Classic Documentaries: Rap’s Deadliest Feud Investigated by Nick Broomfield

Free time over the festive period? Nick Broomfield’s fascinating documentaries investigating the murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. and the East Coast West Coast rap feud of the 1990s make for compelling viewing.

尼克·布鲁姆菲尔德在1990年代和2000年代,他以自己的名字命名为一种Lo-Fi Gonzo纪录片制片人,涵盖了一些黑暗的新闻报道,文化事件和当时的人们 - 艾琳·沃诺斯(Aileen Wournos),定罪的连环杀手,库尔特·科本(Kurt Cobain)的死亡,库尔特·科本(Kurt Cobain)的死亡,摇滚明星和共和党副总统提名人莎拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)是他的臣民。

Perhaps Broomfield’s most famous work is Biggie and Tupac, released in 2002. With the help of a cast of associates of the two rappers, family members, ex-cops and convicted felons, and finally, a shaky interview with imposing and imprisoned Death Row records mogul, Suge Knight, the film maker attempts to unlock the truth behind the killings of two or raps biggest stars of the era. In 2021, close to two decades on, a follow-up, Last Man Standing: Suge Knight and the Murders of Biggie and Tupac was released re-assessing some of the findings from the first film and reflecting on the culture of the hip-hop scene that was the backdrop to the murders.

Fans of hip hop, students of film, or just those fascinated by the noir-ish narratives that led to the terrible killings will enjoy watching Broomfield’s weaving investigation in the first of the two films in which he alleges that Suge Knight was ultimately responsible for both murders, having Tupac shot before he could leave the Death Row records label, and then ordering the shooting of Biggie in an attempt to divert attention from his involvement in the first crime.

Central to the whole story is an ex-cop called Russell Poole and an ex-con called Kevin Hackie who alleges LAPD involvement in Biggie’s murder. Since the film’s release its version of events and the credibility of its witnesseshas been questioned还有替代方案,最值得注意的是,图帕克的谋杀案是为了报仇犯罪当晚的傍晚时分,他和骑士的殴打向南边的Crip帮派成员报仇。


而且,如果您认为Biggie和Tupac可以有趣地观看,那么您几乎肯定会想跟进今年的最后一个男人,这是Broomfield重新讨论故事情节的机会。在这种情况下,纪录片的前提是,苏格·奈特(Suge Knight)现在已经锁定了28年的自愿杀人罪,这使同事更有可能随着他的力量减弱。还有进一步证词,骑士命令比奇·斯莫尔斯(Biggie Smalls)从监狱杀害,也有更多建议,即LAPD合作,特别是来自前LAPD负责人伯纳德·帕克斯(Bernard Parks)的女儿米歇尔·帕克斯(Michelle Parks)。

迷人的在最后一个站着的人的资料e of Tupac that paints the picture of an idealistic young man and extremely talented actor and rapper who was drawn into the toxic world of Suge Knight and Death Row Records and paid the ultimate price.“他是一个非常善良的人,”他的朋友Demetrius Striplin回忆道。“他迷失了坚强的形象。”

同时,东海岸西海岸仇恨的更广泛故事得到了扩展。这是多次愤怒和报应的故事,鼓舞人心的书籍,电影,甚至线上游戏。Ultimately, it comes across as tiresome, full of tit for tat disses and spiteful swipes at the opposition, simmering away for several years, swirling around the relationship between Tupac and Biggie’s estranged wife, Faith Evans, stoked by Knight and eventually culminating in the two shootings. Above all when you watch these fascinating documentaries you can’t help but be left with a sense of tragedy and regret. With the main protagonists all dead or imprisoned, what was it all for?

好吧,现在您可以自己找出……最初的Biggie和Tupac电影可以在Amazon Prime上获得,而在BBC iPlayer上可以看到最后一个站立的后续行动。
