Quick Reviews: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones and The World’s End

致命乐器:骨头之城是基于卡桑德拉·克莱尔(Cassandra Clare)的《真人乐器》系列的动作,冒险和幻想电影。这部电影的环境是纽约现代的纽约市,重点是城市同时代人。为什么这很重要?因为骨头城是另一个年轻的成人改编,旨在收集其前辈的成功,例如《哈利·波特》系列,《暮光之城》系列,《饥饿游戏传奇》,甚至几乎在那里,但珀西·杰克逊·史诗(Percy Jackson Epic)却不完全相同。克莱尔(Clare)的书实际上仍在进行中,迄今为止,明年三月的途中有五本书,在明年的途中排名第六。关键是要适应电影的故事很多,这是涉及的工作室/聚会的显而易见的希望。(请参阅:Sigourney Weaver已经加入了第二部电影的演员表)。

真正的问题是,有什么好处吗?我在这里告诉你,我真的不确定。The fun thing about Harry Potter, Twilight, even the slightly more complicated narrative of Hunger Games is they’re easy to follow in that they possess singular and simple concepts, i.e. “a school for wizards”, “a human who loves a vampire”, “poor/lower class society fighting in upper class society’s tournament to the death”. Those are relatively condensed generalizations but that’s the point of a successful book to film adaptations, it’s the quick hook to get an audience to want to watch. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones isn’t like that, it’s complicated.

The Mortal Instruments deals with a coming of age story where young girl/adult learns she is a part of a secret society of Shadowhunters. A Shadowhunter is a half-angel/half-human who has been fighting a never ending centuries old war against demons. The Mortal Instruments in some ways is a more complex, mythos-centralized Twilight, whereby it takes on the same dynamics that Percy Jackson presents in that everything we know about ‘monsters, werewolves, vampires, angels, etc’ is real. (Note: Percy Jackson isn’t about all that; my example is that its setting is that everything we know about Greek mythology is in fact real). The world of The Mortal Instruments doesn’t stop there however as it uses magic, rune stones, and a plethora of other mystical natured goodies to further embellish its own mystery. In the end, it’s purposefully complicated because it wants to be. For a book it probably works, but as a film it becomes messy.

While it’s interesting to see author Cassandra Clare divide up the world we know with that of the Downworld she presents and creates – this absolute under layer where all darkness exists (the said vampires, witches, etc). It’s a very rich environment muddied by the film’s pacing (which feels television episodic), the learning curve to understand what is going on, an already generous runtime (130 minutes) and even the necessity to make a simple love triangle into… a love quadruple box (I’m making that term up). If you’re wondering what that is, it’s when the male best friend of the lead female loves the lead female, then the lead female loves the lead male, the lead male loves the lead female, and finally the lead male’s male best friend loves the lead male. Oh wait, I lied, it doesn’t stop there as the lead male and female might actually be brother and sister (yes, incest is used as a plot device to actually keep the main characters from one another).


I still don’t know what to score this film, so I’m throwing a 4 or 6 out there.


The World’s End is a British, science fiction comedy by Edgar Wright, written by Wright and Simon Pegg (who also stars in the film), alongside with usual suspect Nick Frost. The three are joined by Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman (“I’m going on an adventure!!!”), Eddie Marsan, and Rosamund Pike. The World’s End is the third and final film in the Three Flavours of Cornetto Trilogy, the first being Shaun of the Dead and the second being Hot Fuzz. If you’re a fan of either of those two films (safe bet is probably both) then you’re aware of The World’s End.

这部三部曲的最后一部电影是西蒙·佩格(Simon Pegg)担任加里·金(Gary King),他决心追踪他的疏远朋友,并完成了金英里(Golden Mile),这是一家臭名昭著的酒吧爬网,涵盖了家乡牛顿黑文(Newton Haven)的十二个酒吧。一群朋友(尼克·弗罗斯特·阿迪·奈特利(Nick Frost Andy Knightley),帕迪·康斯(Paddy Considine)饰演史蒂文·普林斯(Steven Prince),马丁·弗里曼(Martin Freeman),奥利弗·张伯伦(Oliver Chamberlain)和埃迪·马桑(Eddie Marsan),彼得·佩奇(Peter Page))以前曾在大约20年前尝试过这一壮举。为了重新激发他们的青春,多年来失去了友谊,这五个出发到他们的家乡撤消了加里认为是他们最大的错过的机会。但是很快就很清楚,自从离开牛顿避风港以来,并非一切都像看起来一样。

That’s the general summary for the film and I won’t get into the storyline anymore than that, as The World’s End is an adventure. It’s a kind reminder to what the Cornetto Trilogy has been about and it’s clear this film alongside the first two will join the eventual ‘cult classic’ status. For me, The World’s End is my favorite of the bunch, it’s more emotionally engaging while still keeping to the relative insanity the first two films presented. Wright works to make the characters and storyline more tightly knit and the end result is an incredibly fun watch. It’s been a subtle refinement over the course of the entire trilogy and while I’m sure others will arrange what film is their favorite differently, that’s joy of it all. Fans of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz should be sure not to miss out and even for newcomers it will be a welcomed surprise.


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