Ong Bak Lands A Wide Release!

It’s not up on the distributor’s site yet but word on the street is that Magnolia Pictures has picked up the amazing Thai martial arts film Ong Bak and will be giving it a wide release throughout North America in November. This will be the Luc Besson edit of the… [Read More]

Whee! Major Hellboy Giveaway!

Hey there boys and girls. Here it is. You’ve been waiting with bated breath, I know, and you are now officially free to resume respiration for here it is: our very first contest. Thanks to our friends over at Sideshow Collectibles – creators and purveyors of the absolute best geek… [Read More]

Old Boy is as good as the Hype …

‚ÄúViolence can be visually very beautiful, really exciting. But what’s important is what’s hiding behind the violence. I prepare the ground beforehand so that the violence doesn’t seem gratuitous.‚Äù Chan Wook Park Chan Wook Park is Korea’s answer to David Fincher. This is not to say that Park lifts from… [Read More]

In Praise of Spaced

Okay, I was going to wait until I finished making my way through the box set before posting something about this but I just hit something that’s thrown me right over the edge … You may recall some of us getting all giddy about a wee British film called Shaun… [Read More]