
对于局外人来说,剧本听起来很容易。您所做的只是坐下来,在页面上说一些话,对吗?这是室内工作,没有繁重的举重。但是,当您试图取得成功时,体验会大不相同。有时,无论您多么努力,它都不会像您想要的那样出现 - 或者,更糟糕的是,它根本不会出来。本文将有助于您解决这个问题。您需要知道的第一件事是,总有您可以做的事情。


无论您过去教过什么,都有很多方法可以构建叙事。有些人坚持绘制40个场景的旧最爱。其他人 - 尤其是在写作时行动,节奏快,撞到70。Others still prefer to think in terms of the three or five act structures traditionally used on the stage, while others take a completely freewheeling approach, at least in the first draft. You can also experiment with things like non-linear chronology or nested narratives. Two things mark out the really successful scriptwriters: they’ve found techniques that suit their creative instincts; and they’re professional enough to heed others’ input and modify the end results where necessary.


Scripts aren’t simply about telling stories. They’re there to provide a structure which everything else in a production can coalesce around. Even documentaries have scripts – you can’t put together a complicated story likeKatharina Otto-Bernstein’sMapplethorpe:看图片没有订购信息并将不同元素链接在一起的方法。它们不仅提供场景,而且提供导演和编辑需要解决场景过渡的提示。他们让构建者弄清楚需要构造的内容,摄影师知道他们如何点亮它,依此类推。当您首先构建脚本时,请记住所有这些人,然后再进行第一次编辑,这意味着它更有可能进入屏幕。




No, not what you eat. While staying healthy certainly helps to keep the mind sharp, as a writer you also need to make sure you consume a steady diet of ideas. Many scriptwriters try looking for inspiration in similar pre-existing works, but this can be hazardous – you don’t want to end up producing a pale copy of someone else’s work. If you’re stuck in a rut, watching or reading something completely different can often be more helpful. Listen to music, go to art exhibitions, talk to people outside your usual social milieu. You can also engage in creative procrastination, working on several scripts at once and moving between them. This helps to keep your thinking fresh and ensures that there’s always something useful you can be getting on with.


尽管剧本比对话还有更多的内容,但最终,如果您无法捕捉人们说话的方式,那么您将挣扎。在不同的空间中花费时间只是听自然的对话,这可能是一个很大的帮助。聚会,餐厅和公共交通是作家最喜欢的景点,当您在他们之间移动时,您会感到每种节奏的不同节奏。It can also be helpful to record conversation (don’t do it without permission – ask your friends and then leave the recorder running until they forget it’s there) so that you can break it down afterwards and get a better understanding of how it works (which is not as logical as you might think). Finally, make sure you’re listening to your own dialog. Reading it out loud or getting a friend to read it can give you a very different impression from just looking at it on the page.

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If you’ve been struggling with your script for a long time, don’t despair. Every writer goes through it. What matters is having the wit and perseverance to carry on.
