格伦·克洛斯(Glenn Close)Honored by the Museum of the Moving Image at Annual Gala

格伦·克洛斯(Glenn Close)的漫长而杰出的职业生涯受到周一晚上在纽约市举行的年度盛会致敬的动态图片博物馆的荣誉。

Featured speakers who introduced clips from some of her film roles — there have been more than 80 —were Ethan Hawke, Christian Slater, Bob Balaban, Michael Barker and Jim Dale. Via video, praises to the actress were sung by Michael Douglas, Kevin Kline, Rose Byrne, Bobby Cannavale and Tiffany Haddish.

The movie clips ranged from Close’s first movie, “The World According to Garp,” to “Dangerous Liaisons,” “The Big Chill,” “Fatal Attraction,” “The Natural” to her most recent film, “The Wife,” which is certain to earn her her seventh Oscar nomination. (She has yet to win.) Other work includes, beginning in 2007, her starring role in the legal thriller “Damages,” which ran on television for five seasons.

尽管当晚的重点是Close在电影中的遗产,但吉姆·戴尔(Jim Dale)对她在剧院的成就揭示了一个灯光,这是他们大约45年前参加音乐剧《巴纳姆》(Barnum)时遇到的地方。他扮演P.T.的名义角色巴纳姆(Barnum)和她扮演他的妻子。双方都学会了走钢丝并在空中飞人上飞行。该角色赢得了四个托尼提名中的第一个。戴尔(Dale)赞扬Close时说:“与格伦(Glenn)合作后,就不会摆脱她。”“正如她可以在屏幕上的严厉和禁止的那样,格伦·克洛斯(Glenn Close)的近距离您想要的是温暖而非正式的。”


Paula Schwartz photo


Close said, “The first thing I want to do is thank my friends who were in all these movies and plays with me. I wouldn’t be here without them.”

The actress recounted a story about actor Kevin Kline when they were making “The Big Chill” in Beaufort, South Carolina. “He had just done ‘The French Lieutenant’s Woman, and he left us. He along with Bill Hurt was the big, big star. Bill was a big star, Kevin was the up and coming big star,” she said. “And Kevin, we always would tease him because he looked in the mirror more than anyone else.”

Close谈到了她在“莎拉(Sarah),朴素和高个子”上的生产职责,以及她不得不为克里斯·沃肯(Chris Walken)作为农民而战 - 在当晚早些时候展示了一个剪辑 - 与想要唐·约翰逊(Don Johnson)的工作室高管的反对。“And I said, ‘This is so easy,’ not anything against Don Johnson, but I said, ‘I want Chris Walken.’ They said ‘But he’s so scary, and he can’t play a Kansas farmer.’ He was magnificent, and so beautiful, and we stayed friends.”

She noted of receiving the award, “It’s humbling and, okay, kind of confusing, trying to figure out what to say when given an award like this. I don’t feel wise or particularly insightful. If anything, I feel more aware of the fragility of it all… And the fact that my very subjective choices that seemed like a good idea at the time have actually added up to a body of work that matters to people, is something I’ll never get used to.”

Close spoke of those moments where she searched for ways to find her ways into a role. “I think moments where one feels totally devoid of inspiration, and an entire crew is watching, and the minutes are ticking by, and the producers are looking at their watches, and a terrible panic starts grabbing you by the throat because you know you don’t have it, and you have no clue as to what it is and where it will come from. Moments that demand a simplicity of truth because that’s the only thing that connects, and without it you might as well get into another line of work.

当他感觉到我的痛苦时,IstvánSzabó在“会议维纳斯”的一组中发生了,然后把手放在我的肩膀上,小声说:“不用担心。我们正在等待天使。”It happened with Adrian Lyne on the set of ‘Fatal Attraction.’ In the scene where Alex has slit her wrists, but you don’t find out until we see blood on Dan’s face, and I was terrible, and struggling, and Adrian came over and whispered, ‘Try to laugh.'”

她从最近的电影中讲述了梅格·沃利策(Meg Wolitzer)备受赞誉的小说的改编。“这发生在比约恩·鲁格(BjörnRunge)发生的,他在我们开始拍摄'妻子'之前看着我,然后小声说:'你可以相信我。’然后证明了我可以。这是因为我有这么多聪明的人在我的耳朵里不断窃窃私语,所以我今天在这里。”

Close went on to say her favorite acceptance speech of any kind was when Maureen Stapleton won the Oscar and said, “I want to thank everyone I’ve ever met in my entire life.” Close said she felt that way and went on to thank her college professors who helped her find her way when she attended William and Mary College. She thanked her best friend Mary Beth Hurt, “who I understudied at my first job.” She thanked her daughter, actress Annie Starke, who plays her younger version in “The Wife.”

她感谢她的公关人员,尤其是凯文·霍万(Kevin Huvane),后者陪伴着红地毯。当他为她加油时,她在职业生涯的一个低点讲述了一个晚上。“在11:30 at night, the doorbell rung on my apartment, and at first I thought, ‘Oh my God. Do I dare open it? Who is it at this hour?’ I did, and it was a bunch of yellow roses with an incredible note from Kevin. Something to the tune of like, ‘Don’t let the fuckers get you down.’”

Close went on to thank her costume designers, wig makers, make up artists. “What a luxury it is to be in a profession where you could go to work looking like a bag lady and come out in an hour and a half later looking fabulous.”

She noted, “If it wasn’t for all the DPs who have worked their magic on me all these years, I certainly wouldn’t be here today. Although one of the things I tend to hear most from people who recognize me is, ‘You look so much better in life than you do in the movies.’ I always wanna say to them, ‘Do you really think that’s a compliment?’ I guess it’s better than … I guess I have a few years to go before they’re saying, ‘Weren’t you somebody?’”

Close concluded her speech by thanking the producers, directors, actors — “too many to mention” — who have helped her on her path. “For me, the process, the process is everything. Choosing the projects that I can believe in, involving people who I can’t wait to spend time with, to play, to try to get it right. That is the ultimate luxury. To be given an award like this for something that already makes me so deeply happy and fulfilled is truly an embarrassment of riches.”

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关于Paula Schwartz

宝拉·施瓦茨(Paula Schwartz)是一位资深记者,在《纽约时报》(New York Times)工作了三十年。五年来,她一直是《纽约时报》电影颁奖典礼博客地毯袋士的法式面包。在此之前,她在《纽约时报》夜生活专栏《 Boldface》中工作,在那里她涵盖了名人节拍。她忍受了以利亚·伍德(Elijah Wood)的公关人员在肋骨上的戳戳,在迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)不欣赏她所写的内容之后,被迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)的Flak弹出,并忍受了许多其他侮辱来获得故事。她更加高兴地采访了主要演员和导演 - 所有人都是好陪伴,非常友善 - 包括布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt),安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie),摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman),克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood),克里斯托弗·普鲁默(Christopher Plummer),达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)和《艺术家》中的哈米·乔格(Hammy Pooch)“ Uggie”。她对天堂的想法是连续观看至少三部电影的观众,而不是发短信的观众。她的作品出现在Moviemaker,More.com,Showbiz411和Reelifewithjane.com中。