First-Time Feature Filmmaker Natalie Rodriguez Mines Mental Health in “The Extraordinary Ordinary” (2020)


This is the essence of the new independent drama “The Extraordinary Ordinary”. We all, to paraphrase the enduring poetry of The Beatles, get by with a little help from our friends. Find our reason for being. Our purpose with which to flourish.

我与电影制片人娜塔莉·罗德里格斯(Natalie Rodriguez)谈了她的第一部电影《非凡的普通》。

“The Extraordinary Ordinary” is truly your baby, having written, directed and exec produced here. Clearly, this is a story you are driven to tell. What inspired you?

娜塔莉·罗德里格斯(Natalie Rodriguez)

Growing up, I used to ask a lot of questions, especially when it came to mental health and wellness. The story was first ‘born’ when I was a junior in high school. For weeks, I kept thinking about the main character, ERICA (played by Maddison Bullock in the movie), and her journey of finding solace and healing from her own past. It almost felt like an obsession and I wanted to know her story. What pushed me, and I am sure most of the cast and crew could express the same, to get through the production/filming of this project was the rejection process.

Whether that was, rejection by an agent, manager, studio, and even a now-former boss telling me that I would ‘fail’ at making this movie, it only motivated me to get the project done. There is also a big stigma I continue to hear by some people in the industry how talking about recovery and mental health is a ‘bad thing’. That always baffles me because mental health is part of health, therefore, if we go to the doctors for our annual physical, then why can’t we do the same for our mind?




我的诚挚的慰问!我们的男主角,亚历克斯(played by Alex Montalban), actually used this scene as his audition. I watched his audition like 3-4 times and cried each time. There was just so much sincerity and empathy Alex Montalban delivered in the lines during the scene. It is one of my favorite scenes because, to me, even children often have to remind their parental guardian(s) how amazing they truly are.

麦迪逊·布洛克(Madison Bullock),影响为“埃里卡”

“非凡的普通”解决了不同的观点of how we see parents portrayed. To me, I always felt that to be realistic, where parents are supportive while others are not. As we see with our main character, ERICA, she leans heavily on her father, ROB (played by John Posey), as she and her mother, CATHY (played by Della Lisi Kerr), disagree on multiple life matters. But in reality, someone such as CATHY is actually in a lot of pain herself and is unaware of it. For me, growing up I saw how much my parents were impacted by the decisions of their parents, and it sort of becomes a cycle, until it is broken. I think in my family, in this case, it is getting help by going to counseling and doing the work to not repeat the sins of our parents.


娜塔莉·罗德里格斯(Natalie Rodriguez),麦迪逊·布洛克(Maddison Bullock)和亚历克斯·蒙塔尔班(Alex Montalban)

对我来说,最终的梦是让观众看电影后感觉到某种东西。创造者可以做的最有影响力的事情是让听众思考,无论他们是同意还是不同意电影中所说或做过的事情。我希望我的工作能够在未来的几年中继续(去做)。对我来说,成功就是要满足 - 而不是浮华和华丽的方面 - 但希望您的听众也能看到工作中的热情,并感觉到这种方式。


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首次故事片制片人娜塔莉·罗德里格斯(Natalie Rodriguez
  • 表演 -6.75/10
  • Cinematography -6/10
  • 情节/剧本 -6.75/10
  • 设置/主题 -7/10
User Review

首次故事片制片人娜塔莉·罗德里格斯(Natalie Rodriguez


About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @:快速轻弹评论家谢谢你们!约翰