Review: X-Men Dark Phoenix Should Be Renamed To X-Meh

This is the story of one of the X-Men’s most beloved characters, Jean Grey, as she evolves into the iconic DARK PHOENIX. During a life-threatening rescue mission in space, Jean is hit by a cosmic force that transforms her into one of the most powerful mutants of all. Wrestling with this increasingly unstable power as well as her own personal demons, Jean spirals out of control, tearing the X-Men family apart and threatening to destroy the very fabric of our planet. It is the culmination of 20 years of X-Men movies, as the family of mutants that we’ve come to know and love must face their most devastating enemy yet — one of their own.

X战警:黑暗凤凰Video Review:


The Good:

One of the key components for any good X-Men movie is to display the use of the mutant powers, and黑凤凰做得相对较好。这部电影很快就展示了该组突变体如何不仅能够有效地使用自己的力量,而且还可以作为一个团队发挥作用。The best demonstration of the mutants’ powers, and probably the most enjoyable part of this movie, will probably come from the end of the film. The third act of黑凤凰绝对是最强的within the film as it has the most action. This was about the time when the movie really started to pick up its pace, and ramp up in the suspense department.Probably one of the better standouts in that regard was Nightcrawler. Similar to Nightcrawler’s great scene inx2(2003),他可能有一个更好的场景之一黑凤凰when it comes to using his powers that will entertain fans. In addition to Nightcrawler, it was also nice to see Storm use more of her abilities compared toX战警:启示录。I do believe that her powers could’ve been utilized a bit more creatively and with more variety since she is an incredibly powerful mutant. Nevertheless, she gets the job done.

当然,使这些突变能力发光的巨大帮助来自可靠的视觉效果。The movie didn’t feel too cartoonish with all its CGI effects and it made the mutant powers feel pretty authentic to the characters. I thought that the combination of those special effects also complimented the cinematography in the movie too. A good instance of this could be seen in the slow motion sequences that really helped you stay engaged during some fast paced moments in the movie. This was especially beneficial for both Quicksilver and Nightcrawler.

当涉及表演时,詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊(James McAvoy)(X教授)和迈克尔·法斯宾德(Michael Fassbender)(Magneto)都带领。鉴于他们的个人戏剧和经验,这两个演员似乎都更加令人信服。当他们感到内部冲突时,他们几乎不需要单词才能完全理解自己的感受。与其他人相比,这本身使他们的角色更加相关。他们的表演还称赞了电影中涉及过去创伤的主要主题之一。我曾经希望黑凤凰会花更多的时间在这个主题上散发出更多的观点,就像这是主要角色和整体情节的非常重要的组成部分一样。无论如何,我喜欢这样一个事实,即他们能够在角色中展示过去创伤的影响。至少有一个适度的尝试尝试使用该主题来模糊正确或错误的方法来处理这些经验。


Well I think the overarching issue with this film comes from the sub-par writing. The writing affected a number of different areas of the film in a negative way. First off, many of the characters’ motivations were incredibly rushed and under developed. Some characters would feel one way for a minute and then quickly have a change of heart moments later. While they did try to use some dramatic events to try and stir up emotions, there simply wasn’t the type of payoff that was intended. Again, that was due to rushing into the moments without really taking the time to build up the characters to make those internal shifts. (Game of Thrones fans can probably easily relate to this.)

Next up, the writing completely failed the sense of female empowerment that it was aiming for. For example, the “X-Women” scene was a pretty cringe-worthy given the fact that it didn’t genuine. The movie probably would’ve paid off that moment by actually demonstrating more femalecentric scenes to drive the point home. Ultimately, while the intention of trying to have a positive feminist message is apparent, the delivery and execution was poor. As a result, you’ll have instances in the movie that have the female characters saying things that came from a man who’s saying things that he thinks will pander to other female feminists. Like I said, it’s pretty cringe-worthy.

淡写的另一个受害者是女性e characters and actors. You could tell that writer/director Simon Kinberg really wanted to give them the limelight, however the female characters were only limited. Jennifer Lawrence’s character (Mystique) didn’t make very much sense. She would complain about a state of oppression of the mutants when none of that oppression is even displayed in the movie. So it’s rather difficult to take her character seriously when we can’t even see the problem that she’s complaining about. Then we have the character of Jean played by Sophie Turner. For as much as the movie wants you to empathize with her character, it just wasn’t working. Dark Phoenix tries to make her just an emotional mess that seems a bit contrary to the female empowerment message it seeking to achieve. Unfortunately, Turner couldn’t carry the lead role in this film as she was out-shined by the other characters, and her own performance simply wasn’t captivating. This probably could’ve been resolved if the Phoenix force itself was depicted to be more sentient in a sense (a la the comics) and that way Turner’s internal struggle as Jean probably would’ve been conveyed better. Instead, her emotional struggles were just a means to an end with little satisfaction when it’s all resolved. Along with “Mystique” and Jean Grey, the biggest casualty of the boring writing falls on Jessica Chastain. Her character was one dimensional and utterly dull. Her role can really make you question why an actress of her great talent would be regulated to such a basic role. She was given no room to exhibit her range as an actor, and it made her role underwhelming.


Finally, the biggest disappointment in this film is that there are no real memorable moments. One thing that has typically been consistent in X-Men movies is that there would be some sort of moment in the film that would really be unforgettable. (ie: Quicksilver’s scene inDays of Future Pastor Nightcrawler’s scene inx2)早些时候,我提到过夜行者确实有电影中更好的时刻之一,但这是短暂的。此外,尽管电影中有一些不错的动作序列,但其中许多人并不像我们以前从未见过的任何东西。这部电影中根本没有任何风险来提供独特的东西,供粉丝们考虑接近史诗般的风险。


X战警:黑暗凤凰is a lackluster, emotionally empty, and rushed ending to a cherished franchise that deserved so much better. This film will get an A for effort because it does try to do a number of things like have a positive female message or deliver on some fun mutant action. It regrettably just doesn’t accomplish that goal despite a strong effort. It’s hard to also neglect the fact that this film probably would’ve benefited greatly by having either a female writer and/or director. This singular vision from writer/director Simon Kinberg was just not a good fit for this franchise nor this final film. The decision to rehash the incredibly rich comic story of the Phoenix Saga in a single movie was nothing short of a disservice to the comic itself. I think most comic fans would agree that to really tell a solid Phoenix story, one would require a full trilogy to help fully flesh out the characters and more. Since that wasn’t the case, Dark Phoenix felt like a total cash-grab without any regard to what the X-Men franchise should really be about. We’ve already seen this inX战警:最后一站(2006年),现在这部电影感觉就像是déjàvu的坏梦。

While I can’t speak for others, I can’t see how this movie would have any value in terms of recyclability. With Disney buying out Fox Studios, this film doesn’t feel like it provided any level of closure fans could expect. After seeing this film, it became abundantly clear why Marvel would want to wait almost 5 years or more until they try to reintroduce the X-Men again.

For those wondering where this movie would rank among the X-Men franchise, it’s no where near the better movies like过去的日子,x2(2003), orX战警:头等舱(2011年)。In my opinion,黑凤凰更接近X战警:启示录(2016)。So however you felt about X: Men Apocalypse, you can probably expect to feel similarly to黑凤凰。鉴于Dark Phoenix将以X-Men特许经营的名称识别来依靠这一事实,我强烈建议您使用Matinee手表或5美元的星期二,以最大程度地提高您的观看体验。另外,如果您最终感到失望,至少您不会破坏银行这样做。

Director:西蒙·金伯格(Simon Kinberg)
Writers:西蒙·金伯格(Simon Kinberg)
Stars:James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Jessica Chastain

X战警:黑暗凤凰is in现在剧院。一定要跟随E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook,订阅YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG@EmansReviewsfor even more movie news and reviews!

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  • Acting -5.5/10
  • 摄影 -6.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -5/10
  • Setting/Theme -6/10
  • 可买到 -6/10
  • Recyclability -4/10

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关于Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette

伊曼纽尔(Emmanuel)是芝加哥电影评论家Eman's Movie Reviews。他是Movietickets.com等网站的作家和视频内容创建者的自由职业者。请务必加入其他33k+粉丝Facebook粉丝页面为了获得更多电影意见和乐趣。随时通过任何专业询问与他联系:[电子邮件保护]