These characters have had many faces…who played them best?

With all the reboots currently playing, coming soon, and in production, I thought it was only fitting to bring forth the discussion of “Whose done it best?” There are many characters in film that will remain timeless and should not be forgotten. In order to ensure that these characters are not forgotten (and to make sure the money keeps rolling in…), the studios start to bring these characters back to the big screen with a story usually adapted for the current generation. So today I give you my picks for the best of the best character portrayals…and hope you will provide your opinions as well :)

Bruce Banner AKA The Hulk:

  • Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno – “The Incredible Hulk (TV Series)”

  • Eric Bana – “Hulk”

  • Edward Norton – “The Incredible Hulk”

  • Mark Ruffalo – “The Avengers”

  • 我想所有的注意力仍然环绕ing “The Avengers,” why not start with Dr. Banner. First, I’m going to eliminate Eric Bana because I don’t think his version of Bruce Banner encompassed who Banner was. The Hulk and Banner were meant to be based on Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and I did not see the split in the movie “Hulk.” Next I will eliminate Bill Bixby/Lou Ferrigno. As iconic as Lou Ferrigno is as the Hulk and how memorable Bixby’s Banner was as he’s hitchhiking down the road, Bixby was less of a Bruce Banner than Norton and Ruffalo. Bixby was even given the name of “David” to make the Banner name more macho, which somewhat eliminates the frailty surrounding Bruce Banner and redefines the character. The decision between Norton and Ruffalo was a tough one. Norton was Banner for me and I had my doubts about Ruffalo outperforming him until I saw “The Avengers.” The one thing I saw lacking with Norton’s Banner was him showcasing his “Doctor” side, there were few moments where he actually displayed the scientist aspect. The reason I liked Ruffalo’s Banner was because he had the characteristics that I was looking for in Dr. Banner. He was recognized for his intelligence, he was quiet and reserved, and his Hulk resembled his Banner counterpart the most out of previous Hulks. It was a tough decision but Ruffalo had the characteristics that I thought identified Bruce Banner the most.

    获胜者:马克·鲁法洛(Mark Ruffalo)

    Bruce Wayne AKA Batman:

  • Adam West – Batman (1966), Batman TV Series

  • Michael Keaton – Batman(1989), Batman Returns

  • Val Kilmer– Batman Forever

  • 乔治·克鲁尼– Batman & Robin

  • 克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale) - 蝙蝠侠开始,黑暗骑士,黑暗骑士升起/H4>

  • 我要把基尔默和克鲁尼列表because the Director of the films starring these actors (Joel Schumacher) publicly apologized for how bad the films were. If even the films’ Director acknowledges a poor portrayal of Batman, I think that is reason enough to eliminate the actors who played them. I think everyone can agree that Adam West’s portrayal was “cheesy” even for his time. West established the first popular presence of Batman on film but his role was comical at most. The choice between Keaton and Bale is a tough one, they both have portrayed Bruce Wayne/Batman in different ways that I enjoyed. Keaton’s character seemed to have more focus on Bruce while Bale’s character focuses on Batman. Keaton played a more mysterious Bruce Wayne while Bale’s Bruce is more of a “yuppie.” Bale succeeds in playing a more dominating Batman because Keaton’s focus on Bruce always had me seeing a rich man in a mask. My final decision came down to the metaphorical meaning of the character’s mask. In Keaton’s portrayal, Batman is the mask and Bruce is who he is while in Bale’s portrayal it is the opposite where Bruce Wayne is his metaphorical mask and his true identity is Batman. I would almost consider my choice to be a tie except for my belief that Bruce Wayne died the day that his parents did and has been Batman ever since.

    Winner: Christian Bale

    James Bond:

  • Sean Connery – Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger…etc.

  • 罗杰·摩尔(Roger Moore) - 活着和死,那个带有金枪的人……等。

  • 乔治·拉森比– On Her Majesty’s Secret Service

  • Timothy Dalton – The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill

  • Pierce Brosnon – Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Die Another Day…etc.

  • 丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig) - 皇家赌场(Casino Royale

  • 伊恩·弗莱明(Ian Fleming)的“詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)”一直是每个人都想成为的角色。他很温柔,酷,无与伦比,并且具有无与伦比的性吸引力。有许多扮演他的人,每个演员扮演邦德的演员都增加了自己的性格特征。我认为唯一没有给角色印象的演员将是乔治·拉兹比(George Lazenby),因为他没有确定其他角色确实是唯一以他的名字为单位的角色成为小组中唯一的演员。我名单的次数是蒂莫西·道尔顿(Timothy Dalton)。我知道他被低估了,据说他是最接近文学纽带的表演,而且他有一个强大的粉丝,但他没有其他演员所产生的文化影响。罗杰·摩尔(Roger Moore)将是我的下一个名单。原因是我认为他等待了太久而无法担任这个角色。实际上,他甚至最初都不想担任这个角色,因此为什么肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)是第一个担任该角色的人(不包括我在此列表中不包括的各种早期出现)。皮尔斯·布罗斯南(Pierce Brosnan)是我在剧院中看到的第一个纽带,他的电影《戈德尼耶》(Goldeneye)一旦在《 Nintendo 64游戏》中不朽的电影不朽。 Brosnan brought the suave and cool nature back to the role that Connery originally established. I think part of the reason that people were so hesitant about Daniel Craig coming into the role was that Brosnan left such a legacy behind. I think it was a pleasant surprise to see how well Craig did. I wouldn’t say that Craig was above Brosnan because Brosnan had more of the James Bond charisma but Craig brought a more ruthless nature and we got to see a more action packed Bond. After looking at all those who portrayed Bond, there is one that stands out among the rest. Sean Connery went as far as to redefine Ian Fleming’s idea of Bond with subtle bits of humor and a sense of arrogance without being pompous. Many parodies choose to emulate Connery’s Bond over all others and I believe that he is the one that gave Bond the “cool” that people love.

    Winner: Sean Connery

    克拉克·肯特(Clark Kent)又名超人

  • Kirk Alyn – Superman (1948)

  • 乔治·里夫斯– Adventures of Superman (TV), Superman and the Mole-Men

  • Christopher Reeve – Superman I -IV

  • 迪恩·凯恩(Dean Cain) - 路易斯(Lois)和克拉克(Clark):超人的新冒险(电视)

  • Tom Welling – Smallville (TV Series)

  • Brandon Routh – Superman Returns

  • 超人is probably the most well known comic book hero and one of the first to transition from the pages to film. The first film was in 1948 and starred Kirk Alyn. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the first film but from what I remember, Kirk Alyn was not as iconic as others to play the role and not nearly as successful. The first big film success came from George Reeves’ portrayal of Superman in the TV series and in smaller films. As popular as the TV series was, it was most popular among children. It was Richard Donner’s “Superman” films that made the film adaptation popular among children and adults. Not only was it Donner’s films but the new face of Superman himself, played by the iconic Christopher Reeve. Reeve was the physical and mental embodiment of Superman and his role has partially defined the character we know today. Since Donner’s films two television series have arose, “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” and “Smallville.” I liked both series and watched them regularly. I liked Dean Cain in “Lois and Clark,” although the “nerdy” persona of Clark Kent was replaced with a more suave and attractive persona. They continued to play the sex appeal card in “Smallville” and although I liked the series at first, the storyline got to be exhausting. I know there is a huge fan base for Tom Welling as Superman but I thought his acting range was very limited. Finally there was the film “Superman Returns” starring Brandon Routh. I liked Routh and thought he had many characteristics that reminded me of Christopher Reeve. I believe Routh admitted he was attempting to mimic Reeve’s Superman which he did well, but I think that shows the powerful effect that Christopher Reeve had on all of us. I can’t think of anyone that has been a more inspirational Superman than Christopher Reeve. Henry Cavill will be the next to play the role and it’s going to take a lot to push Christopher Reeve out of his throne.

    Winner: Christopher Reeve




    首先,瑞安·布朗(Ryan Brown)是粉丝。从小就开始,他一直是剧院和电影的狂热粉丝,从那以后,他对两者的热情一直在不断增长。解剖电影时,他专注于电影制作的所有要素,包括一些粉丝/邪教因素。他认为,角色发展是一部好电影的基础,通常会开始对一部电影的分析。他的写作风格可能受到他在该主题中的叙事和辩论性研究背景的影响,但与其他一些自负和自负的作家不同,他倾向于享受更加对话的风格,以更好地与读者互动。