
L.A.漫画刚刚通过了,它让我在今年的纽约漫画 - 我讨厌的是,我喜欢什么,但最重要的是,我如何发展。去年是我第一次在漫画骗局。所以一切都是惊人的,一个壮观的,一个宏伟的奇迹!我想在那里住在余生中。当我不得不离开时,我几乎哭了。为什么?首先,因为有这么多其他的物品我想得到,其次,我不得不等待一个整体他妈的一年返回。它粉碎了我作为一个男人。让我继续下次的唯一一件事是下次计划。我整个四天内设定了七百美元的预算。而且,我知道七百个是低的数字,但我无法证明我的女孩在“玩具”上花了一千美元。我知道我用了“t”字。这一天终于到了,我不能更快乐。我在那里得到了很多时间,而不是因为MTA。如果你不住在纽约,你就不能联系,但对于那些做的人,知道MTA是可怕的,但我会挖掘。我到了那里,我走进贾维斯中心的那一刻,一波兴奋地洗过我。 If I’m being honest I just walked around for about an hour with a big smile on my face. People probably thought my cosplay was pervert, but I’m okay with that. The cars were gorgeous, the woman were even more gorgeous, and they had a brunch load collectables for sell. Say what you want, but I was in heaven. I sat down, got something to eat. (SIDE NOTE: The food prices were too damn high!) After I got my thoughts together, and I was able to set out my journey to look for… weapons!

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认识我的人都知道我喜欢刀剑。还有什么地方比在纽约动漫展上更能同时获得这两样东西呢?去年,我错过了一把霹雳猫(Thundercats)的剑,今年我也不打算犯同样的错误。但是,45分钟后,我找不到任何武器柜。连一点监狱刀都没有。所以,我放下了自尊,向其中一名工作人员寻求指导(我承认,在这方面我还不够爷们)。他开始浏览索引,想找一个,30秒后他说找不到。我立刻在脑海中说:“这个新手在该死的第一天还不能完成他该死的工作。”他说"等等,让我问问我的搭档"他开始检查,大约40秒后,他看着我美丽的眼睛,告诉了我一些话,这些话将决定我在接下来的动漫展上的心情。从我的表情来看,你会以为他告诉我我得了螃蟹。但他说,今年的动漫展不允许携带武器!!!!!!!!! I wanted to spit in his face. How dare he speak those words to me? I never been so hurt in my life. I was sure he didn’t know what he was talking about. I searched for the rest of the day and found nothing L . Broken and defeated, I went home asking, “Why would they do this”. Now look, I know what city I live in and I won’t turn a blind eye and act as if we don’t have a high crime rate – especially, this year with all the shooting taking place in public venues. But, I’m 99.99 percent sure that the thirty-five year old man dressed as Pikachu isn’t the one stabbing old ladies at the bus stop. If people are worried about violence, I would like to think it wouldn’t be the Comic Con.

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总之,这次经历之后,一切都糟透了。我就不说了,就说两岁半吧。一个是面板。这些嵌板太难钻了。去年,我不在乎!一开始就有太多事情要做。现在我已经有一年的时间了,我有时间展开我的翅膀和探索。但是,每一个机会都很快被关闭了。你可能会问?要进入任何一个好的小组,你必须在该死的黎明的时候在动漫展上得到你的徽章,这反过来允许你进入活动。 The first problem was everybody that’s there that early get their badges tap for anything. Which in turns causes the second problem. A butt load of empty seats. Which doesn’t look good, so you have a whole bunch of staff members just telling people to come in. Which begs the question why do any of the badge tapping if half the time it doesn’t work like it should. P.S.A: No one stays the whole day at Comic Con. Anybody that’s there at 9am left by 4pm. So showing an Iron Fist trailer at 7pm is stupid because most of the people that can get in are already gone. The second problem I had well….

这是纽约漫画骗局,我知道与圣地亚哥漫画骗局相比,但是家伙。这是一个大消息?来自即将到来的电影的独家剪辑在哪里?今年的四大大事是斯坦·李,黑色镜像剧集,铁第一拖车和一个正义的联盟黑暗观景(EWWW)。人们付出了很多钱来参加纽约,并展示一把扔掉拖车,剧集和或在线泄漏的剪辑,无论有点不尊重。我不要求看到整个Aquaman电影,但让它变得有价值的东西。吹嘘我的朋友和家人的东西。不用说,我仍然像一个人一样长大。我学到了一些避免领先于游戏的提示和技巧,就像只是在线支付某人跳过。这样对吗? No, but you have to do what you got to do, right?! Overall, I would give NYCC as a whole a 7/10 because it wasn’t the best, but I know it could have been a hell-of- a-lot worse. Did you go to NYCC this year? How was your experience compared to past years? Let me know down in the comment section below.

又及:我一半的抱怨是那些坐轮椅的人。如果你是残疾人,你当然可以,boo boo,但如果你在动漫展前摔断了腿,你就不能去动漫展了。明年,我要踢腿警告你。


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关于Mo Baptiste.

莫·巴普蒂斯特(Mo Baptiste)努力改变影评的写作方式。亚搏电子电竞官网他的目标是成为电影界的重要人物。自2015年2月以来,他一直为电影博客撰写影评。亚搏电子亚搏电子电竞官网他以自己的坦率和某种程度上不带偏见的方式,用几段简短的段落就能让你喜欢和期待一部电影,或者讨厌和避免一部电影。他在纽约出生长大,除了看电影和写作,他最喜欢的消遣是阅读科学和漫画书。在他的空闲时间,他杀死怪物和骑龙与他的儿子。在推特上关注我@mbcinematics