
Unsung Heroes



As I got onto set after set, the first thing I’d see was that anonymous legion, slaving away in silence, making everything run smoothly.

Most directors will only be making one feature film a year, with maybe a few short films in between. Actors tend to appear on a few more sets but extras can be on a different set every day. It was as an extra that I started to notice all these crew and often saw the same faces on shoot after shoot. Without this dedicated, silent horde, the Indie Industry in Melbourne would be non existent. Often, these people are on the set hours before the actors and then are packing up long after most have left.

Today, I am going to speak to four of the people that I’ve worked with many times now and greatly admire. Glen Cook – gaffer, Dia Taylor – director/ writer/ producer/ dop/ actress/ 1st AD/ production manager …. basically a high class hamburger with the lot, Alex Zemtsov – Camera and Emma Rose – sfx mua (aka The Queen of Gore!)

Hi Glen, Dia, Alex and Emma Rose. I have 5 questions to ask you all. I need you to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There shall be no evasion, equivocation or mental reservation. OK?

格伦 - 斯图尔特·费尔威瑟(Stewart Fairweather)的照片

DB - 是什么让您参与独立电影?

Glen– I don’t think I set out originally to make “Indie” movies as such, I just wanted to make films full stop. It started many years ago when I saw a film called Star Wars. It was one of those moments that changed my life and I knew that was what I wanted to do, without a doubt. Unfortunately life had other ideas for me, and so many years later when I came to having a career change, it was my first choice because the passion for it has never died. I did film school and then put myself out there as so many new film makers do. My past work experience had me doing producing and 1st AD often, and I wasn’t happy with that. Eventually I ended up on lighting which was fine. You get to work closely with camera and are creative in a way setting up lighting that plays a crucial role in the end result of a film, and while its all happening you can see how everyone else works on set as well. I started on some very grass roots level stuff before working on the largest indie film, and film generally to date, The Legend of Ben Hall, where I met up with veteran gaffer, Colin Williams, who has been in the game for the past 45 years. That accelerated my learning curve and path into this industry.

Dia– My Aunt I’d have to say. When I was a kid she used to get me on her indie sets as a runner or 2nd AD or even just to watch and I loved the atmosphere and the people so much I just knew that it was something I had to continue with and I did.

Alex– It’s pretty simple; I just wanted to make things. Doing things, making things, that’s the best way to learn and grow as a filmmaker, or any kind of artist, really. You also meet heaps of like-minded people, get involved in more projects, and everything snowballs from there.

Emma Rose- 我一直是化妆师大约五年,目的是因为我是一个怪胎,所以我的目标是制作电影。真的很幸运,一个也是一个恐怖的恐怖迷也推荐我去看电影,从那以后我一直在制作印度群岛。


DB - 您通常的日子是什么样的?

Glen- 每天都是不同的,具体取决于拍摄以及场景的要求。一些最小的芽,通常是草根,它们使用数码单反相机,要求并利用最小的照明来使它们逐渐发展。一个非常缺乏经验的相机操作员可能会问我,可以做些什么使场景看起来更好。因此,在这种情况下,可能有些弹跳,否定,或者可能有一些轮辋照明。不过,并非总是如此,有时基层电影可能会有丰富的经验,或者是夜间拍摄,可能涉及大量照明工作。另一个极端可能是一部更大的电影,只需要弹跳和否定照明,这增加了一点,但工作量不多。因此,品种是无尽的。有时候它非常忙,我会把所有东西都用来使用,从天花板上串起,而有时我几乎什么都不使用。

Dia- a-这几乎取决于我的角色。通常,一切都已经预先计划了 - 从镜头到时间,甚至演员将站立的地方。When I’m in charge of a set – usually as AD, Director, or Producer I like to have a little welcome to the crew – get them to know each other a little before fully jumping into it, because a crew is essentially a family during the shoot.

Alex– No way I can answer this one, because it’s different every day. Variety is one of the things I love most about this industry – one day, I could be filming parkour artists fighting in a forest, doing flips and shit, and the next, a pizza themed monster provocatively whispering “puh-puh-puh-pizza time” in someone’s ear.

Emma Rose– I usually wake up at some ungodly hour and travel to melbourne, I’m usually nervous and going over the script etc but once I get to set there are always some familiar faces I’ve worked with previously. I set up wherever I can (which is sometimes in a car or on the street or in the bush!) and then start working. There’s usually a lot of down time for me once I’ve done the makeup and just need to do touch ups or wait for makeup changes, I like to watch the filming usually if I can and attempt to help with anything else. A lot of the time I work through lunch and have mine after as the actors often need work in that time before starting again. It’s always a long day but so much fun and interesting watching how everyone works. I generally end the day with blood on my clothes honestly!

Unsung Heroes

DB - 您在本地独立电影中最令人惊奇的记忆是什么?

Glen- 太多了,很难只选一个。我最近拍摄的是我们在24楼的公寓里,欣赏海湾和墨尔本市的景色。在我们在那里的四天里,当太阳落山时,我们拥有最辉煌的景色,城市的所有颜色都出来了。那只是纯粹的魔术。

另一个是我在本霍尔(Ben Hall)的传奇人物中,那是拍摄的第一天,我们正在拍摄电影结束时的一些场景。我一直都知道本·霍尔(Ben Hall)的故事,而我正在拍摄,因为我很高兴看到他的故事讲述。所以我在那里,我们正在和约翰·吉尔伯特(John Gillbert)拍摄一个场景,我抬头看着灌木丛,杰克·马丁(Jack Martin)是角色本·霍尔(Ben Hall)。他的性格非常多,他只是安静地走下去,看看发生了什么事,将自己停在树下。它认真地将头发放在我脖子的后部,末端是生命的历史!

Another funny moment was when I shot a very small Indie film called “Dark Night of the Zomboogies. I had arrived at the venue busting for a pee, so it was my first point of call. Upon exiting to wash my hands, I was accosted by two women who looked and were dressed for a much better venue. One was an absolute stunner! Like who were these girls and why on earth were they there? I had a film screening there that night and that had its run, and while I was talking about the film, I noticed these girls still there. Clearly they were lost right? No they were there as extras for the small shoot that was going to happen.

Unsung Heroes

Later I was asked by the Director to actually be in this little film. I have a face that was made for the other side of the camera, and so trying to get out of it, I said “sure no worries, find me someone to make out with!” I was dead certain I had gotten out of this. David the Director hurried off and a short time later, he returned with my kissing victim. Well needless to say, he not only found someone who was happy to kiss me, but turned out to be the hottest girl in the place that I had seen earlier as well. My bluff was called and thus it was captured on film. That certainly worked out well in my favour.

Dia– A- That’s a tough one honestly. I’ve met so many of my best friends on sets it’s hard to say. My fav memory of all time would have to be one in particular though.

Our lead actress had left a valuable prop at her home one day, a day that we needed it.

We didn’t realize we needed it until she was already here. Luckily another crew member lived very close to her and had not left yet so we asked him to break into her house (with her permission) to get it.


Alex——有一次,我们设置感烟探测器和意外ly evacuated a whole apartment building. We were running a haze machine the whole day, which the location owner had assured us would be fine. Turns out it was not. One of my favourite shots in the film was done with a member of the fire department standing JUST outside of frame having words with our producer.

At one point, before the firemen had shown up, we sent someone outside to fetch something at a nearby convenience store, unaware that the building was in lockdown. They did not return, so we sent someone else out to go find them. They did not return either. It was like something out of a horror film.

Emma Rose– Anything working with Black Forest Films, they’re my film family and we all just click. They are so welcoming and chill and just get shit done. Everyone helps with everything, everyone lugs gear around, everyone has input and ideas. Filming The Viper’s Hex in Japan was probably the best experience of my life.

Unsung Heroes

DB – What is your assessment of the Australian indie movie industry today?

Glen– The Indie industry is pretty much the bulk of the industry in this country. Sure there are plenty of American productions that come over here, but there are countless films being made from the grass roots all the way up to small budget of 1 mil or so. I think this will always be the case in this country as there are very little funds going. We don’t have a big studio system like the US had or in India, so it is literally whatever you can do for yourself to make it happen and without that Studio system, its what makes it “Indie”

Dia- A-我们​​那里有很多才华,许多新的和伟大的想法都在流淌。有时,我只是觉得人们需要更多地关注故事而不是制作技巧和相机动作。

Alex- 在澳大利亚电影中肯定没有太多钱,但是谁决定想成为一名电影制片人,以便他们赚钱?独立电影不是由赚钱的总体需求所决定的,是周围最具创造力的电影,每周都会制作数十个 - 从每个人都听说过的大型,广泛的作品到那部出色的学生电影关于Vimeo的50次观看值得更多。当然,那里有很多坏东西,但是在其中,您可以找到一些真正值得一看的独特作品。

Emma Rose-老实说,实际上有很多才华横溢,但实际上没有足够的电影才能获得他们应有的荣誉。所有的热情和电影制片人都将他们的钱付出了很少的钱。这些艺术家很难突破。他们并不想制作一般的澳大利亚电影,也不需要得到认可。

Unsung Heroes

DB - 您觉得我们的独立行业在哪里?

Glen– I think the industry is still going to be here and still doing what it does for the time being. Unless funding and support for the arts changes and there is a bigger focus on how films are made and we start trying to compete with the rest of the world, there is always going to be an Indie industry. Actually having said that, There will always be an Indie industry because it is where we all start from

Dia- 老实说,我真的不能说。不断变化。我今天与我一起工作的人没有与五年前一起工作。我想现在有了Netflix和许多Internet流媒体网站,电影制片人有更多的观看方式。可能性是无止境。我只是认为独立场景将不断增长。

Alex- 不认为我可以说。独立电影的伟大之处是,任何人都可以做任何事情。这意味着如果有足够好的主意激发,它们几乎可以立即朝任何方向前进。

Emma Rose——我不确定,我想乐观和其他e’s definitely talent in it but a lot of work needs to be done I think.

Unsung Heroes

Thanks everyone for chatting to me today. Normally its me running around being told what to do by you guys, so I hope I didn’t come across as being too bossy. Really. If I offended, I really didn’t mean to. OK?

您可以在这里看到Dia Taylors电影 - http://www.youtube.com/diataylorofficial/

And Emma Rose’s make up page is here – https://www.facebook.com/Emmarosemua

And the wacky shit Alex Zemtsov makes with his friends – https://www.youtube.com/c/kinosalad

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大卫·布莱克is an Australian actor, director and writer. He is best known for being the singer and bass player in the horror rock band, Darkness Visible.