Review: “Marshall” Couldn’t Even Go Full Marshall at 53rd Chicago International Film Festival

瑟古德·马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)是对美国历史产生持久影响的最有影响力的人之一。由于他的贡献,我们看到了美国法律在公民权利方面的彻底改变。他们甚至给他昵称为“先生公民权利”。巧合的是,查德威克·鲍斯曼(Chadwick Boseman)(又名“ Bio Pic先生”)饰演自由战斗律师MarshallMarshallevoked some interestingly mixed reactions from me, however.

Marshall Trailer:



It’s no secret the Chadwick Boseman is one of the most talented actors in Hollywood. Despite looking nothing like the real life Thurgood Marshall, his acting helps you forget about that soon into the film. Boseman brings out a type of bravado and charisma that makes it almost impossible not to be drawn to his character. In various scenes, Boseman displays a bit of of his acting range, but his best highlights will come in his wise-cracking comments. It almost felt like the only thing missing with his character was to have him break the 4th wall and wink at the audience during certain scenes.

Josh Gad,Chadwick Boseman和Sterling K. Brown在马歇尔。
图片来源:Barry Wetcher /发行人:开放路线电影
除Boseman外,Josh Gad也举办了一场好演出。Gad的角色在整部电影中可能是发展最多的发展和增长。他和Boseman在屏幕上的化学反应非常好,当它们在大多数情况下一起在屏幕上时,您会喜欢的。他们在法庭上分享一个特定的场景,几乎拥有剧院screamingwith laughter.

I’d be remiss if I also didn’t give some props to Sterling K. Brown. Even though he was in a supporting role, he still manages to carry his scenes rather effectively. I appreciated Director Reginald Hudlin for making sure to really capture the emotion from Sterling in some specific scenes.

一个令人惊讶的喜悦film was the humorous nature that it carried. I say humorous because it’s not a comedy, but it definitely had a couple of moments that are sure to have you chuckle or out right laugh. (This may depend on your viewing location…more on that later. )

至于这个故事,我必须说法院案本身充满了曲折,转弯和戏剧性。几乎感觉就像是法律与秩序的一集。鉴于瑟古德·马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)必须面对的一些特殊挑战,这可能是我在电影中记得的最独特的法院审判之一。您将一直与法院案有关,直到最后。我特别感谢这部电影如何嘲笑即使在当今世界中仍然有意义的过去问题。如此之多,以至于如果您密切关注,您可能会认识到电影中一些重要人物的一些有趣的客串。

The Bad:

Chadwick Boseman和Josh Gad在马歇尔。
[Credit:Open Road Films]
As the headline of this review suggests, this movie didn’t feel like a biopic for Thurgood Marshall.马歇尔几乎感觉像他自己的电影中的主角。取而代之的是,他沦为与乔什·加德(Josh Gad)角色的联合主演。随着电影的进行,我一直在问自己:“等一下,这是谁的电影应该又来了?”。正如我上面提到的那样,GAD的角色会随着时间的流逝而发展,而马歇尔没有得到相同的待遇。我们得到的关于他一生的唯一历史事实是随机对话中的快速隐藏。

这部电影选择只专注于马歇尔较小的案件之一。尽管此案确实令人信服,但可能并不是那些最终改变历史的人的伟大的案件。但是,我说,但是,我不认为这部电影应该是关于著名的布朗诉教育委员会案中的瑟古德·马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)的战斗。问题变成了这个故事,这是真正代表瑟古德·马尔萨尔(Thurgood Marhsall)的最佳故事,也许是他的遗产?感觉好像这部电影和这种情况不需要Thurgood Marshall。You could’ve replaced Chadwick Boseman, and everyone else, and just had a black lawyer trying a case in a racist time in history. To put it plainly,this movie feels as though it simply hijacked Thurgood Marshall’s name just to make a movie.

更糟糕的是,我认为这部电影将乔什·加德(Josh Gad)的角色推向了最前沿,而牺牲了瑟古德·马歇尔(Thurgood Marshall)。我的意思是,这实际上使马歇尔处于“需要” Gad的角色的位置。同样,这本来应该是(至少要归功于营销)一部关于Thurgood Marshall的电影。电影中也有一些瞬间试图将黑人与犹太人的歧视相等。尽管在故事中有意义地帮助角色联系,但它加强了社会上有问题的污名。(但这是另一个时间的讨论……或评论部分。)

The Verdict:

If you couldn’t tell by now, I was really disappointed in this film basically being an odd-couple, buddy-lawyer type of movie. Please don’t confuse my disappointment with the actual quality of the film. The film itself I really enjoyed. (Wouldn’t even mind watching it again.) My disappointment is derived from the manifested expectations from the marketing and the title of the film.如果您认为自己要看一部有关Thurgood Marshall的生活和时代的电影,那么您可悲的是错误。现在,如果您不介意看一部娱乐和法庭戏剧,那么一定要准备好爆米花。

To be honest, I suppose it makes sense to push Gad’s character. It makes the movie appear to be more open to the general public. It’s not going to be pigeon-holed into becoming just another “black movie”.马歇尔(Marshall)遭受了我想称之为“好莱坞咖啡和奶油效果”的东西。It’s kind of like how it sounds. When you have a story about a Black figure or black experience depicted in a film (the coffee), you have to introduce a white character (the cream) to help sweeten the film for all. Coincidentally, this is exactly what happened with Boseman’s other biopic “42“. The film was promoted to be about Jackie Robinson, but instead Harrison Ford’s character gets poured into the film to create an artsy looking cappuccino you’d get from the barista.

Chadwick Boseman和Josh Gad在马歇尔。图片来源:Barry Wetcher /发行人:开放路线电影


My fear is that this movie will be enjoyed and then soon forgotten. I’m not sure it will really inspire people to really get to know more about Thurgood Marshall’s life and impact in history. Thankfully, I made a video (below) for you to watch so you can see just how cool this man really was.

Genre:Biography| Drama
导演是:Reginald Hudlin
Starring:Chadwick Boseman,Josh Gad,Kate Hudson
撰写人:雅各布·科斯科夫(Jacob Koskoff),迈克尔·科斯科夫(Michael Koskoff)

Marshallin theaters now! Be sure to followEman’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe onYouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@EmansReviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

5 Interesting Facts About Thurgood Marshall

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关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网。He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook Fan Pagefor even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]