
Genre: Drama | Thriller | Crime Directed by: Jodie Foster Starring: George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O'Connell Written by: Jamie Linden (screenplay), Alan DiFiore (screenplay & story), Jim Kouf (screenplay & story)
Genre: Drama | Thriller | Crime
导演:朱迪·福斯特(Jodie Foster)
撰写人:杰米·林登(Jamie Linden)(剧本),艾伦·迪奥尔(Alan Difiore)(剧本和故事),吉姆·库夫(Jim Kouf)(剧本和故事)


If you were hoping for a movie that blends financial corruption with a hostage thriller, then “Money Monster” is the movie for you. Director Jodie Foster (yes, the actor) is delivers a compelling film with plenty of thrills and suspense. If she keeps doing work like that she will start being referred to as “director” not “actor” Jodie Foster.

李·盖茨(Lee Gates)(乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney))是一位受欢迎的金融电视节目主持人,其表演戏剧与他的财务建议一样令人难忘。他的长期制作人帕蒂(Patty)进行演出。谁必须是该行业中最忠诚和耐心的生产者。当一个愤怒的平民被劫持的人质劫持时,在录音室的典型日子非常错误,他要求对他的股票投资的回答遭到破产。随之而来的是在国家电视台播出整个磨难的同时,为生存而进行了激烈的斗争。




This isn’t your typical hostage movie. On the surface it might seem plain. Some bum manages to get through security and invade a live taping of a TV show. Holds the guys hostage till there is some sort of payout. Not the case. The apparent civilian baddie Kyle (Jack O’Connell) has a clear objective and purpose. What makes things interesting that his character has a compelling reason why he’s doing what he’s doing. He lost everything, but he is sacrificing himself for all the people who have been done wrong by a big corporation. He’s sort of an anti-hero. Someone whose actions are bad, but intentions are noble. Foster manages to shade the characters objectives and personas in a way where you see two sides to the story.

乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney)扮演着古怪的金融电视节目主持人李·盖茨(Guru Lee Gates)。想想MSNBC的Jim CramerMad Money. It’s obvious where the inspiration was taken from. This is the kind of role that Clooney excels at, feels natural watching his charm and charisma explode on-screen (no pun intended, I realize he’s being held hostage). Julia Roberts character Patty is the unsung hero of the story. She’s the glue that holds this incident from becoming a disaster, while being a buffer between Kyle and Lee. A really nice subtly impactful performance from Roberts.


In the second half of the movie the story turns and sort of flips the script on what’s been apparent to that point. It goes from being a hostage movie to a commentary of society. That’s where the fun and entertaining movie digs deeper and becomes a social commentary. I really liked that reveal. It adds another dynamic and smarts to the film. Surprisingly humor is well entrenched throughout the film, including the intense moments. One a side note, the film is barely over an hour and half, which not only was fitting but refreshing that it moved at a great pace and didn’t drag.


Some of the things that make this film really good is what makes it a bit farfetched. When the hostage situation is taking place, not only the entire country is tuning in, but the entire world. I get that news travels fast these days, but would people all over the world stop track in pubs, work offices, etc. to watch a hostage being broadcast on live television? Maybe they would, but seems a bit over-the-top.


It was a pleasant surprise to see humor interjected frequently in a movie you wouldn’t have suspected due to the theme. The one-liners were snarky and witty, but at times it was just too much. When you start deflecting the intensity of the situation due to the overabundance of humor, then you’re hurting the believability of the hostage situation. Would anyone really fire spitballs at a pissed off and deranged guy with a loaded gun? Maybe only Clooney can pull-off stuff like that? I’d rather have seen his character tone it down a bit, at least during the intense moments.


Point Blank,“ Money Monster”是一部非常好的电影。它具有幽默,阴谋,悬念,娱乐和当今社会的一些合法评论。后者是我发现最引人注目的部分。离开剧院这部电影应该让您考虑我们对新闻和社交媒体的反应。我们是否只是关心成为新闻的一部分,并在发生重大事情时成为对话的一部分?这部电影的目的是在我们自己和我们的社会中的愤世嫉俗。这是对千禧一代和非千禧一代的小警钟,他们已经介绍了似乎统治我们生活的社交媒体和电子设备。最终,“金钱怪物”并不是真正关于金钱的重要内容,而是生活在我们中间的“社会怪物”。




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  • Acting -8.5/10
  • 摄影 -8/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -9/10
  • Setting/Theme -9/10
  • 可买到 -9/10
  • 可回收性 -7.5/10

关于Jim Alexander

When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.