Freedom of Speech? What’s That?

bush.jpgOkay people, whether you like Michael Moore or not if you’re an American and you care even the slightest little bit about the rights and freedoms laid out in your constitution, you need to get upset about this … Walt Disney have forbidden Miramax (who are a fully owned Disney subsidiary) from distributing Michael Moore’s Faranheit 911. That’d be the film that points out the Bush family’s business connections within the arab world, including to the family of Osama Bin Laden, and criticeses Bush’s manipulation of the media post 9-11 to further his own agenda. And why has Disney gotten involved? Because they’re afraid that Jeb Bush – that’d be George’s brother who also happens to be governor of Florida – will repeal the tax breaks they receive on their Florida operations, including the Disney World theme park. Following the chain here? Moore makes a film criticising the president. President’s brother leans on Michael Eisner. Eisner squelches film. This is brutal, absolutely brutal, and should not be tolerated regardless of your political leanings.

You can read Moore’s responsehereand the New York Times’ article about ithere.

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