
凯瑟琳·比格洛(Kathryn Bigelow)和马克·鲍尔(Mark Boal)是受伤储物柜背后的奥斯卡金像奖二人组,这部戏剧详细介绍了《狩猎奥萨马·本·拉登》(Osama bin Laden)的狩猎,后者是奥斯卡提名人杰西卡·查斯坦(Jessica Chastain),他是一生的智能专家world’s most wanted terrorist. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the CIA began interrogating suspected Al Qaeda agents across the globe in a bid to locate the elusive bin Laden. Upon arriving at a CIA black site and witnessing the brutal interrogation tactics firsthand, driven operative Maya (Chastain) aids her unpredictable colleague Dan (Jason Clarke) in gathering the intelligence that will help bring their target to justice. Over the course of the next decade, numerous false leads and dead ends make the search seem more futile than ever. Meanwhile, numerous suicide bombings across the Middle East and Europe hint that Al Qaeda won’t go down without a fight. Then, just when it seems as if the trail of clues has finally dried up, an old piece of evidence leads Maya to a suspect who may work directly for the man charged with planning the worst act of terrorism ever committed on American soil. Joel Edgerton, Edgar Ramirez, Mark Strong, Chris Pratt, and James Gandolfini co-star. ~



