

“如果我为你开车,你给我一个时间和一个地方。我给你一个五分钟的窗户,在那五分钟内发生任何事情,无论如何我都是你的。当您跑下来时,我不坐在里面;我不携带枪……我开车。”- 司机,瑞安·高斯林(Ryan Gosling)

A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him after a heist gone wrong. The movie stars Ryan Gosling as the principal character and the supporting cast is rounded out by Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks, Oscar Isaac, Christina Hendricks and Ron Perlman. Drive is pegged as an action-drama/heist film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and adapted from the 2005 novel of the same name, by James Sallis.


Marketing is an interesting thing.

Attach the tagline “From the Producer of ‘Wanted’” to the poster with the title of the film over a greasy engine it leaves you thinking one thing. Seeing a poster of Gosling looking out a window overlooking a city at night illuminated by neon lights with a 2011 Cannes Film Festival logo could possibly get me thinking something else. We watch movies because we love to. There are no real pre-requisites to how much you know about a film beforehand, outside of it perhaps being a sequel to understand plot. If you saw all the awesome trailers or have been a big fan of said actor, director, or the genre itself. When you sit down in a theatre, all those lines blur and you just become a part of the audience. When those credits role, the question asked is simple and the same for everyone.

With summer being over and the ‘blockbusters’ that came and went, I found Drive to sincerely be a breath of fresh air. It’s surprisingly intelligent in how referentially inspired the movie is, whether purposeful or by your own comparisons. Drive is essentially a modernized 80’s film of the action-drama genre.

您不会发现Cobra(1986),Little China(1986)和Tango&Cash(1989)之类的电影的动作,但您肯定会在内心深处看到光荣的暴力。Drive扮演着一个令人毛骨悚然的相似之处,采用了80年代的动作类型的“幻想”,同时采用了黑色的电影感,使电影本身本质上比我们习惯的更现实。这几乎是愤世嫉俗的,但这并不是因为允许动力使用现代电影制作。现代敏感性带有更新的设置设计,其中一切都很干净或足够肮脏,并且位置是特定的。拍摄是准确的,方向是戏剧性的,动作在您的脸上。整个电影中都存在受启发和/或原始风格,甚至服装设计都具有自己的体重。

在一个明确的意义上,有一个明显的精度the film, from the opening hot pink ‘Risky Business (1983)’-esque typeface used and to that of the soft lighting in the Driver’s apartment to the contrast of a normal sunny day while driving along the LA river. The hard camera angle behind the Driver and the rearview mirror blocking our view of the road he drives, but not his own view of the road. We have no control over that, but Refn uses that type of cinematography to set the tone and atmosphere of the film. Add to this we have the carefully crafted soundtrack by Cliff Martinez which becomes organic, helping further set the mood, pacing and aide the void of quiet in the film, that ‘almost nerve racking please say

最后,当第一次shot弹枪在剧院里大声疾呼时,您知道发生了什么 - 您听到了。然后以下场景在视觉上确认。


Overall:If it wasn’t apparent, I really enjoyed Drive. It might’ve been curious to see what Drive would have ended up as, had it been made in 2008 when Hugh Jackman was attached to star and Neil Marshall (2008’s Doomsday, The Descent franchise and Centurion in 2010) was set to direct. Instead the film went from being potentially big budget to a smaller $13 million budget starring Ryan Gosling and him hand picking Nicolas Winding Refn as the director.

I’ve always known Gosling to be a capable actor, I’ve followed him loosely throughout his career and I’m talking way back to the hay-day when he was on TV with Breaker High and Young Hercules. I’ve never been a Notebook guy and I think in fact it’s taken several viewings where I’ve watched the entire movie as a whole in pieces. I watched him in Murder by Numbers, watched Lars and the Real Girl. I’ve never seen Blue Valentine, no real intent to watch Ides of March and maybe down the road I’ll eventually get to Crazy, Stupid, Love.

If I’m trying to make a point here, I always figured Gosling could’ve been that next action star if he wanted to. Or at least dabbled in the genre infrequently, but he never did. I think he’s good at his craft, so it was cool to see him jumping into this type of role. Based from his interviews, he had wanted to do an action movie for awhile, but avoided the usual stunt-driven movies which have inherently defined the action role.

随着Drive受到极大的启发,阅读了Refn如何将兄弟俩的Grimm Fairy Tales作为灵感的主要来源是一种奇怪的方法。开车作为现代的童话故事带来了不同的心态。

In his Q&A at Cannes, Refn stated:

“两年前,我开始向女儿阅读Grimm Fairy Tales,他们非常简单,但也非常复杂。这是极简主义 - 几乎没有对话,这全都与情感描述有关。角色总是相同的:有一个王子或骑士,一个无辜的女人,她非常美丽,纯洁,需要保护,邪恶的国王或女巫。这本质上是“驱动器”结构的DNA。这是一个将洛杉矶作为背景的童话故事。从某种意义上说,英雄,司机很容易:白天,他是一个真正的人,到了晚上,他是一个真正的英雄。有话要说,因为他的神秘感是他的力量。”

在这部电影之前,我对Refn并不熟悉,但是Drive肯定让我想看看他与Bronson(2008)和Valhalla Rising(2009)的早期作品。我确实认为必须观看开车,但不一定在剧院里。仅仅因为沉浸式几乎需要。我知道的电影中的沉默对于某些人来说可能是霸道的,当我抓到电影周末时,它肯定表明。分心,尤其是在寂静中,尽管您试图淹没了多少:在椅子上沙沙作响的人,导致浴室休息,一个人忘记将手机放在静音中,以获取文字警报或电话或无聊的人急于焦急地等待动作的人的不耐烦。这取决于这个人,但这是看公开电影,这是不受控制的。因此,如果您想要观看这部电影的“完美”氛围,也许有一天会找到一个空的剧院,或者等到您在自己的家中不受干扰。

I give Drive a 9 out of 10
