Men in Black 3 has a new trailer out!

The second trailer for Men in Black 3 has hit the web, Will Smith and Josh Brolin fit so well together that at the end of the trailer I had to remind myself that it wasn’t Tommy Lee Jones as young Agent K.

Both of the previous film’s I would categorize as ‘go-to’ movies. What the hell does that mean you might ask, oh but I will explain. Say you are sitting on the couch its Sunday, you are tired, you worked hard all week, you just want to relax but everything on TV is garbage. Yourself and any possible partners and subsequent children are all taking turns flipping through channels. It’s a miserable time, this is when a ‘go-to’ movie comes into play, after all that flipping through channels you come across MiB. You may continue to flip but at the back of your mind you make a mental note ‘if I cant find anything else’. That is a ‘go-to’ movie something that you know you can always watch.

Do you have any ‘go-to’ movies of your own? Should I have thought of a better term? Most definately.

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