Jumanji: The Next Level Review: Same Laughs But Lower Stakes

Jumanji: The Next Level,该团伙又回来了,但是游戏已经改变。当他们返回朱曼吉(Jumanji)营救自己的其中之一时,他们发现什么都没有预期。从干旱的沙漠到白雪皑皑的山脉,玩家将不得不勇敢地勇敢地勇敢且未探索,以逃避世界上最危险的游戏。Jumanji: The Next Level明星Dwayne“ The Rock” Johnson,Kevin Hart,Karen Gillan,Jack Black,Nick Jonas,Awkwafina等。

Jumanji: The Next Level Trailer:

Jumanji: The Next LevelVideo Review



The biggest highlight of this film, of course, came from the cast of actors. More specifically, the crux of this movie was how well the actors were able to do their impersonations of each others’ characters. While the younger counterparts of the characters weren’t the biggest draw, the video game characters kept your attention the most. Kevin Hart easily fit into his role of playing and mimicking Danny Glover’s character, and Hart was even funnier whenever he made fun of himself. Jack Black had some moments towards the later half of the movie that really helped him find his groove again. However, despite all of the other solid performances, the real scene-stealer was Danny DeVito. He was hilarious with his eccentric character and was the definite crowd-pleaser.

The Bad:

这部电影的奇怪之处在于,故事时有一些高潮和低谷。我可能会说第一幕非常好,而第二幕则有点蘸酱,在这里或那里笑了一些。最后的第三幕达到了步伐,但是它缺乏上一部电影所发表的激动人心的激动人心的拳头。我认为其中的一部分是因为这部电影试图更多地关注角色及其有趣的模仿。结果,这部电影失去了关注Jumanji的危险危险。公平地说,可能有两个真实的场景(我们称它们为“鸟”和“桥梁场景”),可以感觉到真正的紧迫感。我不相信有很多时刻会觉得角色正处于合法的危险中。我认为这部电影可能会带来更多的动物威胁。取而代之的是,这是一个错过的机会,向我们展示了Jumanji World可以提供的巨大种类。

由于这部电影确实试图突出更多的角色模仿作为骨干,因此有时强调是否起作用。我只想说,有些狂喜的时刻,其中一些演员会模仿Ser’darius Blain的角色(“冰箱”)。关于它的奇怪之处在于,“冰箱的”角色确实对他的角色说话并没有什么明显的独特之处。这并不是说他有一个沉重的方言,口音,或者任何其他人都可以使他冒充他的话。因此,当是时候被其他一些角色模仿他时,感觉就像我们只是有刻板的“通用黑人”声音。幸运的是,这在电影中并没有持续很长时间,而且演员没有结束。无论哪种方式,如果演员只是选择模仿不同的角色,那仍然可以解决。它没有破坏电影或其他任何东西,但对我来说有点不满。

最后,我确实感到saying this, but the weakest aspect of this film came from none other than Dwayne Johnson. He just did not seem to be in his element when it came to his character impersonation. Yes, he still does those classic go-to funny moves like showing off his ridiculous strength, or fully committing to his smoldering intensity. However, the impersonation act that he tries to pull for the majority of this film was just not good. To be clear, his performance was funny, but not for the same reasons the other actors’ performances were humorous. For example, in the last Jumanji movie, Jack Black stole the limelight as the teenage girl because he nailed all of her mannerisms and her voice. Johnson in this case, seemed like he was trying so hard to do his impersonation that his attempt is where the humor lied and not his execution.

The Verdict:

Jumanji: The Next Level是一次笑声的经历,而不是冒险。回想罗宾·威廉姆斯Jumanji,甚至是以前的重启,让我想起了幽默的次要,冒险是主要的催化剂。我认为这部电影比危险的丛林游戏本身更加突出了所有角色。这并不是一件可怕的事情,但我确实认为这对于管理期望很重要。Jumanji: The Next Levelwas definitely worth watching in theaters and it’s perfect for the family to go see. Get ready to laugh and have a good time.

导演:Jake Kasdan
作家:Jake Kasdan, Jeff Pinkner, Scott Rosenberg
星星:Dwayne“ The Rock” Johnson,Kevin Hart,Karen Gillan,Jack Black,Nick Jonas,Awkwafina,Danny de Vito,Danny Glover

Jumanji: The Next Leveltheaters December 13, 2019.Be sure to followE-Man在Facebook亚搏电子电竞官网上的电影评论, Subscribe onYouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@EmansReviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

  • 表演 -7/10
  • Cinematography -6/10
  • 情节/剧本 -6/10
  • 设置/主题 -7/10
  • Buyability -8/10
  • Recyclability -8/10

关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook Fan Pagefor even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]