
Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt in the sixth installment of the Mission Impossible movie franchise. Could this be this summer’s biggest blockbuster yet? Check out this spoiler free review of Mission Impossible Fallout before you see the film.




让我们从汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)开始。这个人只是将宝座巩固为这个时代的动作王电影。(对不起,Dwayne摇滚约翰逊。)在执行这部电影的所有正确点时,Cruise实际上是在巡航控制下(对不起,无济于事)。在这部电影中效果很好的一个关键因素是,他在自己的特技表演中所做的大部分(如果不是全部)。我知道汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的跑步一直是一个长期的开玩笑。(U,我再做一次。)但是,任务不可能的后果, his running actually made me care. Despite the fact that this movie makes Cruise an Olympic track star that could smoke Usain Bolt, his running scene was perfectly synced with the situation of the film that justified literally every step he took.

董事兼作家克里斯托弗·麦卡里(Christopher McQuarrie)在这里值得。从制作的角度来看,这部电影中有很多事情要好。许多特技场景中的摄影几乎是完美的。我特别感谢的一个场景是与Cruise的直升机序列。随着动作的发生,相机使您在第二个人的角度将您正确地击打在中间。尽管坐在椅子上,就像您在实际的直升机本身一样几乎就像一样。不仅如此,而且在几乎没有关键时刻,这部电影将继续与您的情感反应直接联系。例如,您会发生令人震惊的时刻,所有声音突然削减,这将与您难以置信的那一刻相吻合。此外,您在预告片中看到的浴室战斗场景简直令人惊奇。战斗编舞几乎是无缝的,做得很好。 Oh, and I don’t know why Tom Cruise doesn’t care about oncoming traffic in this film, but it sure does make for some good chase scenes.

Another interesting point that should be mentioned is that this film didn’t fall victim to being too unbelievable when it came to the crazy actions scenes. Don’t get me wrong though. Ethan Hunt (Cruise’s character) is probably the LUCKIEST person on Earth. Yet, this film didn’t shy away from giving him some bumps, bruises, falls, and more. I think a bit more of that was needed to show he’s still a human being, but we got just enough to cringe or hold our breath especially when he doesn’t happen to stick a perfect landing all the time.


The Bad:

尽管这部电影的故事更为扎实,但我对可预测的转折感到非常失望。请记住任务不可能的后果, is the same person who wrote普通嫌疑犯。如果你不知道,普通嫌疑犯是以其扭曲结局而闻名的最好的电影之一。因此,当假定的扭曲很容易弄清楚时,这有点令人失望。我只是觉得如果给予更多的时间或关注,它本可以更具创造力的揭示。

The Verdict:

看,任务不可能的后果是您一直在等待的动画,夏季大片。如果我不得不描述,这部电影就像詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)有马提尼酒(Martinis)的几个,并带着一个速度和愤怒的专营权。这部电影很疯狂!观看也很有趣。

我不认识你们中的许多人,但是如果您是漫画粉丝,那么这部电影中的漫画相似之处很难令人难以置信。安吉拉·巴塞特(Angela Bassett)扮演我见过的最好的阿曼达·沃勒(Amanda Waller)。亨利·卡维尔(Henry Cavill)是超人卧底,假装是中央情报局的特工。白寡妇显然在红色房间里接受了黑寡妇的训练。

在观看《辐射》之前,不要感到压力不得不观看以前所有不可能的电影。如果您真的感到被迫,请观看任务不可能的流氓国家and that will help you appreciate the film just a little more. Feel free to go watch任务不可能的后果in theaters. I got the chance to see this film in IMAX and it was completely worth it.

Genre:Action, Adventure, Thriller
导向器:Christopher McQuarrie
作家:克里斯托弗·麦卡里(Christopher McQuarrie),布鲁斯·盖勒(Bruce Geller)
星星:汤姆·克鲁斯,他nry Cavill, Ving Rhames

Mission: Impossible – Fallouttheaters now.Be sure to followE-Man在Facebook亚搏电子电竞官网上的电影评论, Subscribe onYouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@emans亚搏电子电竞官网reviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

  • 表演 -8/10
  • Cinematography -9/10
  • 情节/剧本 -8/10
  • 设置/主题 -9/10
  • Buyability -10/10
  • 可回收性 -10/10

关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网。He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook Fan Pagefor even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[email protected]