TMB 2015年的十大电影:约翰·史密斯特(John Smistad)版

In no particular order, though these are my top two. Some had US DVD release debuts in 2015.



It is a conspicuously uneasy vibe established practically right from the start of the ultra-unsettling Austrian psychological thriller “Goodnight Mommy”. And then from there all the way up to the haunting conclusion, Co-Directors Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz never take their feet off the pedal, unleashing an unrelenting and unnerving undercurrent of fear and dread.




GIFT-MOVIE-2015-JASON-BATEMAN-SIMON过去的罪过回来,要求在黑暗惊悚片《礼物》中无情的报应。多礼拜的澳大利亚乔尔·埃格顿(Joel Edgerton)写道,导演和明星是一个悲伤的麻袋失败者,他不会在几十年前在高中时期对他所做的暴行。杰森·贝特曼(Jason Bateman)和丽贝卡·霍尔(Rebecca Hall)扮演的那对向上移动但陷入困境的夫妻在他复仇的十字准线中设定了广场。


野生故事With “Wild Tales” Argentinean Director Damián Szifron presents a sextet of stories which, individually and uniformly, are emblematic of this wackily warped film’s title.

unifyin输送各种音调的任性g theme of these freaky fables revolves around how we as humans can be reduced to becoming primitively animalistic when driven beyond our limits to reap revenge. And if it’s true that this most malicious of emotional impulses is a dish best served cold, then clearly Szifron’s intent is that it be dispatched stone coldwild

红军 - 寄生虫





那是简短的历史课。The movie, brilliantly directed with stark propinquity by Yann Demange, is an uncompromising and riveting chronicle of an English soldier’s terrifying odyssey as he negotiates through a gutted Belfast night in search of the unit he was driven away from after narrowly escaping with his life from the bedlam of a raging street riot.


mad-max-main疯狂的麦克斯:愤怒路, (starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, two pretty fair actors who don’t get to act much here) is the second of George Miller’s quartet of post-apocalyptic frenzied action thrillers I’ve seen now, the other being 1981’s “The Road Warrior”. While “Fury” certainly lives up to it’s titular description with virtual non-stop murderous mayhem, and the special effects are literally and figuratively “of another world”, I found it lacking the starkly primal immediacy that Miller and star Mel Gibson brought to “Road Warrior”.

8) Jurassic World

jurassic_world_2Jurassic World当真人大小的恐龙主题公园景点背后的疯狂科学家并不那么疯狂时,就会发生这种情况。他们太擅长工作了。知道我在说什么,博士的科学怪人和杰基尔吗?


inside-out-personality-islands作为成年人,您永远不知道动画电影将如何打动您。这里的好消息是卡通电影巨人皮克斯(Pixar)的最新产品“ Inside Out”,对有趣的骨头和心脏都深深地击中。



男孩,做到了这个曾经throw a startling curve. The first several scenes of “Faults” seem to suggest that this will be a farcical, almost silly, dramedy. Then things change.真的改变。从电影中说,我们得到了大约(铲到)脸部的(铲)的语气转移。

Here’s wishing for a Joyful 2016 and a whole bunch of good stuff at the movies!


关于约翰·史密斯特(John Smistad)

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @:快速轻弹评论家多谢你们!约翰