演员埃拉尔·科尔特兰(Ellar Coltrane)成长为拍摄童年

Ellar Coltrane

演员埃拉尔·科尔特兰(Ellar Coltrane)在新的理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)电影《童年时代》中提供了令人难忘和变革性的表演。叙事是记载男孩一生的大部分时间,少年时代是在12年的时间里拍摄的。它得到了批评家和观众的积极支持。自从人们很容易地确定一部经典电影以来已经有几年了,但是当他们看到一部经典电影时,他们就知道了!随着未来几周的少年时代的发展,全国和世界各地的观众将有机会体验一个真正的电影,成年故事。我有机会与19岁的埃拉尔谈论童年时期的表演,他与他互动的成年人(包括导演Richard Linklater和联合主演Patricia Arquette),以及童年时代对他意味着什么。

Summary: Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater’s BOYHOOD is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen through the eyes of a boy named Mason (Ellar Coltrane), who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. Starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette as Mason’s parents and newcomer Lorelei Linklater, director Linklater’s daughter, as his sister Samantha, BOYHOOD charts the rocky terrain of childhood like no other film has before and is both a nostalgic time capsule of the recent past and an ode to growing up and parenting. [IFC Films]

Ellar Coltranespoke over the phone and referenced his busy schedule leading up to the release of BOYHOOD. He is very excited with how audience have been responding so positively to BOYHOOD.

“It is wonderful to share the movie with people and to see such a warm response from audiences,” Ellar Coltrane said. “The process is an adjustment and I’m enjoying it.”

Since very few child actors contribute to cinema as Ellar did, one wonders how a 5-year old becomes a part of the process. Simple enough, Ellar had a resume, an agent, and went to an audition. And then he had eight or nine more. Talking to director Richard Linkater was a fascinating experience for him. Even when there wasn’t a completed script, Ellar felt comfortable to grow as an actor in a safe atmosphere.



埃拉(Ellar)承认,与少年时期有关的最出乎意料的时刻是预发行的宣传。在ABC等国家电视节目中接触风景,NBC’sThe Today Show,NBC与吉米·法伦(Jimmy Fallon)的今晚秀,,,,The Daily Show with John Stewart,以及在CBS上令人垂涎的好评Sunday Morning提供那种宣传,像《童年时代》这样的微观预算独立电影。它几乎与在12年内拍摄的叙事功能一样罕见,这可能解释了前所未有的宣传。也是一个强大的电影节时间表,从圣丹斯,柏林和SXSW等顶级国际节日获得奖项,以及在美国众多较小的节日中吸引人群,直到夏季推出日期。

Aging on screen and being a part of BOYHOOD was a transformative process for Ellar. Considering most of his life has been featured on screen in BOYHOOD, Ellar has maintained a level head throughout the process.

“While filming I was stepping into a different kind of life, but emotionally I put a lot of myself into it,” he said. “I was able to relate my own feelings and use it as my own to portray it on screen.”

Many people have described BOYHOOD as creating “cinematic history.” This is something Ellar has mixed emotions about and he is still processing the claim from movie critics and cinephiles.


与理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)合作是埃拉尔(Ellar)的非常积极的经历。他钦佩Linklater的职业生涯和对电影的贡献(Dazed and Confused,Bernie,Rock School of Rock和The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Delpy),以及电影制片人如何指导他在童年的工作过程中。


Ellar也赞赏和钦佩他的工作时间g with Patricia Arquette who plays his mother in BOYHOOD.

“We had a unique working relationship. She is an incredibly maternal person,” he said. “Our relationship reflects those in our personal lives. Those interactions reflect my own interactions with my mother and broaden my perspective. [Patricia Arquette] is genuine, passionate, and an incredible energy to be around.”



BOYHOOD is playing in theaters across the country. Richard Linklater crafted a masterpiece and Ellar Coltrane was vital in the creative process of developing the flawlessly executed film. BOYHOOD sets the bar for movies in 2014 and well beyond. This is an cinematic event for both and casual movie going audiences.



无论是好莱坞忽视的事情还是任何商业趋势引起了娱乐业的关注,肯尼·迈尔斯(Kenny Miles)都喜欢谈论电影(尤其是电影的文化影响)。他涵盖了电影的各个方面,包括专业类型电影,限量发行,独立,外语,纪录片以及众多臭名昭著的“奖项季”。亚搏电子电竞官方网站此外,他喜欢对电影,营销策略和品牌发展的业务发表意见。他目前居住在科罗拉多州的丹佛,是丹佛电影评论家协会评论家小组的成员。您可以在Twitter @kmiles723上关注他。