Captain America: Civil War Review


当复仇者联盟的行动导致附带损害时,政治压力会安装责任制系统。新的现状将团队的成员深深地划分。美国队长(克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans))认为,超级英雄应在不干预政府干预的情况下捍卫人类。钢铁侠(小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.))严厉不同意并支持监督。随着辩论升级为全面的争执,黑寡妇(斯嘉丽·约翰逊)和鹰眼(杰里米·雷纳(Jeremy Renner))必须选择一方。

The Good

This movie starts at full speed throwing the audience into the surprisingly intricate story without any warning. What I mean by this is that Civil War opens without any credit sequence, Marvel logo, or fun soundtrack to ease you into the chaos that unfolds. Instead this movie throws you right in and trusts that you’ll stay afloat from the onset. Once the credits actually roll we’re treated to a scene that both made me wonder how they stuck a young Ferris Bueller in my Marvel film and what sort of devilish deal was bartered to get RDJ seem so young. Like, seriously, this moment was utterly shocking!

The plot of this movie issimilar to other super hero movies但是,这部电影找到了一种使自己与角色本身的关注和关怀相分开的方法。您对情节的了解越越好,这部电影的结论确保了这部电影中的英雄不会毫发无损地离开这部电影。未来电影中可能会产生的关系会产生影响。内战最初给我带来了一些不良时代的Ultron氛围,复仇者侵占没有任何背景故事的任务。当这部电影拿起自己以提醒我,这是我们正在谈论的鲁索(Russo)时,这些担忧开始消失,而他们的行动概念比我们在其他漫威电影中看到的更为残酷和残酷。这是一个故意的介绍,它具有您将随着电影的进行而理解的目的。这部电影可能始于动作,但动作序列是如此出色,以至于它们似乎直接从杰森·伯恩(Jason Bourne)的一部电影中抬起来,而漫威(Marvel)没有业务序列有经过深思熟虑或有趣的序列。


内战的兴衰故事pa方法cing, which I appreciated and although there are times that I felt bombarded with characters at such a fast pace that I almost got worried that I would get lost in everything presented on screen but that wasn’t the case. Civil War introduces the Black Panther to the Marvel cinematic universe and good GOD does he do debut in spectacular fashion. We get our first look at the Panther in full garb in the middle of an action scene but he somehow does not get overshadowed by the chaos. In fact, T’Challa regularly arrests your attention and steals scenes whenever he was on screen regardless of whether he was in costume. His debut is a remarkable success and a huge credit to the Russo’s for providing us a wonderful take on the character. Black Panther is most definitely not an Avenger and has his own agenda that he carries throughout the film until its resolution. I was initially concerned about how Black Panther would be portrayed but he quickly made a fantastic impression and rose to one of my new top 3 favorite Avengers along with Captain America and Spider-Man. He’s such a powerful on-screen presence that I expect Black Panther to be a household name before Civil War’s theatrical run is completed.

Captain-America-Civil-War-Trailer-2-38-1280x531说到蜘蛛侠,这种最新的墙壁爬行者是pure电影喜悦。Spidey弹出,吐出一些书呆子机智的趣味,然后像他看起来一样突然离开,但他的时刻非常了不起。Tom Holland does a great job portraying Spider-Man and there are some obvious hints of inspiration from both Tobey Maguire’s and Andrew Garfields portrayals of Spider-Man Holland seems to adopt the best parts of both performances to create a beautiful blend of a 15 year old Spider-boy…guy… MAN! Spider-MAN! I enjoyed the moments with Holland outside of the costume about as much as I did with him swinging around and kicking ass which is something that actors struggled with in the past. This new Spider-Man isn’t on screen enough to distract you from the overall progression of the narrative but he certainly left me wanting for more.

这不是一个trueCaptain America movie. No, this is most certainly an Avengers movie with slightly more screen time devoted to Chris Evans’ character than some of the others. Seriously, you can easily call this “Avengers 2.5” or “Iron Man 4” or “Marvel: Civil War” with little to no impact or viewer confusion. Captain America has been my favorite character in the Marvel cinematic universe and while there are a few moments dedicated to the character and his adaptation with today’s world but they’re few and far between. You won’t see the same level of character advancement as we’d seen in “The Winter Soldier” and while there are a few key moments they don’t really give us much time with the title character.


So. Many. Characters. Seriously, we bounce around characters with so many different individual arcs that it’s practically impossible to recommend this film to folks who are new to the Marvel world of films. It’s certainly possible for new fans to just jump in and enjoy the ride but they will certainly ping their more experienced friends with questions shortly after. There are over 10 Avengers in this movie, a few solo acts, and more. This movie has everything and everyone not named Hulk or Thor and that’s a bit much to follow since some characters seem shoe horned in for the sake of appearance. Specifically Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and War Machine’s all feel like padding. Having this many characters almost seems like a distraction for a story that more intimately revolves around Captain America, Iron Man, Winter Solider, Black Panther, and their issues with one another.




Stray Observations/Quotes:

  • 这些电影是实时的!“Vision: It’s been 8 Years since Iron Man made his debut…”
  • 梅姨妈是一个令人惊讶的热门姨妈。
  • 愿景的平民服装很可爱。
  • “蜘蛛侠:嗯。他们没有停止!”
  • 格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)很认真不回来她是吗?
  • Where the Fuck is Nick mother fucking fury!? Shiiiiiit.
  • “The Black Panther has been a protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?”

  • 表演 -8/10
  • Cinematography -9/10
  • 情节/剧本 -7/10
  • 设置/主题 -9/10
  • Buyability -10/10
  • 可回收性 -8/10

