
在他对葡萄酒的热爱推动下,以利亚(Mamoudou Athie)参加了一门课程,成为一名大师侍酒师,这是一个精英名称,只给了少数能够通过其臭名昭著的困难考试的人。这是一个梦想,使他的父亲路易斯(Courtney B. Vance)的期望坚持,他坚持认为以利亚接管了自成立以来一直从父亲传给儿子的受欢迎的孟菲斯烧烤联合。以利亚(Elijah)在学校的要求和新的关系中挣扎,而路易斯(Louis)则与儿子拒绝家族企业的感受搏斗,直到悲剧迫使他们俩都放慢脚步。由Prentice Penny(Insecure)和Mamoudou Athie,Courtney B. Vance和Niecy Nash主演,Uncorked由Prentice Penny(Insecure)撰写和执导,这是一部关于父亲和儿子的热闹而动人的戏剧,他们最终必须学会互相倾听。



First and foremost, the performances in this未呆板是电影中最强的元素之一。Mamoudou Athie在他的表演中的交付和范围真的很扎实。我以为他成功地通过他的角色传达了整个电影中令人信服的情感。对我来说,一个脱颖而出的场景可能是在电影的第三幕中,他必须在他一生中令人难以置信的情感时期学习考试。使这个场景如此迷人的原因是,真正的编辑,摄影和艾西的表演都在完美的时刻结合在一起。

当然,阿西并不孤单,在好的表演部门。考特尼·万斯(Courtney B. Vance)表现出色。鉴于他对自己的骄傲和固执令人信服,他的角色开始使我感到沮丧。万斯在整部电影中也有一些有趣的时刻,他只会进行快速的对话,让你笑。此外,Niecy Nash是这个演员的绝佳补充。她很容易成为最有趣的角色之一,但她还描绘了自己的表演范围,其中包括更具戏剧性的场景。她与万斯(Vance)的屏幕化学反应使这部电影变得更加愉快。

One thing that really stood out to me in Uncorked was just how natural the dialogue flowed. I loved how the characters felt both authentic and relatable. It didn’t feel like I was watching actors all the time, and that allowed me to get immersed into the story. As a result, the humor in Uncorked was presented in a pragmatic way that didn’t disrupt the tone of the film. I can’t say there was anything that was “slap your knee” funny, but we get a nice couple of comedic moments to break the otherwise dramatic tension in a number of scenes. I suppose you could say the humor was a nice palate cleanser for the more serious situations that the film explored.



The Bad:

我只有两个小问题未呆板. The first one was the noticeably bad soundtrack. A number of songs that would play during the transitions felt like someone’s playlist was set to random hip hop songs. The songs and lyrics didn’t feel like they complimented the scenes or themes being highlighted at a given point. Thankfully, the music did pull itself together in the second and third act of the film. For example, it made a lot more sense to keep the rap genre in place, but to have it be French rap songs while the film is set in Paris.

这部电影是围绕我的其他问题the writing in regards to the father’s character and situation. While Courtney B. Vance played the role extremely well, I don’t think his character was given enough depth to really give this movie the layers it needed. The father seemed to be way too one-dimensional in his motivations and resulted in his role feeling more superficial. Plus, it was really hard to associate with his position because it was only driven by pride and nothing else substantial. I believe this film missed the opportunity to bring some additional nuance and that only ends up propping Elijah’s character in an unbalanced way.

The Verdict:


带有Courtney B. Vance的无人访谈:

导向器:Prentice Penny
Prentice Penny
星星:Courtney B. Vance,Mamoudou Athie,Lashun Pollard,Niecy Nash,Michael Mobley |

未呆板目前正在Netflix上玩。一定要遵循E-Man在Facebook亚搏电子电竞官网上的电影评论, Subscribe onYouTube,或在Twitter/IG上关注我@emans亚搏电子电竞官网reviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

  • 表演 -7/10
  • Cinematography -7/10
  • 情节/剧本 -7/10
  • 设置/主题 -8/10
  • Buyability -7/10
  • 可回收性 -6/10
User Review

关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook粉丝页面for even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]