
类型:动作冒险| |科幻导演:Tim Miller Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller Written by: Rob Liefeld, Fabian Nicieza (character), Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick (screenplay)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
主演:Ryan Reynolds,Morena Baccarin,T.J.磨坊主
写道:Rob Liefeld,Fabian Nicieza(角色),Rhett Reese,Paul Wernick(剧本)


How does Twentieth Century Fox make up for the trainwreck that was Fantastic Four? They deliver you one of the best comic book character movies to date with “Deadpool”. The sarcastic, foul mouthed, and hilarious middle finger to the comic book movie genre is a groundbreaking. Deadpool made his first appearance on-screen in the flop that was “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”. That was the first time Ryan Reynolds was introduced as Deadpool, unfortunately it was wasted along with the film.


“Deadpool” isn’t your typical superhero movie. It’s far from it. In way it presents itself as a satire of all things superhero. The Deadpool character is an ant-hero. He’s rude. Foul-mouthed. Arrogant. Self-centered. Angry. All characteristics that humanize him more than any other comic book inspired character. He’s relatable. The kinda guy you don’t want to be, but one that you can gain respect for due to his unapologetic and honest nature.

The ugly side of Wade Wilson
The ugly side of Wade Wilson


In the movie the fourth wall is constantly being broken. Deadpool narrates the movie and brings the viewer along with him for the ride. Credit the filmmakers for not dumbing down their audience, instead they openly reveal various thoughts you might be having while watching. The film manipulates you and sets you up for the reaction with the planted puns and one-liners. It’s a good thing. It made me feel as if the film understood me. The various references from Hugh Jackman to Batman and Robin are hilarious. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (long name) are a big part of the movie and tie-in to the X-Men universe. The taxi conversations with the driver Dopinder and Deadpool’s is one of the better on-screen relationships in the movie, due to the running gags and advice they share with each other (not any good advice).


Ryan Reynolds是Deadpool。很难想象别人接受这种作用的人。他为角色带来的智能屁股态度,机智,讽刺和魅力是真实的。这可能是其流派更有个性化的电影之一。Ryan Reynolds是整个携带它的心灵和灵魂,它不会以任何其他方式工作。Morena Baccarin是雷诺斯玩他的爱情兴趣Vanessa的理想补充。威尔逊和凡妮莎都是球囊的担任者,它会冒犯任何人,但他们在一起是理想的。她是威尔逊在一天中获得他的灵感。T.J.米勒扮演威尔逊的伙伴黄鼠狼,偷走了他的每场景。如果有任何给威尔逊废话的人,它就会吓坏了。 Great use of deadpan humor.






8.6 / 10.
8.6 / 10.
  • 表演 -8.5 / 10.
    8.5 / 10.
  • Cinematography -8/10
  • 绘图/筛选 -9/10
  • 设置/主题 -8.5 / 10.
    8.5 / 10.
  • Buyability -9/10
  • 可回收性 -8/10
  • Originality -9/10

关于Jim Alexander.

当它归结为它时,吉姆的激情是娱乐。除了作为一个狂热的体育迷,遵循NFL,NBA和足球的所有东西。他目前居住在芝加哥的郊区。在他的兴趣的核心......电影!是否试图抓住本周末的最新的闪光,或者最新的需求发布,与他的朋友和同事们加热关于最近的“票房错误”的辩论。电影的热情深入了解他。当他没有写作时,他沉浸在其他兴趣之外;代理和无线电广播。在Twitter上关注jim @jimrko。