TMB 2015年的十大电影:安东尼版





火星人是一种可预测的乐趣。我觉得马特·达蒙(Matt Damon)觉得他的时间在太空中的电影中太短暂了,在星际中,他去了他的经纪人,说“我想要更多”,男孩做了更多。这部电影远非完美,而且对于他们是否会拯救马特·达蒙(Matt Damon),这确实没有令人难以置信的张力,但这完全是娱乐性的,而且融合在一起。


MaxResdefaultThis movie is so cathartic that it’s a mystery of mastery that weaved it into a fantastic movie. Mad Max doesn’t bother to follow a formulaic narrative, give any back story, informative introduction to characters or even give much of an end goal for the protagonists yet the film is so gripping and manages to glue butts to seats just to see what this movie could possibly define as “ending” which is a monumental accomplishment. On paper this movie shouldn’t have worked but it’s incredible and the achievements throughout the movie may put Hollywood on notice about what want to see in a movie.

3) Jurassic World

侏罗纪世界7侏罗纪世界是给今年发行的众多情书之一。而不是重新发明轮侏罗纪公园世界instead chose to try to recreate the thrills and emotion created from the very first. Some may argue that Jurassic World is a bit too similar to Jurassic Park but for most it’s exactly what we wanted… more of the same.

4) Straight Outta Compton



5) Creed

信仰电影形象 - 乔丹 - 斯托龙Creed是一部我觉得我们所有人道歉的电影。一部无岩石的岩石电影?一部关于他在洛基殴打的家伙的孩子的艰难电影?那情节怎么样?简单:演员迈克尔·乔丹(Michael B. Jordan),一切都会很好。乔丹迅速将同龄人黯然失色,成为他这一代人中最聪明,多才多艺的演员之一。这个家伙的魅力不像他的角色阿多尼斯·约翰逊(Adonis Johnson)那样挑战,尽管他甚至不认识他的父亲,但仍在努力摆脱霸道的阴影。

6) Star Wars: The Force Awakens

2979968-star-wars-bb-8-force-awakensStar Wars has a lot of faults and a lot of them are rooted in the fact that it, like Jurassic World, is a love letter to the fans. What it lacks in originality it makes up for in entertainment. Most folks agree that Star Wars was an event rather than a movie. It’s an excuse to get together with friends and have a nostalgia filled emotional roller coaster good time with friends and for that alone it stands as one of the best achievements in 2015.




Kingsman-Movie-Review-Secret-Service这部电影深受被发行ed earlier in the year with our minds still reeling from more recent releases but in hindsight Kingsman stood the test of time of being one of the highlights of 2015. Colin Firth the action star? Sure, why not. Samuel L. Jackson spitting witty dialogue with a cumbersome lisp? That can work. A spy movie about a teenage spy – say what now? Trust me – it works and its fantastic.



这部电影在过去一年中是电影院中最值得的景象。看到一个男人遭受熊的伤害已经很糟糕了,但是让场景伸展3-5分钟,您可能会在约会时找到完美的“洗手间休息”。仅凭那个场景,人们就会说话,但这部出色的电影比迪卡普里奥(DiCaprio)的令人难以忘怀的表演更多,因为汤姆·哈迪(Tom Hardy)也以一种通常不会引起很多关注的流派传达的故事。复仇者可以简单地站立自己的表演,但是一个被遗忘的人复仇的故事本身就沉迷于自己的右边。

10) Ant-Man

Ant-Man-Jumping这部电影几乎肯定不属于十大电影发行列表,但这肯定是我观看最有趣的电影之一。它是公式化的,可预测的,但更重要的是,这很有趣!这部电影中不仅来自保罗·陆克文(Paul Rudd),而且来自T.I.有一些意想不到的幽默。还有迈克尔·佩尼亚!哎呀,这两个场景在整部电影中窃取了有趣的时刻,这有助于这部电影与Marvel发行的其他电影分开。

尊敬的Inside Out,Big Short and Steve Jobs。所有精美的电影本身都没有与我的前十名相同的纯净娱乐水平。



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