
类型:戏剧,惊悚片导演:大卫·M·罗森塔尔(David M Rosenthal)主演:莫里斯·栗子(Morris Chestnut),迈克尔·埃利(Michael Ealy)和萨那·莱顿(Sanaa Lathan)
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Director: David M Rosenthal
主演:Morris Chestnut,Michael Ealy和Sanaa Lathan


The classic scenario of an obsessive third party lover never gets old in Hollywood. From致命的吸引力痴迷,I think the audience has all gotten their fair dosage of twisted love triangular drama. In a lot of cases we see a man veer off with an attractive and seemingly normal woman, only to find out that she is a psychopath and likes to boil people’s rabbits in their spare time. Now in the progressive millennium we see the other side of the spectrum where men get their turn to show their crazy (finally). Jennifer Lopez even experienced it inThe Next Door Neighbor

The Perfect Guywe have a well known cast to kick off the movie. Morris Chestnut plays the unfortunate bystander boyfriend Dave to the target of the obsession, Leah (Sanaa Lathan). And last but not least we have the psycho himself, Carter (Michael Ealy). Leah and Dave are going through a rough patch in their life (typical) and Leah is now in limbo on whether or not she sees him long term. So what happens next? A fight ensues, names are called and now Leah is *gasp* single! This is whenpsychoprince charming comes and sweeps her off her feet, telling her everything she wants to hear. He says the right words and does the right moves and BAM he’s got her.

I’m the man of your dreams


演员阵容很棒,因为看着迈克尔·埃利(Michael Ely)之后,右脑中的哪个女人不会发现他很有趣?他醒目的蓝眼睛和心脏融化的微笑使他的角色变得更加诱人的强烈凝视。可以肯定地说,表演是这部电影中最好的部分。迈克尔·埃利(Michael Ealy)以某种方式说服我他很疯狂。他是从扮演一个谦虚的好人角色像男人一样思考每个女人的噩梦完美的陌生人。他的角色的方向真是令人印象深刻,他自己的强度从未离开过屏幕。我在等待他接下来要做什么。

Oh don't mind me here, I'm just stalking

我已经预计Sanaa Lathan和Morris Chestnut将同时进行出色的化学反应,因为他们是90年代后期的非裔美国人中心电影中的IT演员之一。在大多数观看中,我觉得电影的节奏非常匆忙,这留下了令人不安的感觉。我看到莉亚和她的男朋友戴夫(Dave)陷入争执,接下来我知道他们已经分手了。请注意,他们的论点不是您期望查看的“最后度假”论点的类型。我们看到了卡特(Carter)告诉家伙“走开”(也在拖车中)的酒吧场景,在那一刻之后,他们立即不可分割。我看到任何使情节的角色之间的任何类型的关系都没有建立,看起来非常人为和匆忙。

其中一部分与剪辑场景的方式有关。我们有利亚(Leah)和她的男友戴夫(Dave)战斗,在他们分手后,它切成了“两个月后”,我们立即看到莉亚(Leah)遇见了卡特(Carter)的家伙。我觉得它发生得如此之快,以至于我无法让发生的事情完全沉入。即使他受到了重大炸毁,她也开始将他切断。实际上,我从女人的角度说这句话,当我们真的很喜欢一个男人时,我们经常否认一些危险信号。我们都做了,地狱我有done it. You see the signs but it can’t be that bad….right? Uhh..he just had a bad day. I would have liked to see him do more things to lead up to him being crazy. Even though Michael Ealy successfully executed being a psychopath, I suppose I wanted to see更多的。我想看到更多的建立和期待。

Let me stare at her like this...she wants me

更不用说,萨那的性格应该是至be in her mid 30’s? Again, realistically especially at her age she would make some more excuses as to why he acted crazy. I wanted to see possible one or two more scenes showcasing his behavior for her to finally say “Okay, I need to get out of this.” I felt as if she was just so sure and positive that she needed to leave. When the truth is, she’s a woman in her mid 30’s who wants children and I believe that she would have made more excuses for the guy until she finally decided to cut him off in my opinion. They could have added in a scene where her girl friends are telling her “That isnot酷。你需要离开!”它总是容易被胃肠道ve a clearer opinion from the outside looking in. The direction that was taken with that was definitely a writing decision that I feel made it flawed.

With that being said, the script kind of gave me a Lifetime movie feel to it. Because it was so rushed and not really developed, I did not get a deeper sense of the characters and their main motivations behind their actions. That what I look for in movies and that is why frankly I like villains so much because there is so much backstory to them. Michael Ealy’s character did not give me that. Fortunately he is an amazing actor but his character did not give him much depth other than him acting crazy and using a fake name. I wanted to know more. There’salwaysI meanalways主角是他们的方式的原因。我们可能不会得到完整的描述,而是关于为什么它们的方式使他们更加吸引人的原因。

Shhhhh I'm in the middle of being crazy here!
Shhhhh I’m in the middle of being crazy here!

他改了名字?好,为什么?在那之前有女人吗?他的家人怎么了?我留下了很多未解决的问题,我觉得可以使角色变得更加强大。我们只看到他的几个奇怪的时刻,他打破并进入等等。戴维·罗森塔尔(David Rosenthal)的方向非常原始,与我们以前所见,我知道这是一场真正捕捉到的是曲折的事情,为此,我觉得一切都可以预见和直截了当。我知道有一个心理医生,我知道他最终会跟踪她,并伤害任何妨碍他的人,但我至少想见某物that would make me go “Ahh HA!”

全面的, this was not a bad movie nor was it excellent by any means. The acting was amazing thanks to the veteran casting. Even though the plot went at a fast paced, I was always convinced by the emotions of the characters throughout the entire movie. If I had a choice, I’d wait to see it on Amazon or Netflix simply because I feel as if it wasn’t executed as well as it should have been. With an all star cast and a Hollywood favorite plot, it’s best to take it and run with it. The storyline is something we’ve seen before now it’s time to make it bigger and better. That’s what audiences want nowadays and I feel that is what this film lacked.

  • 我评价完美的人 -5.5/10

关于Franchesca Davis

Franchesca's is passionate about movies and anything that has to do with them. Aspiring actress who also likes to write in her spare time. What's better than seeing a movie AND writing about it? She resides in New York City who enjoys dining out and mingling with friends on the weekend and of course seeing movies and writing about them! She is not afraid to give you her honest opinion on them good or bad. Just ask her!