评论:Sonic The Hedgehog是一个有趣的蓝色模糊

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega that centers on the infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the (mis)adventures of Sonic as he navigates the complexities of life on Earth with his newfound – human – best friend Tom Wachowski (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom join forces to try and stop the villainous Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) from capturing Sonic and using his immense powers for world domination. The film also stars Tika Sumpter and Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic.


Sonic the Hedgehog预告片:


刺猬索尼克(Sonic the Hedgehog)在角色所基于的故事和视频游戏根源之间都找到了一个很好的平衡。I liked how the film was able to slip in familiar aspects of the video game into the overall story without making it seem too cheesy or overbearing. If I could make up a term for it, I’d say that the movie didn’t get too “video-gamey”. We can see an example of that with the explanation behind the gold rings that Sonic has to collect. Rather than just collecting them for points as one would in the video game, the rings serve a much more functional purpose that works within the plot. Furthermore,I really liked how the origin story in the beginning of the movie hinted at some interesting world building potential. It the world building potential wide open and entice audiences to want to know more in a potential sequel.

Sonic(Ben Schwartz)在Sonic the Hedgehog中的Sonic(Paramount Pictures and Sega)中。图片来源:礼貌的派拉蒙图片和美国的Sega。

Another bright spot for Sonic The Hedgehog is how the动作也忠于视频游戏。显然,Sonic的速度是主要的卖点,这部电影通过真正强调他的能力来利用这一点。让Sonic结合自己的速度和幽默来使动作序列更具娱乐性,这肯定是有效的。这让人想起X战警电影中的Quicksilver。

吉姆·卡里(Jim Carrey)在派拉蒙(Paramount Pictures)和世嘉(Sega)的Sonic刺猬中。图片来源:礼貌的派拉蒙图片和美国的Sega。

当涉及到字符,声波是漂亮amusing. His character was written to have a fair amount of range that included a sensible amount of humor, wit and even some dramatic emotion. I think his best moments will come in his jokes and quips with his pop culture references. I actually laughed out loud when he made his Fast and Furious joke. Along side Sonic, Jim Carrey was at his finest. He was simply hilarious and acted a complete nut in his role as Dr. Robotnik. His eccentric behavior throughout the film was the perfect compliment to keep the movie working whenever Sonic was not on screen. Of course, when Carey and Sonic did share the screen, they worked even better.

The Bad:

虽然我不能说这是电影中非常糟糕的一部分,但我在某些人类角色中并没有发现太多价值。是的,吉姆·凯里(Jim Carey)的Robotik博士很有趣,但除此之外,他是唯一引起我注意的人。詹姆斯·马斯登(James Marsden)和蒂卡·桑普特(Tika Sumpter)的角色都感觉像填充者,而不是必不可少的角色。我的意思是,没有Robotik博士的刺猬电影真的很难,但是Marsden和Sumpter的角色可以被更换或完全删除,而没有任何人真正缺少它们。另外,我不确定马斯登在他扮演的喜剧角色上是否真的很好地工作。感觉就像他在强迫自己的表演,而不是沉浸在自己的角色中。通过将视频游戏元素转化为故事中的一个更实用的元素,视频游戏的粉丝和新来者可以同样喜欢这个故事。

Another minor issue in the film are just a few plot points. At one point in the film, there’s a strong sense of urgency placed on keeping Sonic a secret, but that gets quickly thrown out of the window and neglected. In some situations, people will naturally freak out a large blue, talking hedgehog. In other situations, people just act like he’s a strange person from out of town. It’s just a weird level of inconsistency that probably could’ve been avoided had the film just picked one lane and gone with that. Another plot point can be found in the final act of the film where the power of friendship and a little lightening is all it takes to fix a dire situation. It just felt as though the writers ran out of ideas and just took a shortcut to keep the story going. Not the biggest deal, but a little eye-rolling in terms of the stretch they made to make that scene work.

The Verdict:

Sonic The Hedgehog是所有人都可以享受的有趣而有趣的旅程。它找到了一种向视频游戏系列和新移民的恋人开放的方法。可以公平地说,Sonic the Hedgehog不必担心会成为一部糟糕的视频游戏电影的长期趋势。其中一些荣誉也可能需要朝着这样一个事实,即,当Sonic的第一个设计被围观者普遍拒绝时,电影制片厂实际上听了粉丝。在回到绘图板并使Sonic角色的设计更加可识别他的经典外观之后,似乎一切都变得更好了。

Sonic(Ben Schwartz)在Sonic the Hedgehog中的Sonic(Paramount Pictures and Sega)中。图片来源:礼貌的派拉蒙图片和美国的Sega。

我承认我最初不会看这部电影,因为我认为这只是另一部“小孩子电影”,只是为12岁以上的任何人打算。但是,我的假设是错误的,因为这是整个家庭都可以欣赏的坚实电影。随时在剧院中查看Sonic The Hedgehog,并确保在两个邮政信段场景中一直保持到最后。

作家:帕特里克·凯西(Patrick Casey),乔什·米勒(Josh Miller)
星星:Ben Schwartz,James Marsden,Jim Carrey,Tika Sumpter

Sonic刺猬theaters now.一定要遵循E-Man在Facebook亚搏电子电竞官网上的电影评论, Subscribe onYouTube,或在Twitter/IG上关注我@emans亚搏电子电竞官网reviews还有更多电影新闻和评论!亚搏电子电竞官网

  • 表演 -7/10
  • Cinematography -8/10
  • 情节/剧本 -8/10
  • 设置/主题 -8/10
  • Buyability -9/10
  • 可回收性 -8/10
User Review

关于Emmanuel“ E-Man” Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded埃曼的电影评论亚搏电子电竞官网. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as MovieTickets.com. Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on hisFacebook粉丝页面为了更多的电影意见和乐趣。随时与他联系任何专业询问:[email protected]