Green Book Is Feel-Good Fan Favorite at TIFF, CIFF

TheGreen Bookwas a book that actually existed in the sixties South, one which would tell black citizens where they could(and could not) stay while traveling. Set in 1962, the racism thatGreen Bookexplores was—and, to an extent, still is— real. The characters who traveled the South together for two months on this concert tour existed in real life.


Viggo Mortensen, who stars opposite Mahershala Ali as Ali’s chauffeur and bodyguard on Ali’s piano tour of the South, pointed out in an interview on September 11th in Toronto that the message of tolerance and learning to exist side-by-side with those who may be different from us is still very relevant today. While the green book of the title may be gone, the racism in this country is not. The title “The Green Book” refers to Victor Hugo Green’sThe Negro Motorist Green Book,每年从1936 - 1966年出版,作为黑人旅行者的指南,概述他们在吉姆·克劳(Jim Crow)危险的日子里可以留在哪里,吃饭和接受服务。

绿书The acting is great, as is the script.Mortensen gained 35 pounds to play the happy husband of an Italian-American brood who would have been right at home in “The Sopranos” television series. Mahershala Ali is every bit as good as Viggo, even appearing to play intricate piano solos in close-up.

现实生活中的钢琴家,出生于牙买加的雪莉(Don Shirley)在全白人的观众面前表示赞赏和祝贺,但在下台时,无可挑剔的雪莉(Shirley)穿着无可挑剔且举止良好的雪莉(Shirley)被迫留在福尔(Fropher)的汽车旅馆和破旧的烟熏屋里。他的两个副手(俄罗斯人在自己的汽车中分开开车),通知托尼(Viggo Mortensen)雪莉本来可以留在曼哈顿,并扮演更多自由派场地;取而代之的是,他故意选择前往南方,成为该地区被压倒性的非洲裔美国居民的希望的单人灯塔。当两个人停在一个劳动者凝视这个成功人物的领域时,这比现场更清楚,就像他来自另一个星球一样。这一事实是,他是由白人司机为他打开门和舞蹈出席的白人司机的事实,这些事实肯定是这些共享者以前从未见过的。

In one short scene at a YMCA, Tony bribes two cops to let Shirley go after what looks to have been a gay hook-up. This theme is never fully explored. Earlier in the film, Shirley has mentioned a marriage that did not work out when combined with his career commitments. There is also an angst-ridden scene between Ali and Mortensen where the pianist asks,“If I’m not black enough, and I’m not white enough, tell me, Tony,我是什么?”您会感觉到,他的特权生活有很多东西在美利坚合众国都不令人满意或不可能。您想知道,最后的热烈欢迎场景是否真的像您想知道Ali是否真的在弹钢琴一样,真正地表现出了很大的表现。

The ironies and injustices mount with depressing regularity the longer the tour continues in the South. In one encounter with racist police in Mississippi, Shirley saves himself and Tony from a racist jail cell only by a phone appeal to none other thanthen-Attorney General Bobby Kennedy.There’s also a letting-off-steam interlude when the pair goes to a black honky-tonk and Shirley gets down musically for the first time. The piano interludes that appear to show Ali in action are extremely impressive, whether he is playing polite jazz at a Southern country club (that subsequently refuses to let him eat in the dining room) or surrounded by African American bar patrons in a smoky hole-in-the-wall.

除了不公正和骚扰外,我们还看到托尼首次将雪莉介绍给肯塔基炸鸡的场景(in Kentucky, no less)和其他人让经典训练的钢琴家意识到当今广播中播放的伟大的流行音乐家,例如Aretha Franklin胖乎乎的检查程序. Tony and Shirley are both stand-up guys, and that helps them to become true friends, once they get to know each other. The scenes where Ali helps Tony write romantic love letters home to his loving wife (琳达·卡德利尼(Linda Cardellini)演奏得很好) and his two sons are both sweet and funny at the same time.

这些客观上不匹配的男人的动态几乎就像The Odd Couple.正式的唐·雪莉(Don Shirley)正式被越来越顽强,工人阶级的僵硬,意大利裔美国人托尼·“嘴唇” Vallelonga(Viggo Mortensen), once they grow to know one another and understand each other. Viggo Mortensen is always excellent, but I could think of many actors who appear more Italian-American and would have fit the role better physically. The film is uplifting to the point that some critics found itTOO情感积极和脱节。Whatever your mind set, the film’s conclusion gives the audience hope that, without the constant stirring of the pot by those who get off on divisiveness, chaos, and discord, we might all come to live in harmony. We just need to open our minds and hearts and free ourselves from the shackles of rank prejudice.


The human interchange, enlivened as it is by two fine actors in top form, makes “The Green Book” go down easily.It was the audience favorite at the Toronto Film Festival and it was one of my two favorite amusing, uplifting films of the CIFF(另外一个是梅丽莎McCarthy’s “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”) You can watch just so many films about drug-addicted teen-agers before you need to recharge your batteries.In these troubled times, this is the kind of film that will leave you feeling that there is hope for mankind, despite the uncharted waters the ship of state is currently sailing.

Genre: Drama
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini, Sebastian Maniscalco, Dimiter D. Marinov, P.J. Byrne
Writers: Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly
Length: 130 minutes

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  • Acting -10/10
  • 摄影 -10/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -9/10
  • Setting/Theme -10/10
  • 可买到 -8/10
  • Recyclability -7/10

About Connie Wilson

Connie(Corcoran)Wilson(是Quad City Times电影和书评人士15年,自1970年以来一直不间断地审查电影。在爱荷华州/伊利诺伊州六所学院或大学教授写作或文学课,是雅虎2008年度政治年度的内容制作人,是70年代的作者:从教父到启示录,并写信给启示录。她自己的博客www.weeklywilson.com上的各种主题。周四晚上7点,Wilsly Wilson也是她在Bold Brave Media Global Network上的播客的名字。(CDT)。