Review: “Power Rangers” Nostalgic Fun For The New And Older Generation

自从我记得从学校跑回家看,我觉得自己已经一辈子了电力别动队作为Fox Kids Daily阵容的一部分。电力别动队太酷了。每个人都有他们最喜欢的电力游侠,我的是杰森·戴维·弗兰克(Jason David Frank)描绘的绿色/白色。你们中的许多人阅读将与演出有个人记忆和联系。多年来,电力别动队刚刚变成了一种被遗忘的怀旧行为。当今的社交媒体驱动的青少年最终可以对我们20多岁和30年代初的我们所有人的经历都有一种感觉和感觉。新的电力别动队电影是如此令人愉悦,不仅对遵循原始护林员的人,而且对被介绍给这部电影的孩子和青少年。


I must say I was skeptical of this new电力别动队电影,但是我很惊喜“权力如何Rangers” it felt. Obviously the actors changed, the production values were amped up, event the screen size was much larger than the TV screens that this show aired on, yet all these changes didn’t affect the feel and tone of what the Power Rangers are. The film is just a lot of fun, plainly put. I geeked out multiple times throughout. The goofiness of the show stayed faithful in this movie. The outrageous and corny lines and jokes are silly enough to make you laugh and allow them to entertain you.


The cast is constructed of relative unknowns, but surrounded by some big time actors like Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Banks and Bill Hader. Dacre Montgomery plays Jason (Red Ranger), Naomi Scott plays Kimberly (Pink Ranger), RJ Cyler plays Billy (Blue Ranger), Ludi Lin plays Zack (Black Ranger) and Becki G plays Trini (Yellow Ranger). For half the movie I was trying to figure out if Scott was Amanda Crew (uncanny resemblance). Montgomery reminded me very much of Paul Wesley of Vampire Diaries. Cyler may be the most recognizable of the bunch, having played Earl, in Me, Earl and the Dying Girl. The actors did a nice job, with Cyler providing constant comedic relief. He was entertaining. All of the these kids had some sort of a stereotypical surface story to them, but there was a lot more revealed as the story progressed. One of the characters strongly hints at being gay, so I found that to be a progressive.

From L to R: Naomi Scott as “Kimberly,” RJ Cyler as “Billy,” Dacre Montgomery as “Jason,” Ludi Lin as “Zack” and Becky G as “Trini” in SABAN’S POWER RANGERS. Photo credit: Kimberley French.

I loved the references and puns that were planted throughout the movie. There is a really good Transformers pun, that everyone should get a chuckle from. The film is very aware of itself and its premise so the characters make the obvious remarks that are on par with what the audience is probably thinking. It has a bit of死池耀斑,很小的规模。这部电影并没有认真对待自己,所以您也不应该享受您正在观看的一切。这个版本的Power Rangers比我们许多人在动画片中习惯的要黑。这不是孩子友好的,主题,主题,动作更加激烈。不容忽视的是很棒的配乐。适合故事的可识别歌曲使其成为理想的合作。

Once it gets rolling the action is pretty satisfactory. The Ranger dino robots do make an appearance and the battle against the creepily imposing Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks)and Goldar (who is now a CGI monster made out of gold) is fun and action-packed. The location of the town and battle looked so much like the one from the New Mexico town in the first Thor movie. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it definitely looked like Transformers also, which I liked for this battle scene. To add the cherry on top, there is a great cameo in that scene from a couple of the OG Rangers.



So they changed a few things from the TV series. As mentioned Goldar is just some monster made out of Gold, sort of like Doomsday was in Batman v Superman. I would have liked a bit more of Rita, as Banks seemed to have the character down pat. They initially teased a romance between Jason and Kimberly, but randomly abandoned it.

现在,对某些人来说,这将是一个积极的Breakfast Club。杰森,金伯利和比利星期六在拘留中见面的场景看起来太相似了早餐俱乐部。You’ll know it when you see it. Also, they sort of just focused on Billy, Jason and Kimberly and disregarded Zack and Trini, who first appear much later in the film.

I had a bit of an issue how conveniently all these kids met and were inorganically forced to team up. Yes, they try to play to that concept as part of the plot, but at least explain the purpose of why Trini hangs out in the mountains? She seemed to be the most forced character.


这是一个适合当今社会并解决当今文化的现代力量游骑兵。我有很多标记(在内部欢呼)看着。一段时间以来,没有什么比这部电影那样带出我内心的孩子了。这是毫无意义的乐趣。这是一部儿童电影/节目,最初提出了更加周到和严肃的概念。这些年来,Power Rangers在某种程度上已经成熟,这是他们的成年版本。不仅这款Power Rangers更大而糟糕,而且比向我们介绍这些角色的节目更聪明,更发达。演员很合适。明星力量拿下底卡以建立并让年轻人占据地板并建立自己的基础。对90年代的孩子们的老年吉兹(Geezers)的怀念,对今天的孩子们很酷。 Power Rangers if fun and entertaining for all, old and new fans. It’s morphin time, so morph your way to the theaters to check this out and you won’t be disappointed. “Go, Go, Power Rangers!”


Runtime: 2 hr 4 min


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  • 表演 -7/10
  • Cinematography -9/10
  • 情节/剧本 -10/10
  • 设置/主题 -9/10
  • Buyability -10/10
  • 可回收性 -7/10
  • Fun/Entertainment -10/10


当它归结为吉姆时,吉姆的激情就是娱乐。除了成为NFL,NBA和足球所有事物的狂热运动迷外。他目前居住在芝加哥郊区。他的兴趣的核心...电影!无论是试图捕捉本周末最新的电影,还是最新的需求发行,都与他的朋友和同事有关最近的“票房大失误”进行激烈的辩论。对电影的热情在他体内。当他不写作时,他会沉浸在其他利益中。表演和无线电广播。在Twitter @jimrko上关注Jim。