终身坏男孩Review: Yup! Will Smith and Martin Lawrence Still Got It

After 16 years, another installment in the Bad Boys franchise will be hitting theaters this week. The Bad Boys Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are back together for one last ride in the highly anticipated Bad Boys for Life. Both cops will team up to take down the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel. There’s also a new elite team setup to help them along the way.




最好的事情之一为生活是坏男孩chemistry between both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. They both were able to pick up right where they left off from the previous film. Their interactions were just as funny as it was in Bad Boys II. (I personally believe that Bad Boys I was the funniest). When both of them are on screen together, the film just feels that much better. I think some of their best scenes that most people will enjoy will be the “Airplane conversation” and the “Spa Day” situation.


I really liked how Bad Boys For Life was able to balance a few things within its genre and presentation. While Director Michael Bay did not direct this movie (as he did director the previous Bad Boy films), Directors Adil and Bilall did a good job of maintaining the familiar vibe and tone of the previous films. From a technical standpoint, Bad Boys For Life displayed a very similar and familiar level of cinematography that has clearly become a new staple in the Bad Boys franchise. (Just think about that lower angle, rotating camera shot, as the Bad Boys start looking up at the sky because sh*t just got real.)

Furthermore, there’s a bit of genre mixing that’s going on in the film, and I believe it was handled appropriately. When it came to the comedic scenes, they didn’t get to the point where they were just corny. (Although they did come close a few times.) Thankfully, we received the recognizable brand of humor that was consistent for the characters in this franchise. In addition, Bad Boys For Life didn’t shy away from the drama either. I really appreciated how this film found a way to raise the stakes with certain story elements that are definitely deeper than any of the previous Bad Boy films.

The Bad:

《坏男孩》的写作有几个弱点。故事的某些点要么没有加起来,要么没有为整个情节带来任何重要的东西。例如,迈克·洛瑞(Mike Lowrey)有一个场景,他与另一位警察有一些牛肉。但是,对于为什么这两个角色甚至不喜欢彼此,绝对没有建立或基础。要么有一个我们从未见过的删除场景,要么作家想为角色做些事情要做的事情,只是为了让一个有趣的场景带着一些机智的戏ban。但是,这不是全部。这部电影中的另一个角色给了这种“神奇”的背景,但这对实际角色来说永远不会含义任何意义。最多,该角色的“神奇”组成部分只为马丁·劳伦斯(Martin Lawrence)开玩笑。

除此之外,还有一个涉及迈克·洛瑞(Mike Lowrey)的角色的子图,老实说,这在最后一刻完全被打入了剧情。电影初期有一个小小的回调,试图建立这个新的故事角度,但很脆弱。《坏男孩》一生的最后一场表演就像是一场绝望的戏剧,让威尔·史密斯是一个做他#1首选的“眼泪”举动的理由。更糟糕的是,他以前的电影之一似乎也太熟悉了他的故事。哦,是的,对“坏男孩”的咒语和歌曲的重复呼唤变得有些夸张。无论您做什么,都不要玩任何饮酒游戏,因为他们在这部电影中说了多少次“坏男孩”。(想一想,他们在这部电影中提到了“坏男孩”,可能与他们在《速度与激情》电影中提到的“家庭”一样多。)

One other minor thing is that the action scenes in this movie were starting to push the limits. Don’t get me wrong, they were certainly entertaining to see most times. However, there were a couple of moments that seemed to push the practicality that these movies used to strive for. I think what’s missed here is that the Bad Boys may cause some serious collateral damage, but they were still somewhat grounded a bit. In Bad Boys For Life, it just seemed like they wanted to escalate the level of action to the ridiculousness of the Fast and Furious movies. Obviously I won’t ruin it, but during some of the high speed chases in this film, we’d have some rather convenient close calls that probably would defy some sense of physics or just plain logic.

The Verdict:

一生的坏男孩可能已经参加了聚会很晚,购买它仍然很有趣又有趣。它努力通过激烈的动作,情感戏剧和歇斯底里的笑声来提供完整的包裹。这不是一部完美的电影,但是这是一部令人愉快的电影。威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)和马丁·劳伦斯(Martin Lawrence)仍然明白,并证明,如果他们决定将来做更多的事情,这可能是一个可行的特许经营权。至于《坏男孩》在这部三部曲中的排名,我想这部电影与《坏男孩2》有关,而《坏男孩》(Bad Boys)(1995)仍然是其中最好的。第一部电影的独创性和演员都在巅峰时期而获得了优势。Bad Boys 2感觉像是一笔现金抢夺,一生的坏男孩感到太公式化和安全。无论哪种方式,我都毫不怀疑,如果您是以前的坏男孩电影的粉丝,那么一生的坏男孩对您的戏剧观看体验都将不错。

Directors:Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah
彼得·克雷格(Peter Craig)和乔·卡纳汉(Joe Carnahan)和克里斯·布雷姆纳(Chris Bremner)
星星:威尔·史密斯(Will Smith),马丁·劳伦斯(Martin Lawrence),凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens),亚历山大·路德维希(Alexander Ludwig),查尔斯·梅尔顿(Charles Melton),保罗·努涅斯(Paola Nunez),凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂略(Kate Del Castillo),尼克·贾米(Nicky Jam)和乔·潘托利亚诺(Joe Pantoliano)

终身坏男孩theaters now.Be sure to followE-Man在Facebook亚搏电子电竞官网上的电影评论, Subscribe onYouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@emans亚搏电子电竞官网reviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

  • 表演 -7/10
  • Cinematography -6.5/10
  • 情节/剧本 -5.5/10
  • 设置/主题 -7/10
  • Buyability -8/10
  • 可回收性 -8/10
User Review

关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook Fan Pagefor even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]