick.

      2. 鲍勃…伙计有多少“CGI电影”发布的急转弯trailers with fully complete CGI??? I mean, I may be wrong (strongly dont believe I am), but last time I checked rendering a CGI image takes a looooong ass time. And there is obviously a time crunch to release this teaser in front of Cap America. And you cant release a teaser trailer for a comic book character without showing that character in uniform doing something (anything) in full super hero mode. I mean who CARES?? It’s just a teaser. It’s job is to TEASE you and to let you know this thing is coming, and to give you some sort of tone the movie will have. That’s it.

        我甚至不知道为什么我回复你said (guess these sort of comments get to me) because you’re CLEARLY that tiny little percentage that is going to point out the lower quality CGI in a TEASER trailer. man…man oh man…

  6. 蜘蛛侠是我进入漫画界的洗礼。我需要更多他,这看起来是一个认真的看法。我喜欢前两部拉米(Rami)电影,但我认为1不舒服,2仍然占据了我的漫画电影列表的前五名。我对社交网络中的Garfeild印象深刻,所以我很高兴看到他扮演PP。人们对这部电影有这种犹豫(我认为这是因为与人们的服装,无论他们是否愿意承认),但男人的蜘蛛是男人,这又如何成为一件坏事

    1. 我的朋友击中指甲,我不在乎多久,我会尽可能多地扔给我。

      I’m not gonna whine about CGI at this point being 1 full yr away.

      Looking forward as well.

    1. 如果这个故事是相同的专营权,我认为不需要重述起源。但老实说,9年????那和我最小的孩子一样古老。当第一个蜘蛛侠出来时,他并不是出生。

      This is a while new franchise with a whole new feel and direction for the character. His origin is going to play into his character development – they can’t overlook it assuming everyone is a Spider-Man geek.

      1. Not everyone is a Spider Man Geek but they don’t have to be to know the basics of his origin since he is such a popular pulp icon much like Superman or Batman. My nephew is seven and knows the premise of spiderman and who he is.I will say that the trailer does keep me interested as I am a huge Spidey fan. Still on hold with the whole Ben Reily version of the costume ( I know it isn’t but has similarities to his and May Parker Spider Girl froM MC2 universe). I still feel like there should have been a little bit more time before restarting the franchise. But I see if they are going to stick with him being a teenager then I’m fine with that. I will be waiting for this movie and will more than likely watch it at least three times in theaters.

      2. What I mean is that it doesn’t seem too far away that we’ve seen these events. It’s like “yeah I remember this”.

    2. 看……底线,第三蜘蛛侠电影是绝对伏特加ely 100% upsettingly a complete piece of garbage. Also, comic book movies have evolved sooooo much since the original spiderman franchise that (in my opinion) the originals just do not stand up against the rest. I still love them because i saw them when they came out so I have the pleasure of experiencing nostalgia when i watch 1 and 2. 3 actually pisses me off and I try to forget it but it was so bad that it’s impossible to forget (kind of like being sexually abused).

      That being said, I am sooooo happy they are completely rebooting it because now they have the opportunity to right the wrongs and hopefully do venom some frickin justice in a later movie.


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