
是一部成年人至今的电影,这是他们担心小丑的主要原因。如果您是30年代40年代的成年人,那么您可能会属于该类别。当您还是个小孩子时,您可能还会看到“ IT”。



如果您想对“ IT”进行无扰流板的评论,请随时观看下面的评论。

My Daughter’s Question



I replied back to her,“地狱母亲*#&@ing,不,不合适!”(至少,这就是我想对她说的。)我告诉她,这部电影不适合她年龄的人出于多种原因(我会稍后做到这一点)。主要原因是由于她害怕她的脑海,因此她不允许在我和我妻子的卧室里睡觉。然后,我问她是什么促使她问我这个问题。


No Judgement Zone

This is the point where I put on my “non-judgemental hat” on. All I can do as a professional movie critic is simply tell someone what type of content is in a movie. That way the parent can make their own judgement on whether or not they should bring their kids to see a movie. It’s not my place to raise other people’s children, nor is it my place to tell parents how to raise their kids. I know I certainly wouldn’t appreciate being told what to do with my kids.

((警告: Be advised that the following contains MILD spoilers for “It”.




好的,现在让我脱下“非判断性帽子”,戴上我的“父母判断帽”。鉴于我先前为电影“ It”描述的内容,我希望父母考虑一些事情。我提到的有关这部电影的许多主题也不适合公共领域的儿童。我主要在学校谈论。通常不允许儿童使用粗话,从事性行为或类似的行为。这些是通常会让孩子陷入困境的事情。由于我们都知道孩子就像海绵一样,而且他们吸收了很多,所以我们只需要注意我们正在暴露的东西。因为与任何海绵一样,其中一些东西最终会泄漏出来。

Which brings me to my next point. While you may be raising the nicest, sweetest and most innocent kid in the whole wide world, you can’t protect them from everything. If you’re a parent, you may have already experienced a situation where your child comes home and says or does something out the ordinary. Maybe they picked up a new phrase, or they start doing something that completely bewilders you. First thing that comes out of your mouth is “Where did you learn that?”. Well, odds are that they picked up whatever that was from that other kid in school. You know, the kid at school who’s parents allow them to do and watch certain things that are typically not appropriate for their age.




These are the real life monsters that we should be protecting our children from seeing. It’s obviously an unfortunate reality that a family member could be the perpetrator of sexual abuse. However, the real question is do you really need your kids to even entertain that notion visually? Does your little girl really need to think that there’s a remote possiblity that daddy may want her to be more than just his “special little girl”?


为人父母是困难的。没有手册。什么you do in your own household is your business. How you decide to raise your child is completely your business and your right. If you’re a parent considering to take your child to see “It”, then odds are that “It” wouldn’t be the first rated R movie your child has seen. In my opinion, the It movie should be seen by teens and older. Since I obviously can’t stop you from taking your kids to see “It” I would only ask this: Please be sure to talk to your kids after the movie. I don’t mean just “Hey what did you think of that?”. Ensure that your kids know that a lot of the things they saw shouldn’t be replicated or repeated in school or around other children. If you’re already doing that, or if you’re kids know better, then completely disregard all of this. You’re clearly doing a much better job as a parent than the rest of us.


关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook粉丝页面for even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]