Genderstorm - Geostorm如何使天气控制成为男性项目

灾难电影地理is more than unrealistic, as the genre ‘disaster movie’ already suggests. The movie contributes to a gendered, specifically “male” narrative of controlling the weather and the climate. While taming hurricanes, destroying thunderclouds, and adjusting global and regional temperatures cannot be said to represent a male fantasy of eco-political agencyper se,电影制作地理——雷鸣般的特殊效果和高创eric storyline – constructs weather control as a male project. It can therefore be relabeled as a “GenderStorm”.

地理’sstory is simplistic: In response to a series of extreme weather events, an international coalition established a network of satellites, called “Dutch Boy”, to control weather and climate on global scale. Its leading scientist Jake Lawson (Gerard Butler) was replaced by his brother Max (Jim Sturgess) for Jake ignoring the bureaucratic chain of command. (This masculinity narrative of the male rebel is typical for movies like Armageddon, 13 Hours, The Rock, Independence Day, The Patriot, etc.) With the conflict between the two brothers as an uninspiring side plot, the main narrative presents a wave of incidents on the space station and weather catastrophes on Earth that have to be investigated. Max Lawson rehires his brother Jake and sends him to the space station to save Earth from an imminent “GeoStorm” – a chain reaction of hailstorms, floods, extreme heat waves and other disasters.

电影Geostorm被称为“apocalypse porn”, “异常伪造”, “a disaster (movie)“, 一个 ”plot-poor, special effects-heavy, scientifically-negligent romp around the globe”, “disastrously boring”, and a film “mostly about people staring at computer monitors”. It triggered furious reactions like the one by film criticMark Kermode: “my brain stopped speaking to me and as I felt myself getting dumber and the dumber I enjoyed the film more and more”. One does not have to look far to find the various problematic elements of the movie worth criticizing, such as: it violates laws of physics (gravity on a space station, temperatures so hot that steel and concrete melt but car tires do not, etc.); it is unrealistic (why not control satellites from earth instead of a space station?); the action sequences are over the top (driving backwards in an electric taxi while shooting); and the acting and story are poor (there is not a single element of surprise). Further, the movieflopped at box office由于其持续推迟发布,其糟糕的批评13%Rotten Tomatoes,因为灾难电影并不是什么新鲜事物。

Still, there is more to the movie than unrealism and dullness covered up by mindless action. The movie地理– even as a bad example – could stimulate thenecessary debate about ongoing research about climate engineering。While addressing an important topic, the film bristles with male actors and male fantasies. However, not only the mere dominance of male characters is problematic. The director Dean Devlin constructs gender roles, ideas of weather manipulation and politics in a (decidedly) male-dominated way.

男性操纵 - 女人协助

At first glance, women in地理很聪明,拥有黑客入侵或工程技能,有时甚至有资格成为“坏蛋”。然而,他们的外表是欺骗的,因为所有主要女性角色都只会扮演辅助角色:

  • Ute Fassbinder (Alexandra Maria Lara) is German and head of the international space station. The movie pretends to be progressive in revealing the main characters’ ignorance towards the possibility that a woman could be the boss of the station. After clarifying their positions –Jake Lawson should manage the crisis on荷兰男孩and Fassbinder is formal chief – Lawson effectively calls the shots while being assisted by Fassbinder throughout. Every command comes from Lawson, there is no initiative from Fassbinder.
  • Jake Lawson’s daughter (Talitha Bateman) is introduced to the audience while fixing solar panels using mechanical tools. The teenage Hannah Lawson is skilled and self-confident when talking to grown-ups. Her uncle notes insightfully: “You are becoming more and more like your father”. With that comment, all of Hannah’s talents reflect back on her father, not herself.
  • 美国特勤局特工莎拉·威尔逊(Sarah Wilson)(阿比·康沃尔(Abbie Cornish))被描绘成有吸引力,性活跃和表现出战斗能力。但是,莎拉helpsto get secret information andassistsin a rescue mission. Only in fighting the corrupt Secret Service agents Sarah shows some overly dramaticgirl power。除此之外,她是麦克斯·劳森(Max Lawson)的未婚夫和助手,而她仅在他的任务中衍生出来就展示了代理机构。
  • 与Dana(Zazie Beetz)在一起,故事是相同的。网络安全专家和Max的好朋友帮助,因为她认为此案很有趣。在此过程中,角色没有影响故事情节,因为她只执行劳森兄弟的计划。

地理, men have agency and women are the handmaids. The movie is far from qualifying as feminist only by putting women in the position of the hero’s sidekick not the weaker man (as in a classical example, the nerd assisting the hero). Here, women are generic “supporting characters” fulfilling dramaturgical functions without having a character development themselves.

A dominance of male roles is typical forHollywood and most of popular culture in general。Whereas Gene Roddenberry was criticized for his then radically progressive cast including a black woman on the bridge of Starship Enterprise inStar Trek: The Original Series (1966-1967),standards have changed. The conservative TV audience of the Sixties found Lieutenant Uhura scandalous although she was “only” a communications officer. Present-day entertainment formats are expected to do even better in giving women, people of color and other underrepresented or unflatteringly represented groups more visibility and proper leading roles. A method to illustrate gender disparity in film is the so-called “Bechdel Test”. It stems from a comic strip in 1985 and combines three simple rules that disqualify most popular films for their gender imbalance:

  1. 电影has to have at least two female characters in it,
  2. who talk to each other,
  3. 除了一个男人之外。

Half of thetop earning movies in 2016 pass the Bechdel Test。For example,Suicide Squadpasses, while蝙蝠侠诉超人does not.地理clearly fails. It passes rule 1 but fails both 2 and 3. The simple reason is that地理has too few important female roles, which are only busy with laying the groundwork for the Lawson brothers’ plan to save the world. Today, this test is often considered unsuitable for detecting feminist movies. It illustrates gender imbalance with a simple metric with a very low threshold, not taking into account that female characters often lack the depth of characterization their male counterparts are privy to, and not addressing the lack of racial diversity in film. Nevertheless, even applying this simple metric,地理表现不佳。

建造天气 - 建造性别

A quick Google image search of “地球工程或气候工程除了技术图形和一些阴谋论之外,还提供了许多白人男性工程师的视觉效果,以固定世界的发条或白人男性医生治愈气候般的地球。天气和气候修复者的形象是白人和男性。几乎所有数字在政治上负责天气控制项目地理是白人。相比之下,如电影中所见,空间站上的科学家和工程师在种族和性别方面都有多样化。这种差异反映了倾向于腐败和痴迷的“政治精英”与“真正的科学家和工程师”(杰克·劳森(Jake Lawson)如何称呼他的同龄人)之间的冲突。“博士《陌生人》的科幻小说人物通常结合了政治和技术控制的思想。

Those characters can be found in thelong history of interest in weather and climate modification, which are well documented by historian Jim Fleming. For example, in the 1840s, rainmaking via lighting huge fires was proposed by the first US meteorologist James Espy. This and more proposals brought Espy the nickname “Storm King”. Fleming described the early history of weather and climate modification as dominated by “scientists, soldiers, and charlatans”. This has changed into more differentiated and pragmatic approaches.

工程是当地天气和全球cl吗imate only interesting to men? Early studies of public perception of climate engineering are not conclusive about gender differences. For some methodsresearchers foundthat, women have a slightly higher technology acceptance.Other studiesclaim the opposite but also note that the differences between participants based on their gender are dismissible. If outcome of其他技术的研究also apply to CE, then a lower technology acceptance of women likely. However, here is a large research gap.

作为一个哲学探究pointed out, CE is aligned with “(culturally constructed) masculine temperament, highlighting activity/dominance, objectivity, and technicality (versus passivity/submission, subjectivity, and sociality characteristic of the feminine temperament)”. The point is that we connote CE with dominance and technicality, just as we connote masculinity with these traits. Ergo, CE appears as a masculine technology.地理did a good job in connecting these two connotations. It even emphasizes them with strong masculine roles solving the global crisis and with large-scale technological applications that are displayed as objectively working and only distorted by human error or corruption. However, neither CE nor gender has to be that way.

环境修改作为男性技术的看法不是用石头铸造的。性别观点和构造可能会改变。在政治上,男性主导地位崩溃了 - 非常缓慢。维格迪斯·芬博加多蒂尔(VigdísFinnbogadóttir)拥有16年的任期(1980 - 1996年),是最长的女总统之一。然后,许多年轻的冰岛人无法想象一位男总统。然而,在和平与关怀的意义上,任职的妇女并不是“女性”,而是像州戈达·梅尔(Golda Meir)和玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)的女性负责人一样坚强而僵硬,后者证明了这位绰号“铁女士”。因此,他们和其他人改变了政治中的性别。- 性别和性别领域都是建筑。环境修改是一样的。对他们进行性别是历史和社会的产物,而不是一个可靠的事实。 Our views change with women as soldiers and firefighters and men as kindergarten teachers and nurses – and they could change for environmental alteration when they are constructed less地理-like.

地球小说 - 地球工程研究

Climate engineering (CE) or geoengineering is understood as the intentional manipulation of the planetary environment in order to slow down global warming. The地理电影强调天气控制,但几乎没有明确参考气候控制。自从今天关于使阳光或吮吸公司变暗的严肃辩论以来2from the atmosphere are separated from weather control,地理cannot be seen as a pure ‘climate engineering movie’. However, many reviewers of the movie (e.g. described as “the latest climate action blockbuster”) and maybe audiences (we do not know that) see地理在故意气候的背景下,不是最重要的天气操纵。

Various ideas are collected under the umbrella term climate engineering, such as aerosols in the stratosphere to reflect more sunlight, injection of sea salt into clouds to make them more reflective, fertilizing the ocean in order to bio-sequester more carbon, or CO2将碳在地下存储的空气过滤器。当代研究表明:CE是一种风险和不确定但可能是可行的方法,可将全球温度保持在1.5或2°C以下。

Diversity in the CE discourse is still low. Most researchers and other experts discussing CE are from the USA, the UK, or Germany. China started a large research program and the new十进制基金要包括研究人员从全球南方。Apart from that, CE is a topic mostly debated by white western men (including the very author of this text problematizing the issue). At a CE conference, some participants joked how the “queue at the men’s room” seems to be an indicator of the male overrepresentation in the field. Since most of the contributions to climate engineering research come from physical sciences and engineering, some see – this has not yet been studied – the gender imbalance in the CE field stemming from the imbalance in STEM subjects.

Clearly, it is often the white male scientists that the media presents in interviews and news features on CE, like David Keith, Ken Caldeira and Alan Robock. A media analysis (byHolly Buck)表明,女性只有3%的关注男性受到了(在新闻媒体中引用的500个中,有15个)。但是,这些男性科学家都不是Strangelove博士,他们都不能立即成为2019年全球卫星系统的Jake Lawson。哲学探究as an exception.

For a better way of taking care about the planet and its inhabitants


There are three main reasons for considering the gender perspective:

  1. 对环境正义的研究表明,环境影响袭击了社会弱的群体最困难的群体。在气候变化和CE的背景下,在思考影响时,性别和多样性是一个重要方面。
  2. 解决一个问题不应创建(或忽略)另一个问题。考虑针对气候变化的替代方法不应助长性别失衡。
  3. Today’s research and discussion on CE is still male dominated. We should change that and bring in more ideas.

With these reasons – and many more –地理is a bad narrative of weather and climate interventions. We should make better narratives – not with a happy end, but with a good balance of perspectives.
