谣言:Shailene Woodley可以成为我们的新玛丽Jane吗?electro我们的恶棍?

种类posted an exclusive not too long ago claiming that Mary Jane will be introduced in Marc Webb’s next installment into the Amazing Spider-Man franchise and the word is that actress Shailene (The Descendants) Woodley is vying for the role as our webslingers’ favorite red head.

Woodley是Studio在Marc Webb-Directed续集中加入Stars Andrew Garfield和Emma Stone的领先选择,这正准备开始铸造。角色故障已经向人才机构出发,传闻电影是将电影制作人考虑下一期击中Comicbook特许经营权的恶棍之一。


通过生产未开始直到明年初,工作室仍然有足够的时间来决定哪个Marvel Villain将战斗蜘蛛侠。

我真的很喜欢这个想法。No, I wasn’t very fond of the parts of the Descenedants that didn’t put me to sleep but I thought her performance in the movie was pretty ok for a 1 dimensional character and could really see her fitting into Marc Webb’s film world pretty well. The main thing for me is the idea of the love triangle with Peter, Mary Jane, and Gwen and where it may all lead. Maybe Gwen won’t die. She didn’t die in the Ultimate line of comics and Webb doesn’t seem to rely on continuity anyway.

作为恶棍的电器的想法给了我混合反应。In my head I can imagine Electro being an amazing villain and a fun character to see on screen… but I said the same thing about the Lizard and they managed to screw that up so I won’t hold my breath that this will be any better. I’m sure we’ll learn more closer to the production start, that’s all for now…




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