
导向器:Bill Condon.
写的:Melissa Rosenberg,Stephanie Meyer
主演的:Robert Pattinson,Kristen Stewart,Taylor Lautner,Maggie Grace,Michael Sheen,Dakota Fanning

现在看,大多数人陷入暮光之城系列时落入2个类别中的一个。Either they’re blind Twilight lovers who refuse to acknowledge any problems with the films, or on the other side, they’re blind Twilight haters who refuse to acknowledge anything good about the films (even though most of them have never seen more than 1 of them). Now, while I admit that I am no Twilight fan, and yes I have seen all of them, I make an effort to go into each movie and evaluate it on its own merits. I don’t care if I loved or hated previous films in a franchise, all I care about is the individual movie in front of me and is it, or isn’t it any good. So with that being said is this final Twilight film any good… you know what… yes… it actually is!


另一个积极的方面是,自从他们被引进以来,我一直想看到更多的沃尔图里,但让我沮丧的是,这些非常有趣的角色几乎没有被使用。我的意思是,我真的需要看到贝拉再闷闷不乐10分钟,而不是让我们多看几分钟迈克尔·辛(Michael Sheen)饰演阿罗(Arow)的精彩表演吗?嗯,在《破晓2》中,我们比之前的电影中有更多的沃尔图里,正如我怀疑的那样,这让电影更有趣了。我仍然希望能看到更多这样的电影,但迈克尔·辛在屏幕上的每一分钟都闪耀着光芒。另一个积极的方面是,要想让这部电影发挥作用,爱德华和贝拉的新女儿Renessme必须是如此迷人,如此可爱,如此珍贵,作为观众的你会相信,即使是最铁石心肠的吸血鬼也会被她迷住。小演员麦肯齐·福伊完全毫不犹豫地做到了。在屏幕上看了她5分钟后,看着我的眼睛,告诉我你不会为了保护她而跳到卡车前面。所以现在,当所有的吸血鬼似乎突然愿意冒着生命危险在电影中为她而战时,你其实毫不犹豫地相信了,因为你内心深处知道你也会这么做的。

没有提及最终的大战场景,没有关于这部电影的审查。我不会在这里击败灌木丛......这很棒。不,它真的是。这是令人兴奋的,这是快节奏的,它很好,这是非常令人惊讶的是暴力,最好的是,它充满了巨大的惊喜,让观众在狂热中的首映式。我会离开它,所以不要进入任何扰流板......只知道战斗是真正的顶级陷波。最后的事情较小的东西像Billy Burke那样始终坚固的表现为Bella的爸爸。比利一直始终是该系列中最好的演员,并给予特许经营权真正的心脏。Cullen家族(特别是Ashley Greene和Peter Facinelli)在需要时带来良好的真正的感情和幽默,狼看起来很棒。

On the negative side of Breaking Dawn Part 2, there is still too much “Oh I love you so much” “No, I love you so much”, “Oh Iove you so much it hurts”, “No I’d die without your air in my lungs” nonsense. Look, the best on screen love stories are the ones that need very little outward explicit expression, and rely more on subtly. Twilight has always taken the approach that they need to hit the audience over the head with a hammer 1000x to get their point across assuming we’re all too dumb to understand it otherwise. Also, this film introduces us to about a dozen new Vampires that seemed like they could have been really interesting… but instead of giving any of them real on screen time to develop, all extra time was given to the aforementioned “Oh I love you so much” conversations between Bella and Edward and so I’m left feeling hanging with these new characters that COULD have brought a lot more to the story and movie experience as a whole. And finally, while the third act of the film moves along at a great tempo, the first two acts, while not dead, do feel rather slow. You can see things developing, but it takes you a while to get any sense of pace. Slow movies can have pace, and it’s ok to be slow sometimes as long as there is a cadence to the film that fits the story… the first 2 acts of Breaking Dawn lacks this

总的来说,即使这部电影有点慢才能移动,仍然有太多哦,我爱你这么多的对话荒地,而不是足够的时间给次要角色,电影的新感觉与之前的分期相比,这是一个增加的角色of the Volturi, the excellent battle scene, the new version of Bella 2.0 where she’s now a Vampire and doesn’t have to mope around like a 10 year old brat who didn’t get the pony she wanted for Christmas all makes Breaking Dawn Part 2 not only the best film in the franchise, but also a legitimate good movie by almost any standard. I liked it, and I think if most people go into it with an open mind… they will to.

