October Movies You Should See



由特蕾莎·帕尔默(Teresa Palmer)主演的电影对我来说是立即购买的,无论是个人的偏见还是在所有帐户上都很棒。恐怖策划者詹姆斯·万(James Wan)产生的恐怖惊悚片没有什么不同。丽贝卡(Rebecca)的(帕尔默(Palmer)的小兄弟处于危险之中,他们的家庭住宅都被一种神秘的精神所困扰,当灯光熄灭时出来。为了使事情变得更加复杂,他们的母亲依附于这种邪恶的精神。丽贝卡必须发现一种方法来阻止圣灵毁灭家人的生活。我喜欢这部电影的东西是多么聪明。它扮演了一些恐怖刻板印象,并反对他们。前提听起来可能是基本的,但是执行是光滑和令人印象深刻的。有些真实的时刻会让您无处不在(我发生在我身上)。灯光悬疑,激动和娱乐。 One of the best scary movies of the year. Perfect movie to turn off the lights (no pun intended) and watch on Halloween weekend.


熄灯is available now on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand


丛林之王在泰山(Tarzan)的传奇人物中获得了适当的大屏幕展示。泰山(Tarzan)的故事被多次讲述,但最新版本似乎是最好的版本。泰山(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德(Alexander Skarsgard))离开了丛林,与妻子简(Margot Robbie)过着平民生活方式。由于他不知道的所有错误原因,他被召回丛林。Skarsgard是理想的泰山。他有角色的指挥和外观。特殊效果看起来很光滑又清脆。支持演员表现强大,包括罗比(Robbie),塞缪尔·杰克逊(Samuel L.顶级CGI和有趣的情节只是这部电影的许多好处。

蓝光上的特殊功能包括:T亚搏电子电竞官方网站arzan Reborn,创建虚拟丛林,战斗和裸露的斗殴。

泰山的传奇现在可在Ultra HD Blu-ray,Blu-ray 3D,Blu-Ray组合包,DVD,Digital HD和Digition上使用。


布莱恩·辛格作为重建x战警系列完整模型tely. Apocalypse may the grandest of all the films in the series. A new younger generation of X-Men is introduced as they join the veterans to battle the most dominant villain in the X-Men universe–Apocalypse. The film is loaded with star names and familiar faces. It’s hard to find a popular X-Men character not represented in the film. The plot is developed nicely and isn’t rush, even with the addition of all the new characters. Every character seems to have a purpose. The visuals are as good as it gets. The CGI made me gasp a few times. It’s an exciting set-up for a new era of X-Men, while doing justice to the previous and present crew. The story takes place in the 80’s and it very much feels and looks like it from costumes to commentary. Not only is it an exciting and very enjoyable X-Men film, but exciting and enjoyable film in general.

Special features on the Blu-ray include: X-Men Apocalypse Unearthed, Wrap Party Video, Deleted/Extended Scenes, Gag Reel, Gallery and Audio Commentary.

X-Men: Apocalypseis available now on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray Combo Pack, Digital HD and On Demand.


吉姆(马克·杜普拉斯(Mark Duplass))和阿曼达(Amanda)(莎拉·鲍尔森(Sarah Paulson))是前高中恋人,在二十年来没有见面之后,在他们的家乡重新建立了联系。进步是向他们沿着记忆道的旅行。如此有趣而诚实的电影,带有真实而透明的角色。观看Duplass和Paulson在屏幕上连接在一起真是太有趣了。这部电影是黑白的,由于占据了电影的焦点的牢固角色联系,这几乎没有引起我的注意。这部电影充满了浪漫,幽默,伤心欲绝。一部简单但高度情感的电影。

Blue Jayis currently out in select theaters and On Demand.


Dave Franco has made a big name for himself in some mainstream comedies. Emma Roberts has gained notoriety with her indie dramas. Neither has really stepped foot in the adventure thriller genre, until this film. The plot revolves around a virtual online version of a truth or dare game, where Franco and Robert’s characters immerse themselves in and put their lives on the line. It’s an online underworld where you’re either a “watcher” or a “player”. There characters are constantly wrapped up in high-stakes situations they need to get out of, which makes it a compelling watch. Franco takes on a bit of a hero status, which is a bit different than what he’s usually cast in. Roberts and Franco compliment each other nicely. This is a new-age exciting and fast-paced film that has enough of the right suspense to keep up the intrigue. The Blu-ray includes a good amount of bonus features divided by the “player” and “watcher” sections. It’s a cool movie with interactive bonus features.

Nerveis available on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


一部关于年轻爱情的英国时代电影。在伦敦,一群朋友探索浪漫的联系,在边缘生活,沉迷于夜生活。威尔·普尔特(Will Poulter)扮演一个名叫杰克(Jack)的孩子,他一生正在寻找更多。当他遇到自由盛行的伊夫琳(Alma Jodorowsky)和她的朋友Viola(Cara Delevingne)时,他发现了生活的新意义。这是对年轻的浪漫和自我发现的令人耳目一新的看法。我喜欢这部电影在伦敦的制作方式,这与电影《时代的来临一样》不同,这可能是通过描绘这些青少年生活的文化和生活方式的不同。电影的新鲜感已嵌入角色与日常生活的描绘之间的对话。

恋爱中的孩子is available On Demand


Skiptrace是令人发指的有趣的动作喜剧。与高峰时段的电影非常相似,这是香港顶级警察的伙伴二人组和美国顶级逃犯联合军队以摧毁危险的中国暴民。许多有趣的闹剧时刻,采取了一些扎实的动作。杰基·陈(Jackie Chan)和约翰尼·诺克斯维尔(Johnny Knoxville)有点不常见,但在这部电影中起作用。如果您渴望高峰时间4,这是您一直在等待的电影。

跳过is out now on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


This is a movie about a book that can’t be turned into a play. Nice play on the subject matter. This is a really neat coming of age and discovery kinda movie. Nat Wollf’s brother Alex does a fantastic job as the kid in search of author J.D. Salinger (Chris Cooper) in hopes of getting permission to turn his book into a play. Just a well constructed movie with good characters, story and acting. The story is set in 1969 and the look of the film really honors the time period nicely.

Coming Through the Ryeis out now in limited theaters

马丁·劳伦斯(Martin Lawrence):Doin'Time Uncut

Maar-tynn is back doing stand up! For the first time in 14 years, Lawrence is back on stage and doing good work. It was refreshing to see Lawrence back in his element. He gets really personal and self-deprecating in this comedy special. Lawrence talks about what’s been going on in his life. Commentary about some celebrity news of recent years. There is a whole lot to enjoy in this one hour special. He definitely goes raw and uncensored. Doin’ Time had me laughing a lot, plus it was cool just seeing Lawrence try stand up again.

Martin Lawrence: Doin’ Time现在在DVD和Digital HD上。





James Caan is chilling in this film. In a way this film is a combination of Rear Window and Don’t Breathe, which is a good thing. Two young guys decide to do an experiment, by controlling an older man’s home from their computers at home. They can turn off his lights, open doors and windows, etc. What they don’t realize that the prank is about to bite them in the ass big time. The old man played by Caan has a scary silence to him, reminiscent of Stephen Lang in Don’t Breathe. The film is thrilling, suspenseful and chilling. It had me engaged early on and kept my attention. This is a well done thriller that is sure to make you think twice about every pulling any pranks.

好邻居is available on DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


Before you get to see The Space Between Us before the end of the year, there is this movie to check out. Mark Strong is headed to Mars…alone. Strong plays an American astronaut on a one-way journey to Mars with the goal of starting up a civilization. With the recent success of The Martian, this is the right time and right movie to follow. Space junkies should get a thrill out of this Sci-Fi thriller. Personally I’m always fascinated by movies about outer space, and this one didn’t do anything to change my perception. Strong does really nice work here. The visuals aren’t corny or choppy. Sometimes the subject matter sells, but this movie offers a good plot to go along with it.

Approaching the Unknownis available on DVD and Digital HD.


在蝙蝠的情况下,这部电影有一个我不记得以前看过的新概念。一个年轻的成年男性从未勃起。对医院的访问显示,他的垂体腺上有肿瘤(去看看),在外科手术切除后,他首次开始体验青春期,但成年。可以想象,随后有许多尴尬的有趣时刻。后期的布卢姆(Bloomer)是一部令人发指的喜剧,一定会给您一些急需的笑声。它对我做了。J.K.领导的辅助演员表现很强Simmons,Maria Bello,Brittany Snow,Paul Wesley和Jane Lynch。电影中有很多粗糙的性行为(想想美国派)。

Late Bloomer可在精选剧院,数字高清和需求中使用。


The films has a terrific cast of young comedic talent featuring Jenny Slate, Nick Kroll, Adam Pally, Thomas Middleditch and Aubrey Plaza. The plot revolves around a guy whose engagement comes to a unexpected end and his friends deciding to take advantage of his impending bachelor party. The apparent tamed guys getaway turns into a drug, booze and sex filled debacle. This is one of these indies that has the right kinda writing and cast that makes this film a worthwhile experience. It’s raucous, offbeat and funny.

乔希is available on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


Not the be confused with the recent horror movie The Forest, Into the Forest stars Ellen Page and Rachel Evan Wood as sisters stranded without power in a home isolated in the middle of the woods. They don’t know the reason for the outage and what or who may be causing it. The film is a well shot thriller that poses a legitimate question about our dependance on electricity in our everyday lives. The characters are tasked with developing new and alternate methods for survival. I like the concept of this film and the suspense of it was nicely executed. This is a good film with clever cinematography and a nice blend of multiple genres.

Into the Forestis available on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.


Mel Gibson is back to being a badass. He plays an ex-convict who is tasked with protecting his estranged daughter from a cartel. This is vintage Gibson doing what he does best, action thrillers. There is a ton of hard action with guns at a limitless disposal. This is a satisfactory movie that delivers on its premise. Majority of the action takes place in the desert, which adds to the dangerous and isolated setting of the story. I liked the fact the film gets to the point and doesn’t drag, at only 88 minutes, it’s the ideal length to keep you on the edge throughout.

Blood Fatheris available on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and On Demand.



Sex, murder, action, fighting, twists and turns, there’s all that and more in the final season of the kick ass Cinemax series Banshee. The fourth season takes place two years after Lucas Hood gives up his badge, Banshee is a revamped town with a new sheriff taking over. Scores are settled and the past is exposed in the best season of this show to date (the other seasons did not disappoint). You really can’t ask for more in a show, too bad this is the final season, but one that fans of the show and newbies have to see. If you haven’t seen Banshee yet, start watching from the beginning to take in the awesome conclusion that this final season delivers. Extra features included on the Blu-ray.

女妖: The Complete Fourth Season可在Blu-ray,DVD和Digital HD上找到。


就在班斯希(Banshee)结束时,内gui开始了。谋杀,神秘和丑闻只是该节目所基于的一些组成部分。这是在伦敦设置的那些犯罪表演之一,但以美国女孩为中心。该节目将于6月在Freeform上首次亮相,但现在可以在Home Video上使用。该节目有一些好的悬崖峭壁,谋杀之谜在许多网中纠结。DVD功能包括一亚搏电子电竞官方网站个功能,吹奏者和已删除的场景。

有罪: Season Oneis available on DVD.



害怕承诺。人际关系中经常出现的话题。我喜欢吉姆·汉普希尔(Jim Hemphill)的电影,因为角色过度的爱情和人际关系都有有趣的对话。不同的观点和方法。在彼此继续前进之后,罗伯特(约翰·谢伊(John Shea))和艾米丽(Emily)(莉亚·汤普森(Lea Thompson))聚在一起讨论他们失败的婚姻和女儿即将来临的婚礼。我很感激这不是两个人试图以陈词滥调的方式重新回来。角色看起来非常真实和自以为是,但彼此也公平。独立性及其含义是相关的。观看这件事时,有很多好的有趣的内容可以思考。最终,您可能会发现一些相关的东西,并为您提供新的视角。

真相麻烦可在DVD,Amazon Prime和iTunes上找到。


弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)的黑色惊悚片终于从原始的35毫米中进行了数字恢复,并首次在蓝光上获得。在1954年的经典赛中,辛纳屈(Sinatra)扮演疯狂的战争兽医,以杀死总统的任务。这是一部电影。对于那些可能会感到惊讶或怀疑辛纳屈(Sinatra)的表演能力的人来说,这部电影很好地展示了他出色的表演能力。只是一个非常酷的经典。老式的神秘电影黑色惊悚片是最好的。蓝光看起来清晰,清洁,并具有增强的音频。


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When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.