“What Death Leaves Behind” features First-Rate Cast

这是一部表演良好的电影。哈利尔·麦克米伦(Khalil McMillan)在“死亡叶子落下的东西”中表现出色,因为陷入困境的丈夫和父亲,他的生活在接受器官移植后被撕裂。斯科特·A·汉密尔顿(Scott A. Hamilton)在指挥令人印象深刻的演员阵容中做得非常出色,其中包括资深演员克里斯托弗·曼(Christopher Mann),他特别影响了麦克米伦叔叔的折磨人物。


斯科特·汉密尔顿(Scott A. Hamilton)采访:

Has your life been touched by organ transplantation in any way?


While entertainment, is your film based on any real life events?

The story was created from conversations our Executive Producer Chad Morton, had with his cousin who started having reoccurring nightmares after a kidney transplant.


我将其描述为爱的劳动。我的制片人雷切尔·奥里里(Rachel Ofori)做得很好,赢得了才华,愿意为完成这部电影所做的辛勤工作。在独立电影中,建立这个家庭至关重要,因为最终结果是直接反映每个人的个人努力。

克里斯托弗·曼(Christopher Mann)采访:

Your performance is exceptional. What did you draw upon as an actor for this especially challenging role of Henry Warren?

好吧,我必须为所有它的信用生活经验s worth. There were many parallels that I was able to draw from. I’ve unfortunately lost many, many close members of my family. My mother, father and two brothers being the closest of a much longer list of family who I’ve witnessed make their transition. Much like Jake in, “What Death Leaves Behind”, many of the family members I’ve lost were young. My mother was just 34 when she passed. My brothers passed nine months apart and were 51 when they passed.

I consequently have eight nephews and I’m the only uncle they have on this side of the family. So the combination of losing loved ones and being a source of support for my nephews, rang true for me in this story.

Has your life been touched by organ transplantation in any way?



I enjoy working on independent productions. Just like larger productions the story is what’s important. Each genre has its purpose entertainment wise. So whatever the genre the story should deliver on it’s promise.



Lastly, independent productions allow talent that may not have an opportunity to show their skill to be discovered.


  • 表演 -7.5/10
  • Cinematography -6.5/10
  • 情节/剧本 -7/10
  • 设置/主题 -7.5/10


这是一部表演良好的电影。哈利尔·麦克米伦(Khalil McMillan)在“死亡叶子落下的东西”中表现出色,因为陷入困境的丈夫和父亲,他的生活在接受器官移植后被撕裂。

About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @:快速轻弹评论家Thanks guys! John