
我觉得我们在近期记忆中没有足够的斯巴斯降息,谢天谢地,这些新海报似乎给了我一个借口放入我的2位。Daniel Craig回归债券。我们知道。你知道那家伙签约过,以便在另外2部电影之后重新调整角色吗?原谅我的无知,但这会是一个记录吗?有多少部电影有康纳利的角色?

Far too often I see actors get a tentpole character that helps keep them relevant and then for some dumb reason or another they abandon the role thinking they’ve outgrown the character and fade into obscurity as they try to “find themselves” with smaller arthouse flicks and failing to get involved with other properties, (I’m talking about your Pierce Brosnan and Christian Bale better pay attention too!). Daniel Craig may be taking the wise decision by sticking with these characters to re-enforce his staying power in Hollywood. When he’s not Bond I don’t know what the hell he does and the Dragon Tattoo was probably the only memorable film I can remember him getting involved with. The Golden Compass? Dreamhouse? I had to wiki those. Ralph Fiennes is smart for getting onboard too cus the Harry Potter ship has sailed.






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