

With majorstreaming sites such as YouTube并Spotify所有战斗以获取更多观众,他们设法为用户提供了令人难以置信的服务。只要您拥有优质的互联网连接,您就可以轻松找到要搜索的任何曲目或音乐视频。




There are many reasons why musicians make less due to streaming. Although many of us don’t feel sorry for these artists as they all seem to be doing exceptionally well, but smaller artists tend to struggle. Very few musicians in the world whose full-time job is to write and play music make a decent living, and since streaming has become popular, it has gotten even harder.


  • 图表战是过去的事情:在之前,许多艺术家都非常努力地尝试宣传他们的单曲和将要发布的日期,以尝试使其尽可能高。没有流网站,您必须唯一的选择buy the single was on record,录音带或CD。这些单曲并不便宜,因此它们会为唱片公司和艺术家带来很多现金。流媒体改变了这种文化,因为这些网站鼓励用户狂暴个人艺术家。流媒体网站和唱片公司都受益于获得大量流的艺术家。
  • 它是免费的:是的,这是大多数艺术家遇到的主要问题。尽管一些音乐家认为所有音乐都应该是免费的,但可以理解的是,大多数音乐都强烈反对免费音乐的想法。我们将在下一段中经历一种付款结构,但是与从广播节目中获得收入相比,人们出去在商店购买音乐,艺术家的收入比“过去的美好时光”中的收入要少得多。”。

不是对所有的音乐家都是坏消息。许多rtists have made a career from streaming sites such as YouTube or Soundcloud. These platforms are a great way to find upcoming artists. Anybody can easily upload their music videos onto YouTube and some of the world’s most famous celebrities and artists have taken full advantage of these platforms. Justin Bieber is the perfect example.

Streaming sites might help Save the Music Industry

并非所有流媒体都是免费的。您可以获取Spotify的试用版本watch music videos on YouTube for free但是,您将被迫观看广告。在受到广告活动轰炸后,用户可能会感到沮丧,因此这些网站允许您无需任何广告即可访问每月或年度订阅。与购买专辑和单曲相比,订阅费往往非常合理。埃德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)和德雷克(Drake)等主要艺术家通过在Spotify上流式传输他们的音乐产生了极大的现金。


  1. Where is the location the listener is streaming the music from?
  2. 是通过登录付费订阅帐户来流式传输,还是使用免费服务流媒体?
  3. What the artist’s royalty rate is.
  4. What streaming platform are they using?

Most streaming sites offer musicians different rates of payment. The artists get paid per stream a minimal amount. Some feel that it’s not enough, however, others feel it’s better than nothing.


Streaming services like YouTube seem to have videos on every part of the music industry which very few of us would have been able to access in the past. Here is a few examples of the content you can find on YouTube that has changed the music industry:

  • Live Gigs: If you are not able to go to a music festival or a live gig for whatever reason, YouTube often has replays, or sometimes stream the live show uploaded on their platform. During the current situation with the ongoing pandemic, live acts are almost impossible to come by. Watching live shows on YouTube is a great way to help you pass the time while you’re stuck inside.
  • 了解如何在YouTube上弹奏乐器:大量音乐家在YouTube上提供免费教程。学习在网络上弹奏乐器的主要优势。让我们以吉他为例。过去,要学习吉他,您必须聘请音乐老师。您必须在一定时间播放,他们可能会教您您不想学习的音乐。如果您喜欢甲壳虫乐队,您可以轻松获得beatles chords在线并单击进入YouTube,以了解如何播放它们。在线学习可以让您选择学习何时学习并帮助您以自己的节奏进行。在不知不觉中let it be chord掌握。
  • Interviews: For any big name artist, you are bound to find interviews and other content on YouTube. This allows you to find out lots more about your favorite musicians.
  • 音乐视频:等待MTV播放您喜欢的歌曲的日子已经过去了。您可以在YouTube上找到所有喜欢的视频,新旧的视频。

During the pandemic, YouTube seems to have saved many of us from boredom on more than one occasion.


唱片,录音带,CD,DVD似乎都有有限的保质期。另一方面,流媒体似乎很快就不会去任何地方。结束4 billion people having access to the internet on this planet,流网站看起来越来越大。

Strangely enough, some users find this amount of choice frustrating. In the past, you might put a lot of thought into purchasing an album before you handed over your hard-earned cash. Most people would listen to the album from start to finish. Nowadays, it seems people don’t listen to whole albums which sometimes won’t help you appreciate the artist as much. Good music is often music that grows on you, and if you didn’t like the song at the start, you can just click on something else. It’s a strange complaint many people have, as in the “good old days” the thought of having such a large library of music is unimaginable.

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