Mega Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

类型:行动|冒险|科幻主任:James Gunn演员:Chris Pratt,Zoe Saldana,Bradley Cooper,Vin Diesel,Dave Bautista由:James Gunn,Nicole Perlman
Director: James Gunn
Written by: James Gunn, Nicole Perlman


Jim’s Review

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Marvel started out the summer blockbuster season withThe Amazing Spider-Man 2并正在关闭它银河护卫队。除非你是一个狂热的漫画书阅读器,否则你可能不太了解银河护卫队。谈到奇迹层次结构时,他们将在C-Last of受欢迎程度上。尽管如此,他们正在制作他们的大屏幕首次亮相。故事以彼得羽毛鹦鹉为中心,后来被称为vaunted star-lord。作为一个孩子,彼得被一杯飞碟绑架,并在电影的开放场景中带走了地球。下次我们将彼得作为观众,就像一些外国星球上的成年人一样。这只是整个电影的多次中的一个,当时他们在时间线上迅速移动而不提供任何推理或解释。这可能是关于这部电影的影响。不能在没有解释背面的情况下给我们扔东西。绝对不受解释彼得被从地球被绑架的比特和诸如为何解释的重要信息? Just because it’s a comic book/superhero movie there is no excuse not to explain details and the character’s background. Recent films such as theX战警:逆转未来,而且钢铁之躯devoted nearly the first hour of the film just to focus on the origins. This is the first Guardians film, the origins is crucial for the audience to be introduced to.

The group of oddities
The group of oddities

电影的一个方面,不能有争议are the visuals. The stunning visuals are a major hit. I had the privilege to see the film in IMAX 3D. This movie needs to be seen in 3D period. For some movies 3D makes no difference. For other movies such as Guardians, 3D adds a whole new dimension. The planets, the characters (mainly Groot), the explosions look spectacular through 3D. You will feel like dodging rocks and other galactic debris that seems like it’s coming right at you. Plus, you can see little plants growing on Groot and witness all his wiry branches, definitely think the 3D enhances the film’s CGI.

The cast of the Guardians features some Hollywood heavy hitters, though mostly as voice-overs. Christ Pratt plays Peter Quill. Even though this is an ensemble film, he is definitely featured as the lead. This is Pratt’s biggest role to date. After being known as Mr. Anna Farris, this is his first opportunity to carve out a career rivaling his wife’s. He does a solid, yet unspectacular job. Watching the film, I kept thinking this is Ryan Reynolds lite. Not that is the worst thing in the world to be. His lines are overly scripted, with the sole intention of hitting the punchline. Now is not the time to judge him too harshly on whether he can cut it as lead in a major motion picture. Holding off the final verdict until next summer where he stars as a lead in another major motion picture in Jurassic Park is the smart move. Joining Pratt in the cast is Zoe Saldana as Gamora. Couldn’t help but keep thinking she is basically a green Uhura from Star Trek. If there ever was a growing suspicion on typecasting, she seems to fit the bill. Apparently nobody wants to see her in human form. This alien wave that she’s riding is getting stale. Bradley Cooper is part of the Guardian team, though not int he way you expect him. No piercing blue eyes in this one ladies Cooper is voicing Rocket the Raccoon. He is an entertaining little fellow. A two foot tall (max) little rodent that sure comes loaded with weaponry. Most of the scenes he’s in he is either complaining, or trying to fuel his hot temper by shooting and blowing stuff up. The final member of the group is a tree! No, seriously it’s a walking and talking (very limited) tree named Groot. Voiced by Vin Diesel of all people. Groot isn’t a tree of many words, aside from always uttering “I am Groot” no matter what you ask him. For a seemingly forgotten and less important character, he sure is endearing. He brings the most heart and emotion to the group. It’s rather sweet. Of all the characters in the film, you wouldn’t think Groot would pull on your heart- strings and bring you to tears? He just might. Then there is Drax the Destroyer, aka Dave Bautista of WWE fame. Being a life-long wrestling fan, I was interested in seeing what Batista would bring to the table in a major blockbuster. He has done some small films in the past, this film no doubt was the big league debut for Dave. He is one of the actors/characters I couldn’t get a solid opinion on. I couldn’t help but think of his as the Animal Batista, covered in some funky body paint. His acting leaves a lot to be desired, however I might be in the wrong here. He utters a bunch of one-liners, with a whole lot of grunts. Maybe it’s exactly what Gunn wanted the character to be? However, I have seen him do better acting in WWE, which is a bit scary.


这部电影的炒作和期望令人惊讶地高。这是萨默斯最大的块牌之一吗?预算明智,可能是。娱乐明智它是坚实的。它符合炒作吗?可能不是。对于Marvel Universe中的C-List群体,监护人是有趣的银河拒绝组。这部电影确实保持符合它的形式。与其他漫画电影不同,它并不试图认真对待。这是正确的方法,无法想象詹姆斯·甘恩创造了一个宇宙,你必须认真地采取枪支喧嚣。 The gags are aplenty. Some good, some will barely make you chuckle. An overabundance of jokes was a big of a negative, as it took away brief focus from the journey the characters were on. There is something to be said for throwing together such a weird and odd mix of “idiots”. It ultimately works. While watching the film you will wonder how these goofballs will unify and make thins work? Not to mention, save the GALAXY! Overall, it’s an entertaining couple hours. Didn’t leave the theater in awe or counting down toward银河护卫队2. In a summer filled with huge blockbusters, this one comes in somewhere in the middle of the pack.

GARAXY的监护人 - 10分中的7分!

From self proclaimed “loosers” to Gaurdians of the Galaxy

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