“ Zombieland:Double Tap”团队在十年后返回

“ Zombieland:Double Tap”今天在剧院开业。从开幕式的荣誉开始,您就知道自己是为了更加不敬虔的幽默,2009年的“ Zombieland”。首先是哥伦比亚女士在她的基座上,用火把用火炬来防御两名僵尸攻击她。杰西·艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)也有一个配音,感谢观众从许多可用的僵尸中选择这种形式的僵尸。

So, we’re on Zombieland Air, and the bar is set low enough, as one critic said, to step over it handily. This is a continuation of the fearsome foursome that roamed the Apocalyptic land in 2009, with伍迪·哈雷尔森(Woody Harrelson)作为塔拉哈西,阿比盖尔·布雷斯林(Abigail Breslin)(“小阳光小姐”)就像小石头一样Emma Stone作为威奇托和杰西·艾森伯格作为哥伦布。在原始演员中,将罗萨里奥·道森(Rosario Dawson)添加为内华达州,新女孩Zoey Deutch作为麦迪逊(Madison),艾文·乔吉(Avan Jogie)饰演伯克利(Berkeley),卢克·威尔逊(Luke Wilson)饰演阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque)和托马斯·米德尔德奇(Thomas Middleditch)作为弗拉格斯塔夫(Flagstaff)。演员甚至包括WWW战斗机迈克尔·威尔克森(Michael Wilkerson)作为T800僵尸(“新和改进的”僵尸)。请记住,在此期间的10年中,艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)实际上赢得了奥斯卡(“ La la Land”)和她在这部电影中的所有三个伙伴(哈雷森,布雷斯林和艾森伯格)是奥斯卡提名人。

这部电影基本上是一次简单的公路旅行,在废弃的白宫沿途停留,这是一个类似被废弃的购物中心,格雷斯兰(Graceland),格雷斯兰(Graceland)附近的猫王主题汽车旅馆,还有一个叫巴比伦的嬉皮士大院,所有枪支都融化了,以制作制造所有枪支和平符号。The search is on for Abigail Breslin’s character, who has split with a Berkeley musician who is a pacifist (much humor mined there.) There’s even a cameo post-film with Bill Murray being Bill Murray in a room full of zombies, armed only with a metal folding chair. (不要在屏幕上离开)。更多舌头幽默。

新人麦迪逊(Madison)是由佐伊·迪奇(Zoey Deutch)扮演的金发山谷女孩,是一个受欢迎的漫画救济。编剧(Dave Callahan,Rhett Reese和Paul Wernick)以前在“ Deadpool”特许经营中为Ryan Reynolds撰写了Snarky对话;(Wernick写了“ Venom”)和Ruben Fleischer的“ Zombieland:Double Tap”的导演,从2009年的第一部电影中重新担任他的导演。当麦迪逊首次在一个废弃的购物中心遇到时,哈雷尔森问她是否住在那儿。她的回答?“不,保罗·布拉特。”


新的金发空头启用的添加是无价的。大多数观众都会看到拖车剪辑,伍迪告诉艾森伯格,他们应该再次上路,并留下麦迪逊(she had been hiding out in a freezer in the abandoned mall)。当艾森伯格麦迪逊抗议,不应该be left behind because the zombies will get her, Woody responds, “Zombies eat brains and she ain’t got any.” The scene where Woody gets out of the mini-van that he loathes, ostensibly to load massive quantities of Madison’s pink luggage into the back is great. He waits until she re-enters the car, then gets behind the wheel and drives off, leaving all Madison’s luggage on the road, while the “rule” that Columbus has created about “traveling light” is flashed on the screen. Woody, in typical Harrelson manner, says, “Rules are for pussies.” There is also this line, “If you love something, you shoot it in the face so it doesn’t become a blood-sucking monster.”


The airhead blonde worked well, thanks to new-comer Zooey Deutch (television’s “The Politician”), but the new duo of Luke Wilson and Thomas Middleditch as Albuquerque and Flagstaff were not as amusing. The joke is this: the two, who drive a gigantic vehicle referenced as Big Fat Death, are doppelgangers of Woody and Jesse’s characters. They have the same annoying mannerisms, down to a close resemblance, physically, of Middleditch to Eisenberg. (他们不会在情节中持续很长时间,所以就这样。)

这不是需要高级学位来理解的电影,也不需要与现实有任何联系。僵尸流派,配备了电视的“行尸走肉”,在2009年才开始变得无处不在(“行尸走肉”于2010年首播), but the market has become considerably more saturated in the ensuing ten years. Some viewers enjoy the zombie head-bashing more than others, from my own personal experience. But it is a genre that is now entering season 10 on television, so it’s well-established. (And, yes, I realize that “Night of the Living Dead” goes all the way back to 1968 and George Romero—who died in2017—mined this vein long before anyone else.)




演员:伍迪·哈雷尔森(Woody Harrelson), Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Jesse Eisenberg, Luke Wilson, Zooey Deutch, Rosario Dawson, Avan Jogia, Thomas Middleditch


导向器:Ruben Fleischer

编剧: Dave Callahan, Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick

摄影:Chung-hoon Chung



Connie (Corcoran) Wilson (www.ConnieCWilson.com ) was the Quad City Times film and book critic for 15 years and has continued reviewing film uninterruptedly since 1970. She also publishes books in a variety of genres (www.quadcitieslearning.com), has taught writing or literature classes at 6 Iowa/Illinois colleges or universities as adjunct faculty, was Yahoo's Content Producer of the Year 2008 for Politics, is the author of It Came from the 70s: From The Godfather to Apocalypse Now, and writes on a variety of topics at her own blog, www.WeeklyWilson.com. Weekly Wilson is also the name of her podcast on the Bold Brave Media Global Network on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. (CDT).