No Escape Is The Most Terrifying Movie Of The Year

类型:动作|惊悚片指导者:约翰·埃里克·道德(John Erick Dowdle)主演:欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson),皮尔斯·布罗斯南(Pierce Brosnan),贝尔湖(Lake Bell),作者:约翰·埃里克·道尔
Directed by: John Erick Dowdle
Starring: Owen Wilson, Pierce Brosnan, Lake Bell
Written by: John Erick Dowdle, Drew Dowdle

剧情简介: In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed. (Imdb)

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It took till the end of August for the scariest movie of the year to arrive. No Escape (现在可以在蓝光和DVD上使用)不是一个鬼故事,怪兽电影,或连环杀ler horror, it’s a well crafted thriller from the Dowdle brothers.欧文·威尔逊plays Jack Dwyer, an engineer who moves his family from Texas to an unnamed (they don’t disclose the name of the country in the movie) Asian country for a new job opportunity. Once Jack, his wife Annie (Lake Bell) and their daughters Beezy and Lucy arrive in Asia, things aren’t going the way they expect them to. The TV doesn’t work, they have no cell reception, basic necessities are taken away from them for no apparent reason. Nothing says welcome to Asia like no phone reception or TV!

很快就确定,在外国土地上,d​​wyer属于自己。杰克无法与他的公司建立沟通,所以自然而然地认为某事不正确。在一个整洁的场景中,杰克试图找到一个出售任何美国报纸的地方,他在这个市场周围弹跳,找不到一种传达他想要报纸的方法。他发现一个老人设法为他提供了今日3天的美国。像这样的场景John Erick Dowdle做出了出色的工作,说明了德威在这片新的外国土地上经历的沟通障碍和隔离。从杰克收到报纸的那一刻起,事情就会变得干草。他发现自己正处于人民与政府之间的起义中(该国的领导人在电影开始时被暗杀,这是该国开始发生不稳定的设置)。从那时起,这部电影并没有放松。看到杰克一生逃离,逃避了周围发生的各种混乱和破坏。


Soon after he manages to get away from the herds of people causing the violence, Jack realizes that they are after him and his family when he witnesses an execution of an American. Fortunately for Jack and his family, he does have an ally in Hammond (Pierce Brosnan)一个古怪,奇怪而友好的欧洲白人(应该指出,考虑到他们在那个国家中似乎很少有人活着),他们在飞机上遇到了。后来我们发现,关于哈蒙德的很多人都不知道。


摄影作品Leo Hinstinand music byMarco Beltrami应该提到。欣斯汀(Hinstin)在展示这个不愿透露姓名的亚洲国家的情况下做得很好,捕捉了造成的美丽和破坏。夜幕界真的很光线,对它们具有独特的光芒。贝尔特拉米(Beltrami)的音乐是现实的,与故事中的事件无耻地工作。您会感受到它们发生之前的时刻,因为音乐之前的音乐设置。这是一些非常好的工作。

约翰埃里克发表和他的兄弟Drewjust “get it,” when it comes to capturing the sense of desperation and fear. The tension in this film is off the charts. John directed the clever horror filmDevil, and he borrows some of that suspense and multiplies it inNo Escape。这是一位非常有才华的年轻导演,对真正的现实生活恐怖有很好的感觉,在这种情况下,恐怖的恐怖片是德怀尔的持久。

关于这部电影,我听到的最常见的问题是,人们想知道欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson)在非喜剧中做什么。许多相同的人可能不记得在敌人的后面看到他,这是来自的欧文·威尔逊Behind Enemy Lines, just without a gun. He’s actually perfect for this role. After leaving the movie, I couldn’t have thought of anyone better suited for the role of Jack than Wilson. He might be comedic gold, but the guy has some real acting chops, this is a great role for him to demonstrate his more serious, tender, and intense side. Wilson really relates as a young father that tries to deal with his own fears, while trying to be “10 steps ahead” (a line he utters frequently in the movie) of the bad guys.Lake Bellis a talented actress, and fits really nicely alongside Wilson. She’s has this real nice toughness about her, along with these motherly instincts that are on full display in the film. The little girls played bySterling Jerinsand克莱尔·齿轮who go uncredited on Imdb (not sure why) are terrific. It’s one thing to have kids cry and scream in fear of the terrors happening around them, but to have them play calm and brave was a really nice choice by the Dowdle brothers. Pierce Brosnan is starting to expand his characters on-screen. He played a hitman in幸存者,现在他扮演着一个奇怪的哈蒙德(Hammond),扮演着一个辅助角色,在他的职业生涯的这个阶段非常适合他。看来Brosnan在扩大视野方面很有趣,这也使他在屏幕上更令人耳目一新。有趣的是,虽然布罗斯南以詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)并在电影中扮演硬汉而闻名,但无处可逃,威尔逊似乎是两者中更加艰难和聪明的。


There are some moments that are over the top (throwing the kids off the roof being one), but it comes with the territory of being an action film also. People will wonder why they don’t disclose the name of this country? It should be noted that there is a strong social and political commentary that the film is trying to portray, or bring about as a talking point. The Asian people depicted in the film that are doing all of these vicious killings, aren’t real villains. They have a purpose for their destruction. If you pay close attention to the movie, you will see that there are two sides to the story. The Dowdle’s were cognizant to the fact that they didn’t want to offend any group of people, therefore they didn’t name the country in the movie. There are no hero’s, but mainly victims. Even though Jack appears to be the protector of his family, everyone plays a crucial part in working together to keep each other safe. The concept of family and bonding is evident, as that’s a major focus of the film. The barbaric brutality that’s happening throughout is not what this film is all about. The undertones of the story that the filmmakers are trying to project are the concepts of family and treatment of people in foreign countries that have a strong outside corporate presence taking over their economies.

No Escape不仅是一年中最激烈,最悬念的惊悚片之一,而且是年度最恐怖和最恐怖的电影之一。与过去一年中的任何恐怖电影相比,我真的更加恐惧。为了让某人感受到电影中家庭经历的恐怖,董事的大量表现出了如何描绘真正的恐怖,那是真正的绝望感,失去希望和被困的感觉。虽然怪物,僵尸和幽灵可能会或可能不会给您偶尔会带来鸡皮ump,但No Escapegives your entire body chills. This film is the exact definition of a thriller. All I had to do is look to either side of me to see people squint, squirm, and cringe, to me that’s a sign of a movie having impact on you. This movie left me exhausted at the end. The constant action and intense tension might leave you gasping for air. Credit to the directors for managing to keep the intensity and intrigue throughout the movie without letting up, while also managing to keep it entertaining and suspenseful.

Tension and intrigue at all times
Tension and intrigue at all times

毫无疑问No Escapedoes have a fair share of brutality, but it’s actually necessary to make it believable. Even though the filmmakers probably didn’t want you to feel that way about traveling abroad, after seeing this movie you will most definitely think twice about leaving the country to travel to a foreign land. I’m glad I didn’t see this movie before traveling to Europe a couple months ago (go ahead call me a chump, you’ll see what I mean). You hear about movies being quoted as keeping you at the edge of your seat, well,No Escapeactually accomplishes that feat.

Blu-ray Bonus Features:

  • Audio Commentary with John Erick and Drew Dowdle
  • 删除的场景(5:08)
  • Behind the Scenes(13:58)

其他想法:很难让您喜欢的令人着迷和紧张的电影。No Escapedid for me. It’s also rare that we got two really fantastic thrillers in the same month inThe GiftandNo Escape。Like I touched on before, this movie is emotionally exhausting, but in a good movie experience kinda way. I was really impressed with the constant action and the consistency of the suspense for majority of the movie. It’s one of those films you don’t want to take your eyes off from, or else you might miss something thrilling. It’s like a bad nightmare you hope not ever living through, instead just having the chance to watch it.


Runtime: 103 minutes


No Escaping The Terror


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When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.