His House Review: This Made Haunted Houses Scary Again

据雷米·威斯(Remi Weekes)导演说His Houseis a haunted house story about two immigrants trying to make a home in a foreign country. Unlike traditional haunted house stories where the protagonist might be able to escape, our protagonists – two displaced asylum seekers – do not have the privilege to simply leave. Rather, they are stuck having to survive within their house.

His House Trailer:

The Good:

First off, the acting inHis House值得称赞。Pẹ́Pẹ́Dìrísù和Wunmi Mosaku都在屏幕化学上都非常出色。更重要的是,他们出售了他们角色遭受的恐惧和悲伤。他们的两种表演都是观众真正感受到这部电影试图以其主题传达的重量的绝佳门户。

他的房子:Wunmi Mosaku马里亚尔jur, Ṣọpẹ Dìrísù as Bol Majur. Cr. Aidan Monaghan/NETFLIX © 2020

His Housereally does an effective job of making the haunted house scares truly unsettling. I loved how it didn’t rely on cheap jump scares to keep audiences on edge. Rather, Director Remi Weekes allowed for some traditional setups, but still managed to find a way to ease viewers into the horror. The utilization of both the setting of the house and the cinematography was well executed. One example could be found in some of the over the shoulder camera angles, that blurred out the background just enough where your eyes can still play tricks on you. In addition to that, using the dark and dimly lit setting further amplified the creepy situations when an entity may appear. Either way, you’re going to get spooked whether you expect it or not.

His House: Ṣọpẹ Dìrísù as Bol Majur, Wunmi Mosaku as Rial Majur. Cr. Aidan Monaghan/NETFLIX © 2020

可能是最大的优势His House它是成功钉住主题的方式。通过创伤和悲伤生存的总体主题与我们在电影中看到的视觉恐怖完全平衡。我喜欢主要角色的愿景是多么模棱两可,因为我们无法确定它是否真的发生了,或者是否全部在他们的脑海中。另外,让两个角色共同完成这一点,确实强调了对人的集体影响,而不仅仅是个人的基础。

The Bad:

I suppose some minor issues with the film will come from the writing. I think it took awhile for the resolution and the big reveal to happen. The longer it was teased out, the higher the expectation became for the payoff to be worthy. It may be debatable if the revelation of the main characters is satisfying for some audiences.

他的房子:Wunmi Mosaku马里亚尔jur, Ṣọpẹ Dìrísù as Bol Majur. Cr. Aidan Monaghan/NETFLIX © 2020

Beyond that, the exposition about the paranormal things happening in the house didn’t tie in well enough with the actual ending. Early in the film, we’re given an explanation of the evil in the house. However, I don’t think that there was a clear explanation to directly connect that evil to the main characters.

His House: Ṣọpẹ Dìrísù as Bol Majur. Cr. Aidan Monaghan/NETFLIX © 2020

Lastly, there were some random scenes inHis Housethat seemed odd in their placement. It’s totally understandable that the predominant message in this film is about how refugees aren’t accepted in a society, or how they may be discriminated against. However, there were moments that seemed strange as to why they were included. You had scenes with a little kid pushing a baby stroller, or another kid trying to say hello to one of the characters as they walked outside. Neither of which appeared to have any relevance to what main story or the themes in play.


His Housetakes a haunted house story and turns into a wakeup call about the more horrific situations refugees encounter. I really appreciate the attention this film brought to this situation that doesn’t often get talked about. It’s always a good sign if you can use the traditional tactics of a genre, and still manage to throw in another layer on top of it. It really didn’t matter if there were some areas of the film that could be picked apart, because you still walk away understanding the director’s main objective. I thinkHis Houseis well worth the watch for any horror fans on Netflix.

Director: Remi Weekes
Screenplay by: Remi Weekes
Story by: Felicity Evans and Toby Venables
Cast: Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù, Wunmi Mosaku And Matt Smith

His House现在可以在Netflix上找到。一定要遵循E-Man’s Movie Reviews上Facebook,Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!

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  • Acting -7/10
  • 摄影 -7/10
  • Plot/Screenplay -6/10
  • Setting/Theme -8/10
  • 可买到 -8/10
  • Recyclability -6/10

About Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette

伊曼纽尔(Emmanuel)是芝加哥电影评论家Eman's Movie Reviews。他是Movietickets.com等网站的作家和视频内容创建者的自由职业者。一定要加入其他33k+粉丝Facebook Fan Pagefor even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries:[电子邮件保护]