

在过去的几周中,怪物小队的明星一直在全国各地游览阿拉莫·草原(Alamo Drafthouse)的地点。我的一些恐怖轻弹小鸡小队和我能够在布鲁克林市中心的放映地点拿票。几年来我没看过怪物小队,所以我知道这会很有趣……终于在大屏幕上看到它!那是!玩得很尽兴!怀旧对第十大力!怪物Quad,Andre Gower(Sean),Ryan Lambert(Rudy)和Ashley Bank(Phoebe)的明星都在开幕式上介绍这部电影,他们很酷,可以谈论这次旅行。然后……电影开始。屏幕上的标题在屏幕上弹出,人群欢呼!之后,观众很安静,除了在有趣的时刻笑声,在电影中的经典台词/场景中欢呼。

如果您从未见过怪物小队,那就让您感到羞耻。但是我会减轻您的懈怠,因为我知道您阅读本文后会看到它。对?对?为了让您品尝一下1987年的这颗宝石关于……这部电影中心的12岁肖恩·克伦肖(Sean Crenshaw)(高尔)和他的伙伴死于艰难的怪物狂热者。当他们必须与弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein)的怪物,黑泻湖,狼人和木乃伊的生物作斗争时,他们必须对怪物知识进行考验。


放映后,剧院爆发了欢呼!我真的很喜欢观众中不仅有艰难的粉丝,而且还有一些从未看过这部电影的人。一些粉丝甚至带着孩子第一次看电影。一个全新的一代人认识了球队。演员们回到剧院进行Q&&A。他们回答了每个人的问题,并谈论了他们在这次周年纪念之旅以及电影从事这部电影的时间开始的时间。他们还谈到了当时在同一类型中的某些年轻电影如何获得好评。这是应得的。傻瓜是电影的一次很棒的冒险。但是,怪物小队本身就是一颗宝石。尽管最初这部电影在票房上表现不佳,但有原因是30年后,阿拉莫·德拉夫豪斯(Alamo Drafthouse)举办了周年纪念之旅。 The Monster Squad is a cult classic. Point blank period. There is a massive fan base. Alamo knows it. The actors and the director know it too.

在Q & A是显而易见的摄制组floating around, filming the ‘squad’ and the crowd. Andre Gower announced that there is a documentary being filmed (hence the film crew). The documentary is for and about the fans of The Monster Squad. That’s how much the actors appreciate us! Their actions show it as well. The crowd left the theater and were each given a signed poster of the squad. A gift for attending the screening. Everyone proceeded down to the lobby where Gower, Lambert and Bank stationed themselves to take photos with everyone and sign autographs. They were the most humble group of people. They spoke to everyone. Fans were telling them their Monster Squad stories and memories of growing up watching the film. And they listened. They even directed some of the fans over to where the film crew was so they could document their stories for the documentary.



我不能说我有多喜欢这种经历。很长一段时间以来,我在放映中最有些乐趣。小队和阿拉莫·德拉夫(Alamo Drafthouse)做得很好,设置了这次巡回演出。它是完美的。如果您对正在拍摄的该小队文档感兴趣,请在2018年寻找它,并在Instagram上的Squad Doc(@thesquaddoc)关注它们!




关于Sonia Rosario

行政专业人士和写作新手。这是为了爱恐怖。1/4的神话般的恐怖小鸡船员。确保在Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上关注我们!现在在Pandora,Spotify,Apple Podcasts&I Heart Radio上查看恐怖轻弹小鸡播客流!