
Money-SaversWhen you sit back and actually start to add up all the money you spend on movies (I don’t recommend you do this… you’ll only end up being depressed) and include all the little hidden expenses as well, the total can be staggering. So anyway, the other day I started making up this list of just simple common sense ways that I can save money as a movie fan.

There is nothing revolutionary on this list… but it’s funny how sometimes the most obvious ideas are the ones we overlook. And sometimes we dismiss the smallest little savings and fail to really think about how they add up.

无论如何,我为自己列出了清单,并认为我会添加更多内容并从中添加一个帖子。为了此列表,我们将假设您每周去看一次电影,每周租用1 dvd(显然,这个数字对您来说更高或更低,但这将是我们的衡量点)。因此,这是我为电影迷省钱的10个常识省钱:

1) Eat before going to the theater (Savings – $20/ month if skipped twice)
This is one of the biggest money savers on the list. As much as I complain about the price of a ticket at the theaters, I usually walk in and spend MORE at the concession stand. I LOVE having popcorn and pop when I’m at the movies, and usually the only way I can stop myself from buying that $13 “special” is if I just recently ate. Even if you just skip the popcorn twice a month, you end up saving a TON.

2) Choose your theater wisely (Savings – $9/month if you choose smaller twice)
如果您像我一样,您想在最大,最佳的屏幕上看到变形金刚,印第安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones)或其他这种性质的电影。这通常意味着去您所在地区最好的剧院,并在门票上花更多的钱。很公平。但是,还有其他电影,例如《消失的宝贝》或《已经离开的那个》……说实话……不需要最大,最好的屏幕和声音来欣赏。就我而言,在我的街上有一个稍小的剧院,票价为6.50美元。更好的剧院收费11美元。通过去较小的剧院看那些不需要最大,最好的屏幕和声音的电影,我每部电影都节省了大约4.50美元。

3)加入Netflix或Zip(储蓄 - 大约15美元/月)

4) Celebrate Matinees (Savings – $6/month for going twice)

5) Hold Off On HD (Savings – A lot)

6)咨询电影博客或Ro亚搏电子ttentomatoes(节省 - 每月25美元)
Everybody likes to say “I never listen to critics” but to one degree or another we all do. Just because the critics hate a movie doesn’t mean you will. Only YOU know YOUR tastes and choices. HOWEVER…. it’s a pretty good bet (although not 100%) if 90% of the critics or members of the online community (like The Movie Blog commenters) are all trashing a movie and talking about how much they hated it… then maybe… just maybe… you might want to reconsider spending your money on that particular movie right now. You avoid one bad movie a month, that saves you your ticket price and popcorn. not bad.

7) Watch A Favorite Again (Savings – $6/month)

8) Buy Previously Viewed (Savings – $20)
DVD没有水果,突然变坏或波形的使用rwear that someone else’s “boys” have been hanging around in. A new DVD can run you up to $30, but when I want to buy a movie, I just head to Blockbuster and go to the previously viewed section. On average I spend about $8 per movie. Buying it then also leads to more savings via point #7. I promise the movie will look just as good and sound just as clear as it would if you had bought the $25 still in its shrink wrap copy.

9) Wait For It On DVD
There are some movies that you just MUST see on the big screen, or great films you want to see when it’s in theaters. But sometimes there are movies that you think you want to see… but you’re not really all that excited about it. For those movies, I would suggest just waiting for it to come out on DVD. You’ll save your ticket costs, popcorn costs, gas, yadda yadda yadda. And if you have Zip.ca or Netflix, you save even more. In a movie theater is still the best way to see a movie… but if you’re a little ify on a film, just wait for it. Movies are coming out on DVD now faster and faster and faster. You probably only have to wait 3 or 4 months to get your hands on it.

And finally the biggest cost saver of them all


So there you have it folks. 10 simple common sense ways to save money as a film fan without giving up the movies. Man it sure does add up. And dear lord I hope you’re smart enough to know I’m just kidding about point #10… the 10th point if for you guys to share.

So jump into the comments section and let us know one or two of your insightful ways to save money for movie fans without giving up on the movies. I’ll take the best 10 suggestions in the comments section and make another post out of it this weekend. Go to it!

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