
自从Covid-19-19大流行以来,家庭娱乐已经发展了很多。人们尝试了新的订阅服务,宁愿待在家里,而不是去电影院或视频游戏街机。他们中的大多数人注册了Netflix或Amazon Prime视频;即使是通常看广播电视的老年人,made the transition to streaming platforms。在家看电影比去电影院有一些优势。它更实惠,放松,更不用说您可以选择观看的内容。您喜欢家的所有奢侈品,而且您在屏幕上拥有自己喜欢的电影。那么,屏幕不那么大吗?

如果你热爱电影,然后像一个ll types, genres, etc. Perhaps it won’t lead to a career in filmmaking, but this passion of yours gives you something in common with other people, so it fosters social bonds. The strictest days of social distancing are behind you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep some of the pandemic habits alive. Watch movies without even leaving your couch. In case you didn’t know, there are ways to make the viewing experience a lot better. Keep on reading to find out what to do to make movie nights unforgettable.



背光不必花哨。环境照明会弄乱电视的图片,因此最好避免。安装LED带,您就可以了。您需要某种环绕声音频。内置的电视扬声器还不够。如今,有几个音响栏可供选择。最重要的是,您需要关闭手机。虽然这似乎只是分散注意力,但它可能会破坏整个电影观看体验。诱人的是装饰房间,保持简单。不必展示您多年来购买的所有东西。 It’s more important what’s on the screen.

Download the movie and have it ready for whenever you want to watch

Netflix, as well as Amazon Prime Video, require a strong Internet connection. Your Internet service should run at least 5 Mbps for HD movies; this is enough only for one user at a time. The problem is that, even if you have a fast connection, you don’t have any guarantee that the Internet provider won’t experience a technical error or decide to do some maintenance work. It’s recommended to download the movie you want to watch and have it ready for later on. You can download a lot of content for offline viewing. Make sure that your app is up-to-date and figure out how much space you have on your computer.


Surprising as it may seem, vaping THC oil can actually improve your movie-watching experience. It helps you unwind and relax, so you won’t feel distracted by any stress or tension. Vaping THC oil isn’t intoxicating. It simply puts you into the zone, meaning that the scariest or most emotional moments of the film will have a greater impact.三角洲8个购物车预先填充上馏出物,可以安全地处理。Delta 8 THC是一种奇异的大麻大麻素,本质上存在,没有人工辅助。需要注意这样一个事实,即如果您不习惯浓缩大麻素产品,则vape可能会刺耳。

您的大脑有一种紧急制动。因此,当您迫切需要休息时,您会感到焦虑。人体具有保护人们更体贴的保护机制。当您想推迟某些事情并休息一下时,您不一定必须诉诸于大麻的奇迹般的特性。但是,它可以帮助您。注意建议的食用量。起步时不要服用太多的Delta 8。监视您的感觉,以更好地了解最适合您的方法。由于它们的强度,达美(Delta)8货车的价格往往更高。流行的口味包括酸柴油,女童子军饼干和紫色拳头。


你有没有想过为什么我们在剧院吃爆米花? This snack managed to find its way into cinemas all across the world because it’s relatively cheap to produce, not to mention that you don’t need special skills to prepare it. In case you didn’t know, popcorn is a healthy snack when it’s made without salt, sugar, or butter. Needless to say, commercially available popcorn is filled with unhealthy ingredients. So, you should make your own. As mentioned earlier, it’s not complicated at all. Maybe you won’t replicate that distinct flavor at home, but at least you won’t be destroying your health.


