那些希望我和安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)死的人是doa

安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)出现在一部新的泰勒·谢里丹(Taylor Sheridan)电影《那些希望我死的人》中,扮演“烟跳投”。如果您不立即熟悉“ Smoke Jumper”一词,那就是将降落伞降落在火区打击狂野大火的人。如果您认为这位45岁的屏幕女神是不太可能的抽烟跳投,那就加入俱乐部。这部分本来可以与年轻的弗朗西斯·麦克多曼(Frances McDormand)或格温多琳·克里斯蒂(Gwendoline Christie)一起演出(塔斯(Tarth)的布莱恩娜(Brianna)在“权力的游戏”中)。

Ho-Hum剧本是由泰勒·谢里丹(Taylor Sheridan),迈克尔·科里塔(Michael Koryta)和查尔斯·莱维特(Charles Leavitt)撰写的。当您意识到谢里登(​​Sheridan)指挥并获得2016年最佳原创剧本《地狱和高水》(Hell and High Water)的最佳原创剧本时,这似乎特别浅水和平淡。也许我们可以责怪该剧本所基于的书的作者Koryta或Leavitt(“魔兽”,2016年)。

这部电影是在2019年在新墨西哥州拍摄的,当时电影中扮演小男孩的澳大利亚儿童演员联合主演芬恩·利特尔(Finn Little)是13岁。他们可以将树木着火。太糟糕了,他们对此脚本中涉及的角色是现场还是死亡并没有引起任何兴趣。

情节:一个十几岁的谋杀证人发现自己pursued by twin assassins in the Montana wilderness with a survival expert tasked with protecting him — and a forest fire threatening to consume them all.” A forensic accountant (Jake Weber) realizes that two assassins—brothers in the book— (Aidan Gillan, Nicholas Hoult) are on their way to Jacksonville, Florida to kill him and his preadolescent son Connor (Finn Little) following the murder of his boss, a Fort Lauderdale D.A., in a great opening scene explosion.

犯罪家庭会计师和儿子乘汽车逃往蒙大拿州的Butte,寻求其姐夫警长Ethan(“行尸走肉”的乔恩·伯恩特尔(Jon Bernthal))的帮助。杀手期待这一举动,以残酷的方式在道路上杀死爸爸,这使康纳徘徊在蒙大拿州的荒野中,在那里他遇到了烟雾跳投跳投。

Young Connor立即将外套口袋中非常重要的信息交给了汉娜。(他的父亲刚刚去世是为了公开。)汉娜(安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie))在3秒内完全理解了它的意义,这令人震惊。他们回到汉娜(安吉丽娜(Angelina))被放逐到无处的火塔,因为PTSD错误地诊断了森林大火会杀死的方向,杀死了三个孩子。还有乔恩·伯恩塔尔(Jon Bernthal)怀孕的非洲裔美国妻子,她的足智多谋,以她的雄伟壮大的射手挽救了这一天。

虽然烟雾巨人和青春期的搭档试图进入当局,但杀手开始了一场愤怒的森林大火,最终威胁要消耗所有人。从未明确或从未连接过的情节点包括乔恩·伯恩塔尔(Jon Bernthal)与安吉丽娜(Angelina)(汉娜(Hannah))或康纳(Connor)的关系;Connor给汉娜的所有重要数据发生了什么;以及为什么安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)(在她一生之内被殴打之后)只有一个小小的划痕。

Actually, the young boy was not being pursued by assassins simply because he witnessed a murder. It was more that his father—an accountant for influential criminal elements who wants to tell the world—had given his son a duplicate copy of the incriminating data about the evil-doers. The murderers kill Dad in a spectacular car ambush, with his son in the car. The son does witness this murder, but it is essentially the sensitive information that the assassins are supposed to get—and then that entire plot line, which was never very well fleshed-out, is simply abandoned. The assassins were not “twins,” although brothers in the book. There were two of them, portrayed by Aiden Gillen (the short one) and Nicholas Hoult (the tall one). The bad guys get more lines than normal and considerably more fleshing out of their characters than either Angelina’s character or Connor’s.

I wanted to know what happened to the revelations that Dad put in young Connor’s pocket that set the entire plot in motion. I thought, “Wow! This guy is naïve enough to think that telling the纽约时报or the华盛顿邮报would be accepted in the world in 2021!” No belief in the fourth estate after Trump’s term in office. Trump worked overtime to destroy the public’s faith in what he termed “the mainstream (or lame-stream) media,” so getting such a list to the press at this point in history would simply have the evil-doers chanting that it was all “fake news.” The days of ‘Three Days of the Condo” when Robert Redford could save the day by contacting the NYT are long gone.

Angelina Jolie’s films have included such ambitious directorial challenges as “In the Land of Milk and Honey” (2011), “Unbroken” (2014), and “First They Killed My Father.” (2017) All were deadly serious film projects and Jolie helmed each. The person who would direct those complicated projects would not be playing a smoke jumper unless she was being paid a shitload of money to portray something so out of character and out of her wheelhouse.

泰勒·谢里丹(Taylor Sheridan)也写了《西卡里奥》(Sicario)(2015年)和《地狱或高水》(2016年)和导演的“风河”(Wind River),也会提出一部剧本,这些剧本将转化为比这种绒毛更为重要的东西。



Connie(Corcoran)Wilson(www.conniecwilson.com)是Quad City Times电影和书籍评论家已有15年了,自1970年以来一直不间断地审查电影。在爱荷华州/伊利诺伊州六所学院或大学教授写作或文学课,是雅虎2008年度政治年度的内容制作人,是70年代的作者:从教父到启示录,并写信给启示录。她自己的博客www.weeklywilson.com上的各种主题。周四晚上7点,Wilsly Wilson也是她在Bold Brave Media Global Network上的播客的名字。(CDT)。