
Genre: Action | Adventure | Thriller Directed by: Christopher McQuarrie Starring: Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg Written by: Christopher McQuarrie (story, screenplay), Drew Pearce (story), Bruce Geller (TV series)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Thriller
指导者:克里斯托弗·麦卡里(Christopher McQuarrie)
Starring: Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg
Written by: Christopher McQuarrie (story, screenplay), Drew Pearce (story), Bruce Geller (TV series)

简介:伊桑(Ethan)和团队(Ethan and Team)接管了他们迄今为止最不可能的任务,消除了该集团 - 一个国际流氓组织,其熟练程度很高,致力于摧毁IMF。(IMDB)

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Tom Cruisejust can’t let go of Ethan Hunt, rightfully so. In the fifth installment of the Mission Impossible series, Rogue Nation, Cruise is back once again to take on the role of super spy Ethan Hunt. Cruise just can’t seem to help but outdo himself in each subsequent installment to this franchise. He’s more daring, more buff, and more outrageously entertaining than in the previous Mission Impossible films. This time around the Impossible Missions Force, or IMF, has the pleasure (and by that I mean risking their lives and jobs) to track down and eliminate an international rogue organization called the Syndicate. The IMF crew is in a bit of hot water with the Senate and CIA director Alan Hunley (亚历克·鲍德温(Alec Baldwin)) over their previous reckless missions. The group is on it’s last legs, as IMF agent William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) attempts to cover up the latest daunting mission that Hunt is working on undercover.



After his brief daredevil act on the plane, he’s captured by the first line of the Syndicate group members. It’s where Hunt gets a face-to-face meet and greet with his ally/enemy Ilsa Faust (丽贝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson))。全球旅行gins in London, moves to Austria, then reaches Morocco, and Hunt’s buddy Benji (Simon Pegg)在那里可以帮助他。在流氓国家中,有一群扭曲,转弯和双重交叉使人混乱。这就是使电影令人兴奋的原因,也是阻碍它的原因。持续的动作片段很有趣,直到它开始变得混乱并失控,所有这些都是以典型的使命不可能的方式完成的。

Frenemies at it's finest

The producers don’t veer off from the elements that make this a successful franchise, which is the heart pounding action and non-stop entertainment. There is a well choreographed fight scene between Hunt and a hired assassin that takes place on top of a theater catwalk, that might make you queasy. Additionally, there are some fascinating chase scenes in Rogue Nation, notably a motorcycle chase through the curvy hills of Morocco. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually all Cruise pulling out all those sweeping maneuvers.

It’s hard to fathom how at age 53 Cruise is able to maintain his boyish looks, but more impressively the supreme physique and stamina he displays in the film. This guy is inhuman. He’s buff, fit, and legitimately still a top-notch action star. He’s owned the role of Ethan Hunt, it would be hard to replace him with anyone in this franchise. There won’t be another Tom Cruise.

Buff and cut, and he's supposed to be in his 50's?
Buff and Cut,他应该在50年代?

Ferguson is a capable, and fitting, addition to the film. She’s an ass-kicker and does it in style as a strong female counterpart to Tom Cruise. Making their Mission Impossible returns and rounding out the supporting cast are Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, andVing Rhames。他们的角色都很坚实,并增加了幽默,尤其是佩格的角色。

Christopher McQuarrie是汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise),因为马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)是莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio),或者大卫·奥鲁塞尔(David O’Russell)对布拉德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)的身份。他们都是所有董事,似乎完全喜欢在大多数电影中与他们最喜欢的男主角一起工作,而流氓国家只是他名字的第三个导演荣誉,我认为您将在未来的岁月里看到更多的麦奎里(McQuarrie)。工作后,他与Cruise一起做明天的边缘,McQuarrie seems to have a good grasp on the action genre, especially when working alongside Cruise.

任务:不可能的流氓国家是一个有趣的爆米花轻弹。这就是您对夏季大片的期望。这是一项专营权,已经存在了一段时间,并继续保持成功,同时增加了疯狂的汤姆·克鲁斯特技表演的赌注。Rogue Nation有时会令人困惑且复杂,这是太多的双重十字架,试图弄清楚谁与谁合作,谁在策划谁可以使您的头爆炸。除了混乱之外,很难不喜欢这部电影。它正是它所列出的。它通过打包,打击Em的小工具和大胆的特技表演来提供动作和娱乐活动。汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)再次证明了他仍然有领先票房大片所需的一切。这部电影的主题曲是代名词的,电影结束后会让您嗡嗡作响。这部电影没有任何不可能的球迷应该有任何问题,这可能是专营权制作的最好的电影。

其他想法:我很喜欢Rogue Nation。高辛烷值动作和及时的幽默等于娱乐。任务不可能的专营权已成为首映的间谍电影之一。在将日期上升到7月底之后,从原始计划的秋季发行版中将日期提升到7月底,这将是很有趣的。我认为将其放在7月底的明智之举,尽管另一部间谍电影《联合国C.L.E》的男子将在几周内上映。也许Mission Impossime Brass不想在秋季与Specter(James Bond)抗衡,无论哪种方式,成为夏季电影季节更为合适。该死的,汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruse)仍然有“ IT”因素!

Rating: PG-13


Release Date: July 31, 2015 (USA)

Cruise Does The Impossible Again


  • TMB rates Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation -7.5/10


当它归结为吉姆时,吉姆的激情就是娱乐。除了成为NFL,NBA和足球所有事物的狂热运动迷外。他目前居住在芝加哥郊区。他的兴趣的核心...电影!无论是试图捕捉本周末最新的电影,还是最新的需求发行,都与他的朋友和同事有关最近的“票房大失误”进行激烈的辩论。对电影的热情在他体内。当他不写作时,他会沉浸在其他利益中。表演和无线电广播。在Twitter @jimrko上关注Jim。