“幽灵在壳牌中” - 一部伟大的电影变得更好?

ghost.jpg.好的,我还在寻找更多信息,但我偶然发现了一些有趣的东西......Bandai Visual.刚刚发布了限量版DVD盒Mamoru Oshii.经典攻壳机动队这在动漫世界中不仅大力影响力,而且也是一种素质的灵感来源矩阵电影。在自己的情况下,这不是什么令人惊讶的,对吗?看起来像一家位于旧财产的公司,在很快续集时使用续集产生一些新现金,这一直发生。Here’s where things get interesting, though: director Mamoru Oshii has gone back to the original film and given it a thorough re-tweaking including additional scenes, some re-editing and the replacement of old animation and backgrounds with improved CGI to bring the film more in line with current animation standards. Now is Oshii going all Lucas on us and messing with something that wasn’t broken or is this going to be a significant upgrade to an already classic title? I’ll let you know when my copy arrives … between this and the Kill Bill box an awful lot of my spending money is on its way to Japan right now …

