Three Of The Most Anticipated Sequels Coming Out In 2022

Sequels We Can’t Believe Are Finally In The Works

Sequels are a grey area for many, with plenty of people believing they’re never as good as the originals, while those in the other camp believe they continue the storyline and keep beloved characters returning.

对于那些热爱化身世界或角色Elle Woods和Newt Scamander的人,请继续阅读以了解何时将发布您最喜欢的续集。

Avatar 2 – Release Date: 16 December 2022

如果您错过了潘多拉(Pandora)充满活力的3D世界,那么您一直在等待不到十年的续集就在其中。导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron)告诉粉丝,原始电影将包括原始阿凡达(Avatar)的大部分演员阵容。山姆·沃辛顿(Sam Worthington)将再次成为杰克·苏利(Jake Sully),佐伊·萨尔达纳(Zoe Saldana)将重新担任纳蒂里(Neytiri),纳维(Na'vi)公主。

With Kate Winslet as Ronal, and a seemingly back from the dead Stephen Lang who will be portraying Colonel Miles Quaritch, there are a few other high-profile stars include Vin Diesel, Sigourney Weaver, and Michelle Yeoh (from Star Trek Discovery). Oona Chaplin (Charlie Chaplains granddaughter), who will be portraying Varag and Neytiri (if she sounds familiar, it’s because you likely saw her in G.O.T as Talisa Stark).

虽然它似乎已经永远等待,果酱es Cameron has planned an Avatar 3, 4, and 5, with the final set to be released on 22 December 2028. Though details are quite hush-hush, it seems that Avatar 2 will be set a few years after the initial films end, with Sully as chieftain and Neytiri as the high priestess of their clan.

They are also said to have an 8-year-old daughter. Avatar’s sequel will be taking place far beyond the lush Pandora forests, and instead have the characters journey beyond the forests and head into an incredible and terrifying world focusing on underwater and volcanic environments. If you are excited, it’s because we are too, especially if there’s another3D immersive experienceto be had from this film.

Legally Blonde 3 – Release date: 20 May 2022

It’s been far too long since bubbly Elle Woods (portrayed by Reese Witherspoon) has graced our screens, and to the delight of many, MGM confirmed that the originally release date of 20 May 2020 was pushed out by two years, to be released in 2022 instead. Director Jamie Suk will be taking the helm and writers Dan Goor (who co-wrote Brooklyn Nine-Nine as well as being a regular writer for The Daily Show) and Mindy Kaling (famed for portraying Kelly Kapoor of The Office fame, as well as writing and staring in The Mindy Project).

While precious little plot details have been revealed, some media outlets have reported that the movie will focus on Elle’s life as a 40-something year old lawyer, while comedian, actress and writer Mindy Kaling has stated that some things will make a return, since as she succinctly puts it, ‘bend and snap is forever’. For fans of the original, the news of the new movie is as exciting as claimingZAR casino promotions.

Fantastic Beasts 3 – Release Date: 15 July 2022

Fans ofthe Harry Potter franchiseshould have already caught up to the spin-off set ofFantastic Beasts movies, and if you have not yet, definitely check out movies one and two before next year July. It was originally slated for 12 November 2021, but the filming schedule had to be pushed back. While details remain scant on the plot, it is said to be a globe-trotting adventure and is presumed to have a build up towards World War II, but whether that’s happening for this film or for Fantastic Beasts 4 will remain to be seen.

由于Mads Mikkelsen将取代Johnny Depp演奏Gellert,因此发生了很大的变化。但是,其余的演员仍在参加第三部电影(禁止Zoe Kravitz,他作为Leta Lestrange的角色得出了可悲的结论 - 尽管闪回可能会在某个时候返回)。

Eddie Redmayne will be reprising his role as Newt Scamander, with Katherine Waterston as Tina Goldstein, Jude Law as Albus Dumbledore and Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski and Alison Sudol as Queenie Goldstein. Richard Coyle from the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina will also be starring in the upcoming film, but it’s all still quite hush-hush as to what role he’ll have (though it is likely to include some facial hair given his recent snaps)

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