A VS R:“惊人的蜘蛛侠”第1部分



我喜欢安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)对彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)的刻画。我一开始我并不认为自己没有做到,但是表演很微妙和柔和,这向我们展示了与我在漫画中见过的任何角色的任何解释都大不相同的东西。他给了我们一些独特的东西,并在整个角色上都盖章了自己的帕克品牌,而不是重新塑造过去使用的东西。我以为那太好了。这是对整个学校的内向和书呆子的更现代的看法。它不是传统的,但还不错,它是新的,新鲜的,事后看来,您实际上可以欣赏很多。对马克·韦伯(Marc Webb)和安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)的敬意创造和雕刻自己的彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)在电影中交付给我们。我喜欢他们添加并传达给他的性格的蜘蛛趋势和人性的双重性。在他掌握了自己的力量后不久,他似乎拥有捕捉和吞噬苍蝇的直觉是一个有趣而幽默的场景。看到他在茧中看到一个小人也很棒,在下水道中,当他创建一个网络来追踪蜥蜴时,真是太棒了。 The money shot in that scene was him sitting down playing a cell phone game while waiting.

我喜欢网络射击游戏。对于这部漫画的粉丝来说,它们的包容性是一个很好的景象,这是许多迹象之一,即这不像我们过去见过的蜘蛛侠。这是展示面具下面的好方法,是边界天才的思想。彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)是一个非常聪明的年轻人,这肯定使蜘蛛网背后有一些大脑。

我非常喜欢Emma Stone。老实说,我觉得她是电影表演的亮点。As an actress she’s got potential to act circles around a lot of the cast in the film and she delivered an innate, wholesome, quirky quality to the Gwen Stacy character that seemed extremely suitable for Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker that you could feel the heat searing from the screen when they shared a scene. The chemistry between those two could not be ignored and the film benefited immensely with their romance each time they locked eyes.

我喜欢丹尼斯·里里(Dennis Leary),并认为他是伟大的乔治·史黛西(George Stacy)。他给出了一名警察的所有正确印象。他是一个坚强的角色,也是一个很好的鼓舞人心的演讲者,因为他承担了激励彼得成为英雄的责任。您实际上可以相信他是他说话的领导者,但我觉得他缺乏成为纽约市警察队长所带来的一定程度的“勇敢”。我之所以挑剔,是因为它不是完全真实的,但是我承认我发现他很有趣。我喜欢马丁·希恩(Martin Sheen)和莎莉·菲尔德(Sally Field),扮演梅姨妈和本叔叔的角色,但不比以前角色的化身还多。我认为尽管他们在彼得的一生中扮演着角色,但他们的角色消耗了,尽管他们的角色流失了。他们不是彼得的道德指南针,但他们是他充满爱心的姨妈和叔叔,我真的相信他们以母亲和遗产的方式照顾那个年轻人。他们的行为很好,但我的一部分觉得他们在电影中的充分利用不足。浪费人才会损害任何电影,而我的一部分希望他们有更多的参与。

我最初喜欢Rhys Ifans作为Curt Connors博士。我以为他很棒,很好地描绘了一位科学家。他能够表现出那个渴望恢复自己缺少的肢体的渴望,并且看起来像是一个扎实而聪明的人。

Now onto the things that I didn’t like:

I felt like the film made changes just for the sake of making changes. I felt like the filmmakers wanted to be different visually and marginally in the story but didn’t improve. There’s nothing wrong with making changes but make changes that are meaningful and appreciable. I felt like the filmmakers made a checklist of things to do in order to differentiate themselves and patted themselves on the back when they reached the bottom of the list. They didn’t inject any character or personality into the changes which made the film seem tonally deaf. This film has Peter creating the web shooters. I thought that part was a great inclusion and a real treat for fans of the comic but I didn’t like how some of the elements weren’t used to their capacity. It was something of a footnote in the film and while not a major detriment I found disappointment that we didn’t see spider-man run out of web fluid in mid fight or mid-air while swinging. Just having him use web shooters for the sake of being a footnote bothered me a lot more than it probably did others but it did bother me.
我不喜欢蒙太奇学习使用权力。The scene where Peter goes to the warehouse and masters crawling on walls and swinging from chains is a great allusion to him crawling up buildings and swinging from webs but I was disappointed that he seemingly mastered his abilities in mere moments of screen time. If the montage scene ran for 5 minutes, with the exception of his minor troubles with swinging when being chased by police, Spider-Man got really good really fast at using his powers. Having the moments when he created the web shooters and first reacted to his powers while riding the subway was great and implied some character into the film but it wasn’t consistent and never happened again. In fact I think that may be the only scene I remember in which Peter noticeable reacted to his Spider-Sense and the seeming absence of that particular power for the duration of the film was bothersome for me.

It bothered me that Aunt May and Uncle Ben weren’t a bigger influence on a young Peter’s life but what bothered me more was the needless death of Captain George Stacy. Now I know people will argue “Tony, you have to kill him because he dies in the comics!” Now think about any other part of this film that follows anything in the comics other than killing Uncle Ben and I guarantee you’ll come up with slim pickings. Sure, it’s almost necessary to kill George Stacy but with him being one of the strongest influences and developed character in the film it didn’t seem necessary. But then again the filmmakers did have their checklist on deck and not killing Captain Stacy was not an option, so they shoehorned it into the end of the film. Who else was killed in this movie? I saw people dangling from a bridge and saw Spider-Man save a kid from a burning car but I didn’t notice any fatalities caused by the Lizard with the exception of Captain Stacy, which was so deliberate in its intent to get an emotional response from the audience that it came off as “cheesy”. Sure, he had to die but if you’re going to change stuff how about preserving one of your strongest characters until the next movie, eh?

我讨厌蜥蜴。我不喜欢他的外观,我不喜欢他缺乏角色发展,而且我当然不喜欢他不习惯自己的潜力。他们沿着电影的一行某个地方开发了这个子图,即一种新的蜥蜴正在侵扰这座城市。沿线的某个地方,子图被扔到了路边。现在,这完全有可能是未来电影的设置,我们了解到它们的外观所打算是什么,但它暗示了会有更多的东西。I thought the Lizard was gonna have a brawl with spider-man in the sewers and his telepathic powers to speak with and control the lizards would be utilized but instead the opportunity was ignored and missed and to a larger extent I wasn’t a fan of the action in the film. I was really grateful that there was as much action as there was in the film but I didn’t like that Spider-Man got his ass handed to him at any point when confronting the Lizard. Yes, he’s a giant lizard. I get that. Yes, he’s hyper strong and fast with that tail of his. Spider-Man has spider-f’n-powers and a Spider-Sense that usually helps him hold his own against the Lizard. Instead we were provided some animalistic thing where Spider-Man mostly scuttled to escape the larger predatory threat. I understood what they did they I just didn’t find it entertaining. The most bothersome fight was the last fight in the movie and I felt it was downright stupid. The plot to turn the whole city into lizards was great, the execution and presentation was lacking and borderline camp.

I won’t retread too much on the cranes but I was let down by the audacity and blatancy of the ‘cheese’ factor in that scene.

It’s like they just wanted to be the antithesis of the Spider-Man films prior but still knock it to Raimi by using the villain he had been clamoring to use but was denied. Raimi had Mary Jane, this film has Gwen Stacy. Raimi had organic webs, this one has web-shooters. Raimi had Norman Osborn prevalent, this one just alluded to him. Raimi used the Spider-Sense, Webb had it but didn’t use it very often. Raimi pivoted on the emotional attachment that Peter made with his friends and family, this one pivoted on Peter wanting to discover details on his parents… at least for the first half of the film anyway. That got dropped too and is probably another plot setup for sequels to further explore. The list goes on and on but the fact that it was different didn’t make it good, it was just different and in my opinion it certainly wasn’t better.

不要只是为了改变而改变,而是改变以欣赏这个故事。这与我们对Miles Morales的讨论之间的区别在于,Miles并不是彼得的重新想象,他是一个完全不同的角色,其目的是像彼得一样出色。这只是樱桃挑选彼得的最佳品质,只是将一些雷米的想法与一些瑞姆的想法相提并论,并与一些平淡无奇的战斗场景一起投掷并称其为一部很棒的电影。仅仅因为这部电影属于超级英雄类型,我不必降低我认为是一部好电影的标准。这部电影具有一些很棒的品质,我不介意他们重新启动了专营权,但归根结底,我想看一部好电影即使不是很棒的电影,不幸的是,这简直是可以使用的。在我的漫画电影层次结构中,这部电影在蜘蛛侠3上方,X3:X-Men United以下。




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